Home > The Hunt (By Kiss and Claw #2)(60)

The Hunt (By Kiss and Claw #2)(60)
Author: Melissa Haag

As I drove through town, I briefly considered Mrs. Quill’s offer. My stomach rumbled greedily in agreement, which worried me. I’d hated every bit of energy I’d taken from them and blamed the intensity of my hunger on that group feeding. I was used to being hungry. Or I had been. Stupid dinner.

I kept driving, and when I reached the clearing and parked, I sent a quick text to both Mom and Mrs. Quill to let them know that I wasn’t up for dinner.

The walk back to the cabin wasn’t horrible, thanks to the decent path I was making. I wondered if that would cause a problem for Fenris, though, if anyone stumbled across it. I took out my phone to text him then remembered he was sleeping.

Instead, I texted Jenna.

Me: Did you check in on Fenris? Is he any better?

Jenna: I met him outside his house. He looked less confrontational and apologized for yelling. I followed him in to make sure he actually went to bed.

Me: I’m not sure if I should be impressed or worried that he actually listened.

Jenna: Maybe a little bit of both. His dad was there. When he saw me, he got excited that Fenris had finally chosen.

Jenna: Fenris blew up and told Raiden to find a new hobby and to stop obsessing over his mateless state. Then he shut himself in his room.

Jenna: Raiden looked like he was ready to beat Fenris’s door down.

Jenna: I convinced his dad it was the pressure everyone was putting on Fenris coupled with the lack of sleep. He agreed to let him rest, but only if I stay the night too. I think he’s trying to scent condition Fenris.

Me: Scent condition?

Jenna: It’s what Aubrey was trying to do. By having her scent around him and on him all the time, she was hoping that Fenris would automatically go for her when he came into his run.

Poor Fenris. At least it was Jenna. She was nice.

Me: Good luck. I’m pretty sure he’ll appreciate the extra cuddles regardless.

I pocketed my phone and imagined Fenris’s expression when he woke up to Jenna spooning him. I could picture him reacting like me. Panicked yet desperate to be diplomatic to spare Jenna’s feelings.

Or maybe the conditioning would work, and he’d pounce.

My stomach cramped, and I whimpered.

That tingle of awareness returned before I reached the tucked away sanctuary. Hungry and worrying about Ashlyn, Fenris, the banshee songs, and whatever Adira would do next since I backed out of dinner, I wasn’t in the mood for being the mouse in a cat and mouse game. Because of that, I kept marching to the cabin. If I stopped, I wasn’t sure what I’d do to whatever was out there, toying with me.

The fire needed a bit of coaxing to take off again. As soon as I had it going, I changed into my pajamas and crawled into the cold bed, not caring if something thought to attack while I slept. If only I could sleep. My stomach continued to cramp and make loud sounds of protest, keeping me awake long enough that I added more wood to the fire twice.

Finally, exhaustion took over, and I slipped into a better dream than the one I’d had earlier.

This time, I knew what I wanted. Cakes. I’d barely thought it when the forest appeared with branches laden with triple-layered lemon cake. Blueberries dotted the meringue buttercream frosting. My mouth watered as I grabbed the first one. I didn’t shove it into my mouth but breathed it in.

The tangy sweetness of lemon burst on my tongue.

The trees shook more cakes free. Chocolate Lava. More Triple Lemon cakes. Spice cakes. The options went on, but I wanted lemon. I fed ravenously, my hunger demanding another helping as soon as I finished the first. But it didn’t seem to matter. The number of sweet treats never diminished from the branches.

Slowly, the ache in my middle eased. I didn’t stop. But I did slow enough to savor what I was consuming. Instead of only breathing in the cake, I took my time to drag my tongue through the lemon curd filling.

The world beneath me trembled, and I paused. The cake varieties vanished in an instant, leaving only lemon. Before I could wonder what was happening, a pressure settled on the back of my head.

“Feed,” the trees encouraged. “You’re safe. Take what you need.”

My hunger wanted me to listen, but that sensation on the back of my head felt wrong. I reached around to feel my hair, but nothing was there. Yet, I felt trapped, and panic rose. I struggled against the weight.

The pressure vanished.

“Shh. It’s your choice,” the trees rumbled. “Always. Forgive me.”

The trembling beneath my feet eased.



Chapter Eighteen



I looked around at the cakes, noting the variety had returned.

Not trusting the forest, I sat with my back against the trees and watched for a while. The cakes swayed gently, teasing me with their scents. Eventually, I gave in and inhaled more. But I was careful not to lick the icing. The trees seemed to like that just a little too much.

I was lazily lounging on the ground, letting the cake flavors drift into my mouth when the ground rumbled again. Above me, the branches shook.

“I’ll save you, my goddess!”

I sat up and looked around for skunks.

“I vow to protect the glory of your honeyed petals, glistening with their delicious sweet nectar.”

I covered my ears. “No, no, no. Wake up, Eliana. Wake up.”

The trees continued to shake until they disappeared. A rush of frigid air enveloped me.

“You!” Piepen wailed.

An abhorrently familiar skunk scent mingled with the ebbing sweet scents of cakes as I opened my eyes.

“Piepen,” Fenris said calmly.

I turned my head to look at the pair. Piepen hovered at head height, glaring accusingly at Fenris, who stood just inside the open cabin door. The bare expanse of Fenris’s back and the way the shorts he wore rode low on his hips had me staring longingly.

“Woman, eyes up here,” Piepen squeaked, zipping through the opening.

Fenris grabbed for him, but the brownie was too fast and zipped right toward my head.

I lifted my hand.


Piepen came to an abrupt halt inches from my face, his arms spread wide and the front of his pants tented. Based on the pose and the frantic look in his eyes, I’d just prevented nasal penetration.

“Why are you here, Piepen?”

His arms dropped to his sides, and he gave me a woeful look.

“Dewy had the baby. I told her I wouldn’t sell my wings, and she said without the money, the baby will go hungry. Then, I thought of your gloriously mounded breasts.”

His hand drifted toward his crotch, but he changed direction and ran it through his hair before I could scold him.

“Will you breastfeed the baby?” he asked earnestly. “I know we have to worry about the child you carry, but your bountiful breasts could feed all three of us.”


“Our babe, my son, and myself. Just to assure quality,” he said quickly.

Behind him, Fenris was making choked noises behind his hand.

Piepen noted the direction of my gaze and zipped to the right, interrupting my line of sight.

“Why are you here with the wolf?”

“I thought I’d be able to sleep peacefully here. How did you find me?”

“You wear my mark. There’s nowhere you can go that I won’t find you.”

“That makes you a stalker, Piepen,” Fenris said, finally speaking up. “No one wants a stalker.”

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