Home > The Hunt (By Kiss and Claw #2)(59)

The Hunt (By Kiss and Claw #2)(59)
Author: Melissa Haag

“Everything went the way the druids said it would go. They chanted, the fire changed colors, and I said my mom’s name. That was it. But when I looked at the door where Ashlyn had been standing, she was gone. At first, I thought she’d just slipped out. But when she wasn’t in independent studies, I began to worry. I told Adira. She said she would have the new liaison officer look for Ashlyn. She even has Raiden searching Uttira, but he hasn’t found her.

“I tracked down the druids and told them to figure out what happened to Ashlyn. They’ve cast spells looking for her, even one to see if she’s dead, but she’s not. She’s just not anywhere they can locate her. It’s like something is hiding her. They think it’s possible that it’s another druid but don’t know for sure. She’s gone because of me, Megan. What if she’s hurt?”

“Then I’m holding the druids responsible, not you. You didn’t cast the spell. They did. They shouldn’t have meddled with things they didn’t understand. Was all that stuff about me figuring out why the banshees were screaming just a way to keep me from coming home?”

“Mostly no. I don’t trust Adira to find actual answers about anything. Ashlyn’s missing. Banshees are screaming, and do you know what Adira’s worried about? Why I ditched class, who I’m with, and why I’m not showing up to her stupid dinners.”

I wiped under my nose.

“Yes, you might want to swoop in and save your friend from a few tears, but I trust you to put the needs of all living things before your own personal wants. Unlike Adira.”

Megan snorted.

“Shows what you know. I’d damn the world for you, Eliana.”

I heard the rumble of Oanen’s voice in the background.

“Oanen says he’d be my wingman while I do it, too. You should have told me, us, right away. You shouldn’t have had to deal with everything on your own.”

“I wasn’t on my own. I had Ashlyn until she disappeared. And Fenris.”

“And how is our adorable tail-wagger doing?”

“You really need to stop provoking Oanen. A griffin’s protectiveness tends to lean toward jealous fits.”

Megan laughed. “Oanen and I have a deal when it comes to Fenris. He doesn’t get to touch him unless I say so.”

“And he agreed to that? You’re a Fenris-level dealmaker.”

“Fenris has been making deals? Do tell.”

I sighed. “Focus, Megan. Fenris’s gambling addiction can’t be your primary concern. What are we going to do about Ashlyn?”

She was quiet for a moment.

“I reached out to Zayn after you warned me about the Council throwing around his name, but he hasn’t gotten back to me. I think he’s where we should start for help with figuring out what your druids did, though.”

“And you? Are you coming back?”

“As much as I want to let my fury free on a few Council members, I think you’re right about the banshees. That’s the bigger problem and potential threat, and I can probably do more good out here than I can in there.”

“I’m sorry I kept the truth from you. I should have told you everything right away.”

“You should have. But you’ve saved me from too many of my own bad decisions for me to stay upset over it.”

“But what if something happens to Ashlyn? The druids are positive she’s still alive, but for how long?”

“Let’s worry about what we can control. First, I’ll reach out to Zayn again and explain there’s a life on the line. Then, I’ll finish chasing banshee leads out here. Once I’m done, I’ll come home whether I hear from Zayn or not.”

“Home?” My eyes went wide. “Sweet Mary’s stable blanket, I almost forgot about Elbner again.”

Megan sniggered. “Your swearing still needs work.”

“Well, your house doesn’t, thanks to that ornery little shoe thrower.” I glanced at the fire, which was down to a glowing bed of coals, and I hurried to get my jacket. Since I planned to be right back, I hoped it wouldn’t go completely out before I returned.

Megan stayed on the phone with me as I jogged through the woods and then drove to her house. She told me all about her banshee leads, which were few but widespread, and how she never wanted to go back to northern Russia again because it was nothing but snow. She had me laughing a few times and forgetting about everything but her adventures until I pulled up to the house.

“I better let you go,” I said, warily eyeing the back door. “I usually need two hands to dodge the shoes Elbner throws.”

“Tell him I say to cut it out or he can find a new house to ruin.”

I looked at her immaculate house and shoveled driveway.

“I think your idea of ruining a house is warped.”

“Nope. My house was perfectly undesirable, which kept people away.”

I laughed.

“It didn’t keep me away. Or Oanen or Fenris or Aubrey.”

“Yeah, yeah. You made your point. And I hope I made mine. No more leaving me out of your life. No matter what happens, call me. Trust me to have your back.”

“Trust seems to be a hang-up for me according to Fenris.”

“Well, now you made me want to keep talking. What types of trust issues are you and Fenris talking about?”

“You are far too fascinated with that wolf for your own good. Bye, Megan.”

She was still begging for details as I hung up on her. I smiled, glad she’d called to yell at me. Not only did I know she’d help me figure out where Ashlyn was, but she’d also distracted me from my hunger.

When I looked up, I almost screamed.

Elbner had opened the door and was standing behind the screen in the dark house.

“Elbner, that’s really creepy. I think I’d almost prefer a shoe.”

“Who were you talking to?” he asked. Asked, not demanded. His tone was grumpy, sure, but not as angry as I’d thought it would be.

“That was Megan. She’s going to be coming home soon. She’s worried you made her house look too nice, but I promised her it’s perfect.”

He grunted and moved out of the way as I opened the door. His bowl and spoon were already out on the table.

“I’m really sorry about Monday. With the banshees singing, everything’s been crazy.”

“I heard them. I figured.”

I paused with my hand on the honey and looked back at him. His gaze conveyed so much anger, which was pretty typical, but his words were almost…

“You’re being awfully nice. Not that I mind, but is everything okay?”

“When is Megan coming home?”

“Um, I’m not sure. A few days? Maybe a week. She wasn’t sure herself.”

“I think it’s time I move on. I’d like to say goodbye to Piepen before I go, though.”

“Oh, I don’t think that’s possible. He has a new home now. And a girlfriend.”

A hungry look crossed Elbner’s expression. My appetite responded instantly, and my vision sharpened.

“I know Megan finds eating brownie wings repulsive. I wouldn’t do it if I were you.”

He grunted and sat down at the table, watching me mix his oats, milk, and honey. The way he hungrily dug in as soon as I was finished made me hungrier. I fled the house without saying goodbye.

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