Home > Chosen Wolf (The Marked Wolf #2)(38)

Chosen Wolf (The Marked Wolf #2)(38)
Author: Jen L. Grey

Even though I wanted to panic, I pushed it back. If I let my fear take over, I could put us in danger. If one of us died, it was all over. Then some other poor girls in the future would be burdened with the curse.

The trees became denser, and our group had to form a straight line. Remus took the center, between Ivory and Beth. Logan took charge of the back.

The thick line of blood that painted the ground thinned. The injured wolf’s healing abilities had kicked in, which was a blessing. That meant the injury hadn’t been fatal.

Aidan followed the scent, and I didn’t stop him. He was heading in the direction I wanted to go.

With each step, the tug grew stronger. With each girl, the connection amplified. It was like two magnets pulling together.

I heard faint voices, which meant we were getting close to whoever we were tracking. I couldn’t make out the words yet, but I’d be able to in a few minutes.

Our group wasn’t walking fast. We were being slow and methodical. Under different circumstances, this would have been a lovely place to run wild and free. The temperature was in the low forties, and nature was alive and all around. The trees were lush and so thick it blocked out the sun. If it hadn’t been for the cry, I never would have thought something was amiss.

“She really thought she could escape?” A deep, vicious voice asked.

“We’ll have to put that stupid bitch in her place.” Another man chuckled with delight. “I mean, what better way to keep them all in line?”

Is this The Hallowed Guild? They apparently treated their women like they weren’t important.

I don’t think so. Aidan kept his steady pace. I haven’t heard of a branch here, but that doesn’t mean things haven’t changed. Dad keeps close watch on the Guild packs.

Oh, really? Now that he said it, it made sense that he would.

Remember our pack is directly descended from the original alpha? Aidan used to sound like he was in turmoil whenever he spoke about his family, but now it was as if he’d accepted that they were our enemies.

But I didn’t even consider that he’d be keeping track of them. I needed to be thinking more strategically.

He makes his rounds to all Guild packs every couple of years. I only know of five packs, and this isn’t one.

Well, at least, we had that going for us.

“I still can’t believe that girl ran off,” the deeper-voiced man spoke again. “Maybe they need a reminder that they’re our property.”

The worst type of people were the ones who got off on hurting others. It was a damn shame that some packs were led by such heartless alphas.

We were inching up on the pack’s grounds, and luckily, the wolves seemed none the wiser. Old wooden houses had seen better days. The roofs were sagging, and the walls were rotted.

Let’s go this way. Aidan led us away from the men’s voices.

That’s where I’m being pulled anyway. Luckily, those two idiots weren’t with her.

We stuck to the trees as we quickly walked around the clearing where they’d made their home. It wasn’t large, but at least sixty houses were spread out. They were small with only a couple of rooms if that.

The strong scent of blood stopped me in my tracks. The coppery smell revolted inside my stomach.

“Dear God, what happened?” a young woman asked from only a few feet away.

Aidan moved so we could all pile under some brush next to a large tree. The seven of us got down on our knees and huddled out of view next to the men still in their wolf form.

The girl who must have spoken rushed by two poorly built houses and ran over to the tree line. She dropped to her knees next to someone curled up in a ball on the ground.

The girl leaned over the body, her dark hair cascading down her shoulders. “What did you do?” she asked as she reached out her dark olive hand toward the injured person.

The pull was so damn strong that there was no denying it. One of those girls was a chosen one.

“I just wanted to leave.” The other girl moved, and her dark brown hair spilled across the green grass. “Mom died last night, which means …” The girl groaned as she sat upright and clutched her side.

“You don’t have any protection.” The darker-haired girl huffed. “Why didn’t you tell me?”

“Because I took off this morning.” The girl moved her hand, revealing her blood-soaked shirt. “It didn’t do much good.”

“You made things so much worse, Ada.” The darker girl rubbed her arms. “They’ll make an example out of you, which is bad. We’re the last two women who haven’t been mated off.”

“Honor, you know what our fates will be if we stay here. You’ll be forced to mate with that sicko alpha and me his beta.” The girl turned slightly before she stopped and winced. “We need something more to go on.”

The tug was so overwhelmingly hard I couldn’t handle it anymore. I’m going to talk to her.

What? No. He shook his wolf head hard several times.

Before I could stand, footsteps pounded in their direction.

“Shit, here they come.” Honor stood in front of the girl, blocking her.

“You’d better leave before …” Ada trailed off.

“Now, why am I not surprised to find Honor here?” The one with the cruel voice stepped into view. He was about my height, which I hadn’t expected, but he was large. He had long, greasy, mousy-brown hair pulled back into a man bun. He crossed his arms over his mammoth chest as his icy green gaze focused on her.

“It’s for the best.” Another guy came into view. He was the same height but smaller, with oily dark hair. His forehead shone as if you could skate on it, and his dead eyes locked on Ada, who could only partially be seen behind Honor. “We don’t have to find her.”

“She’s already hurt.” Honor cleared her throat. “Haven’t you done enough?” She stared the bigger guy down.

“Apparently not since you’re acting so defiant.” The alpha flashed across the space between them and grabbed Honor by the throat. “You see, there’s a big problem. You and Ada think you’re more than you are.” He squeezed her throat, and she coughed. “We need to teach you both your place.” He let go, and the girl fell to her knees.

Everything inside me told me to go and help them.

Aidan connected with me, barely in the nick of time. If you go, the whole pack will descend. We won’t make it out alive.

He was right, but dammit, what kind of person sat back and watched this?

As soon as Honor moved to stand, the alpha punched her right in the side.

She cried out and collapsed to the ground.

Gabby moved to get on her feet, but Logan nabbed her hand with his mouth, keeping her still.

“Stop it,” Ada yelled from the ground. As she tried to stand, the beta leaned over her and dug his fingers right into her wound. Blood sprouted on her clothes, and she crumbled back onto the ground.

“You don’t get to tell us what to do,” the sicko said as he smiled, watching tears pour down Ada’s face as she shivered in pain.

“You know what? Enough is enough.” The alpha turned to his friend. “We mate with them tonight. I’m done with their ways.”

What kind of monsters were they? I’d never seen such vile creatures before.

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