Home > Making Her Mine (The Callahans #6)(23)

Making Her Mine (The Callahans #6)(23)
Author: Monica Murphy

When am I not thinking of Beck?

“It would be impossible to be on the cheer team and play volleyball,” Tori continues. “So, no regrets.”

“Same for me.” The boys jog off the field for a break, many of them grabbing their water bottles and taking long swigs. Beck clutches the hem of his sleeveless T-shirt and lifts it up, wiping what I can only assume is sweat dripping off his jaw.

Gross, right? That’s what I try and tell myself.

But my gaze drops to the slice of stomach he’s revealing. Even from this distance, I can just make out the trail of dark hair that leads from his navel and disappears into the waistband of his shorts. His flat abs. His biceps flex, and he tips his head back when he drinks from the water bottle he just picked up, the strong column of his neck making me wish I could kiss him right there.

Even if he was sweaty and smelly, I’d do it. Press my lips to warm, salty skin, breathing in his scent. Feel the way his pulse picks up beneath my lips—

“I like Dom.” A little sigh escapes Tori. “I’m glad we’re talking and I have a feeling we’re going to end up together, which is so exciting. But…”

Her voice drifts and I frown, turning toward her. “But what?”

“Beck Callahan is so freakin’ fine I can barely stand it. I mean look at him! He makes drinking water look sexy.” Tori waves a hand in Beck’s direction.

I can’t help but laugh because I was thinking the same exact thing. “I know,” I tell her with a wistful sigh. “I know.”









“Follow me over to Marisco’s?” Liam yells as he approaches me in the parking lot.

I’ve been waiting for him in my car for the last ten minutes. Everyone else has pretty much left. I’m one of the last cars in the lot, besides Liam’s old Toyota truck, sitting not too far from mine.

“Sure,” I say as I roll the window up, watching him get into his truck. He’s wearing the clothes he had on earlier today and I wonder if he took a shower.

God, I hope so. I really don’t want to sit across from a sweaty, smelly boy while I try and eat my dinner.

And Marisco’s? Everyone goes there because it’s fast and cheap—and delicious—Mexican food. It’s right next to the Starbucks in town. The entire strip of businesses and restaurants is always busy, filled with people from school, especially at lunch and after practice.

I’m sure we’ll see someone we know. And everyone will see us together. By tomorrow, the word will be out.

Addison and Liam are a thing.

My mind drifts as I follow Liam out of the school parking lot, remembering how Beck glanced over at me, his gaze narrowed and his face formed into a sexy scowl, when he saw Liam and I chatting directly after practice.

I used to get a little embarrassed when my friends would talk about how sexy someone was. I always thought it sounded so silly and completely over the top. And so…grown up. How could I think someone was sexy when I was only fifteen, sixteen, whatever?

Guess what? Beck Callahan is freakin’ sexy. Everything about him just…ugh.

What am I doing having dinner with Liam when he doesn’t make me feel even a spark of interest? One pissed-off glare cast in my direction from Beck Callahan and I’m ready to go up in flames.

Clearly, I’m doing something wrong here.

By the time we pull into the parking lot where Marisco’s is located, there are hardly any spots left, which fills me with dread. This means all sorts of people are here. I spot more than a few familiar cars.

I’m climbing out of my car when Liam approaches, a contrite expression on his face. “Hey, I know I asked you to dinner, but I just realized I left my wallet in the boys’ locker room.”

Well, that was stupid. It’ll probably be stolen by tomorrow, if he doesn’t go get it now.

“You want to go back to school and get it?” I ask.

“Coaches are gone for the night. The locker room will be locked,” he answers, shoving his hands in the pockets of his shorts.

“Are you asking me to pay for dinner then?” I ask, a little shocked that he would do this.

It’s an accident, I remind myself. Not like he did it on purpose.

He makes a face. “I hate to do this, but I have no money on me.”

“It’s okay,” I reassure him. “No biggie.”

Relief spreads across his features. “Thanks for understanding, Addison.”

“Sure.” I shake my head. “No problem.”

We start toward Marisco’s and Liam walks ahead of me when he spots one of his buddies. A guy named Danny, who’s a year younger than us, is standing in front of the restaurant, a giant burrito wrapped in foil clutched in his hand. Danny grins at him and they slap hands, Liam leaning in close to say something in his ear, making Danny laugh as he glances over at me.

What the hell is that about?

“Want to go inside and order for us?” Liam asks me, as I approach where he’s standing with Danny. “I’ll take four carne asada tacos.”

I glance through the window inside the restaurant and see how busy it is. The line to order is long, and every table is filled, mostly with people from school. “Um, sure?”

“You’re the greatest,” Liam says, before turning all of his attention to Danny.

Reluctantly, I walk into the restaurant, baffled by how Liam is treating me. Like he doesn’t give a crap. He didn’t even say please or thank you when he gave me his food order—that I’m paying for.

I go to the back of the line and wave hi at a few people I know before I check my phone. Thankfully, the line moves pretty quickly, and there are only two people ahead of me when Marcus walks inside the restaurant, Emma by his side.

“What are you doing here?” Emma asks me before she tilts her head back and gazes adoringly at Marcus.

“I’m grabbing dinner with Liam,” I answer. “Remember?”

“Oh. Right.” She glances around. “Where is he?”

“Outside with Danny.” Marcus jerks his thumb toward the entrance, his gaze meeting mine and a knowing smile curling his lips. “Tell me he didn’t get you to pay for his dinner.”

I frown. “What are you talking about?”

“Did he pull the, I forgot my wallet trick that he usually does?” Emma slaps Marcus’ chest, and he glares at her before returning his attention to me. “Sorry. He’s only done that like…once.”

Uh huh. I get the feeling that I’ve been totally played.

Once I place my order, I go sit at an empty—but incredibly messy—table. I grab a couple of napkins and wipe the remnants off, glancing out the window. Liam is still outside, talking and laughing with Danny.

Why isn’t he inside with me?

Emma leaves Marcus in line and joins me at the table, a sympathetic look on her face. “I’m sorry for what Marcus said. He’s just joking.”

I lean across the table, lowering my voice. “I don’t think he’s joking at all. I don’t doubt that Liam has pulled this sort of stunt before.”

Emma mimics my body posture, her brows lowered in concern. “What kind of stunt?”

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