Home > Making Her Mine (The Callahans #6)(24)

Making Her Mine (The Callahans #6)(24)
Author: Monica Murphy

“He said he forgot his wallet in the boys’ locker room.” I can just feel the doubt on my face and it’s reflected in Emma’s gaze. “I thought it sounded a little suspicious.”

A sigh leaves her and she slowly shakes her head. “He doesn’t come from the…best family.”

“What’s that supposed to mean? And how do you know this?”

“I’ve had him in a few classes over the years, and people talk. His parents divorced when he was little and his mom took off. His dad isn’t the greatest. Left him home a lot when he was young, so he got into some trouble when he was fourteen, fifteen. They don’t have a lot of money either, so maybe that’s why he had to pull the I forgot my wallet thing,” Emma explains.

“Then why did he ask me to dinner in the first place, if he couldn’t afford it? That sucks.” My gaze goes to the window, yet again, where he’s still standing outside talking to Danny. And a couple of other guys have joined them too. “He’s not even sitting with me or talking to me. This isn’t a date. This is a guy using me to get a meal.”

“Oh, don’t judge him too quickly. He’s not that bad,” Emma says, glancing over her shoulder to also watch him through the window for a few seconds before she turns to face me once more. “Don’t be surprised if Danny sits with you guys while you eat. He’s been Liam’s shadow lately.”

Right on cue, Liam and Danny enter the restaurant, Liam smiling when he spots me sitting with Emma. They walk over to our table and settle in, Liam next to me and Danny next to Emma.

“Where’s dinner?” Liam asks me, making Danny laugh.

I glare at him. “It’s not ready yet.”

“Cool.” Liam flicks his chin at me. “Mind if Danny chills with us?”

Emma muffles her laughter with her hand.

“Only if Emma and Marcus sit with us too?” I meet her gaze. “You guys want to hang with us?”


“Great.” I bare my teeth at all of them, irritated beyond belief.

Beck would never do this to me. If he asked me on a date, he’d actually take me on one. He’d buy my dinner. He’d pay attention to me. My ex was better than this guy. Jonah was fun. He always seemed completely into me, even when his friends were trying to convince him to dump me for a girl in band.

Those band kids really stick together. Just like the jocks stick with the cheerleaders and the smart kids all hang out. Typical high school behavior I guess, breaking off into our little groups.

Marcus makes his way over to the table, giving Danny a dirty look until he gets out of the chair that’s next to Emma and goes to find another one.

“How’s my girl?” Marcus asks Emma, once he settles into the chair Danny just vacated.

Emma kisses him right on the lips. “I’m good.”

I watch them. The way they seem lost in each other’s eyes. The possessive way Marcus touches her, as if he owns her. I don’t know if I want all that, but I want something close.

Without worrying if my man is cheating on me because, let’s face facts—Monique is for sure still in the picture. She’ll rear her rotten head back in between their relationship and try to ruin things.

I’m glad Emma and Marcus joined us. They make things a lot less awkward. Liam goes to grab our food, only after Emma kicks him in the shin when our number is called. Once Liam brings the tray to the table, he shares his tacos with Danny while I eat my asada fries, batting Danny’s hand away every time he tries to steal one.

What the hell is happening right now?

“I’m having a party,” Marcus announces when we’re almost done eating.

Liam leans over the table to high five Marcus. “Hell yeah. At your house? When?”

Marcus nods. “Tomorrow night after the scrimmage. My parents are gone all weekend, taking my sister to college. I have the place to myself.”

“Do I get to stay the night?” Emma practically coos to Marcus.

He slips his arm around her shoulders, hauling her in close. “Whatever you want, sexy. You can stay the entire weekend.”

“Your parents going to be okay with that?” I ask Emma.

Emma shoots me an irritated look. “I’ll just tell them I’m at your house.”

“The scrimmage won’t last long, which gives us more time to party,” Marcus continues. “And my brother is bringing the booze, so we’re good.”

“Sounds like a bash.” Liam kicks my chair leg, jolting me. “You want to come with me? We can ride up together.”

I hate that he asked me in front of everyone. I have an audience, which makes me really uncomfortable, especially when I actually want to turn him down. And they’re all watching me, waiting for my answer. Talk about awkward. “Uh…”

“We can ride up together, Addie,” Emma suggests. “You can ride up with Marcus, Liam.”

“I ain’t taking this schmuck with me.” Marcus points at Liam, who bats his finger away. “He can find his own ride.”

“I’ll take you up,” Danny says to Liam.

The sullen expression on Liam’s face tells me he’s not happy with the situation but too bad. He really put me on the spot.

Thank God Emma saved me.

“I really need to get home,” I say. “I have homework.”

“On the first day of school?” Liam’s brows shoot up. “Give me a break.”

Danny coughs the word “bullshit” into his fist.

I think of what Beck said about me having homework, and how he teased me about it. At least he didn’t make me feel bad. Unlike these jerks.

“I have to write that intro paragraph too.” Emma turns to Marcus. “I should go.”

“Come on. You said we could hang out for a little while longer.” He toys with the strap of her tank top, his touch almost intimate.

Emma pulls away from his hand. “You can have me all weekend. Come on, let’s go.”

We all toss our trash and walk out of the restaurant together, the warm evening air like a smack in the face after the chilly air conditioning inside. I head straight for my car, not even waiting to talk to Liam, when I hear footsteps coming from behind me.

Turning, I find Liam heading my way, Danny long gone. Marcus and Emma are in Marcus’s truck, already pulling out of their parking spot.

“Addie, hey.” He stops in front of me. “Sorry about what happened in there.”

Is he really sorry? Or is he just sorry I got mad?

“It’s fine,” I say on a sigh, though it’s totally not.

“I’ll pay you back for dinner.”

“The money isn’t the issue.”

Liam frowns. “There’s an issue?”

I glance around the parking lot, wishing Emma hadn’t left. “I don’t know if I want to wear your jersey tomorrow.”

“Why the hell not?” He rests his hands on his hips. “All because I forgot my wallet and asked you to cover me? I’ll pay you back, I swear.”

“Marcus mentioned you’ve done this sort of thing before,” I admit.

He’s quiet for a moment, his eyes darkening. “Marcus is an asshole.”

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