Home > Making Her Mine (The Callahans #6)(55)

Making Her Mine (The Callahans #6)(55)
Author: Monica Murphy

I nod, misery coursing through me. “I never meant to disappoint you, Mom. Or Dad. I didn’t mean to get into a fight either.”

Her smile is gentle. “I know. How was your father when he found out?”

“In shock, I think.” I’m going to hear it from him tonight, I’m sure.

“Yeah, I bet.” She stops and leans against the counter, close to where I’m sitting. “How’s Addison?”

“I don’t know. We didn’t get a chance to talk.” I shrug. “I’m going to text her later, after volleyball practice.”

“Beck.” I glance up when she says my name. “Are your feelings…serious about Addie? I know you’ve liked her for a long time.”

I hang my head and tell the counter, “Yeah. Kind of.”

“Does she know how serious you feel?”

“No.” I shrug. “I don’t know. We hung out this weekend and I figured she knew what I wanted from her, but she acted like nothing really changed between us when I got to school today.”

“Hmm.” I glance up when she remains quiet. “Do you think she’s interested in Liam?”

“No.” I shake my head, thinking of the way Addie looked Saturday night when I made her come with my fingers. “No way.”

“Then what’s going on between the two of them?”

“I think he’s pissed that she’s more interested in me. He believes I swooped in and stole her from him, when that’s not the case. I’ve been halfway in love with her for years,” I admit.

Mom smiles. “That is so sweet. No wonder you did what you did.”

I ignore her sweet comment. I can’t believe I just told her that I was halfway in love with Addie for years.

“He was an asshole to her, Mom. I couldn’t let him get away with it.” I wince at the curse word flying from my mouth, but she doesn’t mind. Everyone in this house has had a filthy mouth at one point or another. I’m probably the cleanest out of all of them, even my sisters. “He had no right talking to her like that. You taught me to always treat women with respect.”

Did I throw her words back at her on purpose?

Oh yeah.

Did I say it to make me look like slugging Liam in the face is justifiable?

You bet.

“I forget. Does Liam have sisters?” Mom asks.


“Figures. I think that helps, growing up with sisters. Teaches you how to respect them—and females in general.” A sigh leaves her as she takes a couple boxes of crackers into the pantry. “Your father and I will discuss what happened, but I see no need to punish you any further. I’m thinking you’re being punished enough.”

Relief courses through me, and I slump against the counter. “I can’t go to school for three days.”

“Perfect time for you to catch up on whatever reading and homework you need to do,” Mom says as she exits the pantry with a smirk.

“We’ve barely started school. My assignment load isn’t that bad,” I protest.

“I’m sure you have some reading to catch up on. You always do.”

She’s not wrong.

“Can’t play football either. For the entire week,” I stress.

“Plenty of time on your hands for you to do all sorts of things around the house.” She glances toward the giant French door that leads to our back yard. “You can help me do yard work.”

I withhold a grimace.

She taps her fingers against her pursed lips. “I’m sure I can find plenty for you to do. If not, your dad will step in and come up with something.”

This time I let the groan out. “Great.”

“You’ll be fine.” Her smile is almost evil as she reaches for me and musses my hair, like I’m still a little kid. I duck away from her. “Not that happy about it, though. Colleges don’t like it when students get suspended.”

Her words stay with me as I go up to my room. As I try and concentrate on the rest of my math homework. I might’ve screwed myself out of getting into a good college. I was hoping to go to a D1 school and play football, but now…

That might not happen.

All because of that prick, Liam.

I can’t stop thinking about Addie either. How she came to me after the fight, not Liam. I know she doesn’t like him, but the things he said to me…he definitely thinks she’s still interested in him, which is weird.

She’s not playing us both like my mom said. Is she?

Around six o’clock, my dad shows up, barging into my room without knocking. I’m still at my desk, scrolling through my phone when I still have a few math problems to solve and I fumble with my phone when I see him, dropping it onto the floor.

Dad bends over to grab it, setting it on my desk next to me.


Him just saying my name and nothing else fills me with fear. Not like I’m scared of my father or anything. I just don’t want to disappoint him.

Or my mom.

“I know,” I finally say when he remains quiet. “I’m sorry.”

“Explain to me exactly what happened,” he says, settling on the edge of my bed.

I turn to face him and lay it all out, just like I did for Mom earlier. I tell him how Addie and I were just hanging out in the library, doing our homework and talking. How confrontational Liam was with me when he suddenly showed up, and how he lunged for me first.

“You still put hands on him,” Dad says when I finish. “That’s why you got suspended.”

“Yeah,” I croak, feeling stupid for the entire thing. “I messed everything up, huh?”

“What do you mean?”

“Football. College. My entire future.” I look down, my emotions trying to get the best of me. It’s hard to face him about this. Especially when I fucked everything up over an impulsive, stupid mistake. “I know you and Mom are disappointed in me.”

He sighs, the sound ragged, and I peek at him from beneath the hair that hangs in my face, grateful to see he doesn’t seem that upset. “We’re definitely disappointed, son. A suspension on your school record doesn’t look good, and I don’t know what’ll happen in regards to college. But I—I understand why you did what you did in defense of Addie. Liam has no business talking to her like that.”

“I wish I hadn’t hit him,” I admit.

“You can’t take it back now. What’s done is done. Considering Liam’s been your friend for a while, you should try and work it out with him. Though you two probably need to simmer down first,” Dad says, pragmatic as always.

“Yeah, you’re right,” I agree morosely.

“Team looks good,” Dad continues, changing the subject. “We missed you out on the field though.”

Feels like he’s rubbing it in, my not being there.

“Everyone must think I’m an asshole,” I groan.

“No, more like they’re upset with Liam for starting shit with you,” Dad says. “You’ll definitely be missed Friday night.”

“It’s killing me that I can’t be there,” I admit.

“You’ll be back next week,” Dad says firmly, rising to his feet. “Mom and I will have chores for you to do while you’re suspended. Plus, you’ll need to keep up on your schoolwork.”

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