Home > Resisting Fate(20)

Resisting Fate(20)
Author: Melanie Shawn

He dated somewhat regularly, definitely more than Josh did. So, there was a chance he might have an insight on the situation with Audrey. Obviously, Josh wasn’t going to name names, of course, but his friend might shed some light on things.

“Can I ask you something?” Josh turned to his friend.

Caleb finished tying his shoe and looked up at Josh. “What’s up?”

He could see the concern in his friend’s eyes. Josh’s MO had always been to hold things inside. He never shared what he was feeling with anyone or asked for help. Nonna accused him on more than one occasion of being an island unto himself.

But Caleb could usually tell if there was something off with him. When he returned to Hope Falls Caleb had been a huge reason he’d gone to see someone about his mental health. If it weren’t for his friend, he would probably still be white knuckling his way through it, or he might not even be here.

Josh took a breath and tried to figure out the best, most delicate way to phrase his question. “If someone is a virgin, in their thirties, could that be for a religious reason?”

Josh knew that Audrey attended church any Sunday she wasn’t working at Brewed Awakenings. But so did most people in Hope Falls. It was just sort of what they did.

Caleb nodded. “Sure.”

“Are there other reasons someone might be?” As soon as Josh asked the question, he knew that he was grasping at straws. His friend counseled people as part of his job and went out on a ton of first dates, but that didn’t make him an expert on virginity.

And even if he was, that didn’t mean he had any insight into Audrey’s situation.

Caleb leaned forward, resting his elbows on his knees. It was the position he got into when he was about to drop knowledge or speak about something that interested him. The few times Josh had gone to church since Caleb had taken the reins from his old man, Caleb had ended up sitting on the steps of the altar with his elbows resting on his knees by the end of the sermon.

“It’s funny you mention that because I was just reading a study that said there is a growing trend of people waiting longer to have sex. One in six millennials and Gen Zers are still virgins at twenty-six as opposed to twenty years ago when that statistic was one in twenty. They think it might have something to do with everyone being so disconnected due to all of the devices. The theory is twofold, first that the availability of porn is causing a decrease and fear of intimacy with an actual person. Second that since everything is at their fingertips, including social approval, shopping, and ordering food, that people’s brains are getting constant dopamine spikes just by being on their phones which decreases their libido.

“There’s another theory that has data showing that all the processed food that people consume is the culprit because it’s lowering sex drives.

“As far as religious reasons, there are definitely still people that want to wait until they’re married to have sex, but it’s not as common as say, thirty years ago.”

“Are the women you date mostly virgins?” It was another stupid question, but apparently Josh was full of them tonight.

Caleb grinned as his brow wrinkled. “I don’t ask, but if I had to guess I would say no. Why?”

Before Josh had to answer, Eric and his brother Jake walked into the gym and interrupted the conversation. The four men played a pick-up game and Josh did his best to put Audrey and her virginity out of his mind. But it was like one of those pictures that once you see it you can’t unsee it. It was all he could think about.






Audrey poured a glass of merlot as Frank walked along the edge of the kitchen island and sniffed the air, his tail flicking with each step he took.

“Hello there, old man.” Audrey reached out and ran her hand along his back as a grin tugged at the corners of her mouth.

She’d adopted Frank, short for Frank Sinatra who was another one of her mom’s favorites, and had given the black and white tuxedo cat the name because of his bright blue eyes that rivaled the late crooner who was known for his baby blues. She’d also adopted a mini ragdoll cat, who she named Lucille after Liza Minnelli’s character Lucille Austero who suffered from chronic vertigo or what she called “the dizzies” on Arrested Development.

When she adopted the cats, she was sure that Lucy was going to be the princess or the diva of the duo, but boy oh boy, was she wrong. Frank was whatever the male version of a diva was. A divo?

Both cats had special needs. Frank was diabetic and Lucy was diagnosed with cerebellar hypoplasia, or wobbly cat syndrome, which was the reason she’d named her after the character on one of her favorite shows.

She’d had the cats for nearly seven years now and Lucy ended up being the sweetest most loving appreciative cat Audrey had ever known. She always greeted Audrey at the door. When she called Lucy, she came right to her. She snuggled on command and had a lot more dog-like characteristics than feline.

Frank was the opposite. He only graced Audrey with his presence on his terms. He would only eat his food if she warmed it up for him, otherwise he’d go on a hunger strike. Every night she had to fluff his blanket and lay it out over the end of the bed, or he wouldn’t settle down and go to sleep. And she’d gone through about a dozen different types of cat litter before Frank deemed one worthy enough that he’d relieve himself in it.

They say that rescues are supposed to be grateful because they somehow know that you saved them, but Frank acted as if he was doing her a favor by allowing her to serve him. Which she found ridiculously adorable.

She grabbed her wine glass and lowered onto her overstuffed couch. Her butt hadn’t even hit the cushion before Lucy was beside her. She gave her little girl some love and was reaching for the remote when she got a text from Viv.

Viv: Heading over to the new yoga studio. They are opening on February 1st and they want to offer a special for singles week. The owner offered a demo class but it’s AcroYoga and I need a partner, can you come?

Viv added about ten prayer hand emojis to the end of the text.

Audrey sighed. She’d been looking forward to relaxing and having her glass of wine all day. She was exhausted because the last few nights she’d spent tossing and turning thanks to her embarrassing confession. She hadn’t seen Josh since. He hadn’t come in for his usual coffee and chocolate croissants since the night they’d dined in the dark.

She was also about to start her period, which she was sure was adding to her emotions about Josh being MIA and was having cramps. The last thing she wanted to was to be bent into a pretzel so she messaged her back that she was tired.

Audrey: I’m really tired.

She’d barely sent the text when she heard a horn outside at the same time her phone vibrated with another message from Viv.

Viv: I’m really outside. Let’s go!

Audrey knew that resistance was futile. Her sister wasn’t going to let this go. And maybe a class would be good for Audrey. Maybe it would clear her head. And who knew, maybe it would actually help her cramps.

Audrey: Be out in 5

Audrey bent down and kissed Lucy on the top of her head before heading into her room and grabbing a pair of yoga pants she’d inherited from Viv who got them off some TikTok ad. They were supposed to make your rear look great, but Audrey just liked them because they were a pretty pink color. She pulled on a sports bra, and a loose-fitting tank top. She threw on a sweatshirt, puffer jacket, two pairs of socks and Ugg boots. Layers were the key to living in Hope Falls. She’d learned that lesson the first winter she’d spent here. She’d bundle up to go somewhere, but then be so hot once she got inside.

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