Home > A Match in the Making (The Matchmakers #1)(48)

A Match in the Making (The Matchmakers #1)(48)
Author: Jen Turano

“I’ve seen Gwendolyn in action when unkindness is directed at anyone, Mrs. Zimmerman. She can be downright terrifying in her defense of those who are placed in vulnerable positions. Nevertheless, there’s no need for you to miss the match. It would be an honor if you’d agree to accompany me. No one would have the audacity to slight you while in my company. You’ll be treated with the respect you deserve. You have my word on that.”

Something warm began flowing through Gwendolyn, increasing when Catriona settled a sparkling smile on Walter, one that had caused gentlemen to fall at her feet for years, but curiously enough, Walter didn’t so much as blink.

“What a delightful gentleman you are, Mr. Townsend,” Catriona said. “I can hardly refuse such a kind offer.” She consulted her watch again. “I’ll need a few minutes to change.” She nodded to Gwendolyn. “Shall we repair to my room and then meet up with Mr. Townsend in say . . . fifteen minutes?”

“Please, you must call me Walter.”

Catriona settled a smile on Walter again. “How gracious of you to offer. You must, of course, call me Catriona.”

Walter inclined his head. “And with all that out of the way, the children and I will await the two of you outside.”

“Don’t forget your new racquet,” Priscilla said, scampering to Gwendolyn’s side.

“I could never forget that,” Gwendolyn said, bending down to kiss Priscilla’s upturned face, which left Priscilla grinning before she turned and skipped for the front door.

After giving Samuel a kiss on the cheek as well, which left him red in the face but smiling ever so slightly, Gwendolyn opted to shake Oscar’s hand instead of kissing him on the cheek—mostly because he was sporting a look she’d seen often on her brothers’ faces, one that clearly said “Do not even think about kissing me.”

Smiling as the boys traipsed after their sister, followed by Walter, who told them not to rush, Gwendolyn turned and found Catriona considering her closely, an expression on her face that was usually followed by trouble.

“What?” she asked as Catriona fell into step beside her and they began walking down the hallway.

“He’s a very nice gentleman, isn’t he,” Catriona said, taking hold of Gwendolyn’s arm, before she pulled her to a stop.

“Why do I get the distinct feeling you’re contemplating something other than the idea Walter is nice?”

Catriona smiled. “How well you know me, cousin dear. And forgive me, because I’m convinced what I’m about to do next is going to annoy you, but after I change, I intend to dig out my diamond choker, since there’s a good chance Mrs. Parker will be attending the match as well.”

An unpleasant knot began forming in the pit of Gwendolyn’s stomach. “Do not say you’re going to attempt to convince Mrs. Parker to allow you to dabble in matchmaking, because you’re then intending on using that position to match yourself up with Walter.”

Catriona released a snort. “Please. Walter Townsend doesn’t deserve the likes of me. I possess what can only be described as a dramatic nature. He seems to be one of those gentlemen who needs less drama in his life. But his kind gesture to me lends credence to the notion he’s deserving of a spectacular match this Season. I’ve decided I should return his kindness by assisting you with making that match.”

“I don’t need your assistance.”

Catriona shrugged. “That’s your opinion, but I’m not going to abandon my desire to find Walter his perfect bride. In fact, perhaps you and I should look at this as a friendly competition, the winner, of course, being the one who finds success making that match.” She batted far too innocent lashes Gwendolyn’s way. “In the spirit of fair play though, know that I already have a specific lady in mind for him.”

Another pesky knot formed in Gwendolyn’s stomach. “Someone you met at the picnic yesterday?”

Catriona rolled her eyes. “I’m hardly going to tell you her name. If you’ve forgotten, darling, I’m somewhat competitive when I set my mind to it. You’re simply going to have to wait and see. You mark my words though—by the end of the Season, I will have had a very large part in finding Walter his new Mrs. Townsend, and it’ll be a match that will leave society talking for years.”





“Thank goodness you were able to locate your tennis gown, Gwendolyn,” Adelaide said, joining Gwendolyn as she stepped out of the Newport Casino carrying the racquet the children had given her. “I was worried you’d have to resort to the one I lent you.”

“It was in the last trunk I emptied at Catriona’s cottage,” Gwendolyn said, smoothing down the shortened skirt of her gown, one that didn’t boast as much fabric as her other gowns and made playing tennis far more enjoyable since she didn’t have to contend with billowing fabric as she ran about a court. “But thank you again for loaning me your tennis dress, even though I wasn’t certain how I was going to go about mending the large burn on the back, along with the singed hem.”

Adelaide winced. “I had a feeling that would be tricky for you to mend, even with your impressive seamstress skills. And before you ask, I was visiting the Doane family in Bar Harbor this spring. They have a magnificent estate complete with their own lawn court and were hosting a weekend gathering. Anyway, the day was turning chilly, so a footman built a fire in a bricked firepit. I got a touch too close, and the next thing I knew, I was in flames.”

Gwendolyn blinked. “What happened?”

“Well, everyone knows you’re supposed to drop and roll when you catch fire, but I may have panicked. I started running, and that’s when Gideon Abbott tackled me and began rolling me around to smother the flames. Unfortunately, there was a sharp slope beside the firepit. The next thing I knew, Mr. Abbott and I were tumbling down the hill.” Adelaide’s eyes twinkled. “There just happened to be a pond at the bottom of that hill, so in we splashed, which put out the last of the flames.”

“Mr. Abbott sounds like a chivalrous sort.”

“Oh, he is. But don’t set your sights on him for a potential match for Miss Hannah Howe, the only lady Mrs. Parker is still sponsoring. He’s let it be known he’s not in the market for a wife, which is why I believe he limits the social engagements he attends.” Adelaide leaned closer. “He was at Mr. McAllister’s picnic but didn’t linger long, probably because he took note of quite a few ladies casting hopeful glances his way. But Mr. Abbott and his reluctance regarding the marriage mart is surely not a matter you should concern yourself with right now.”

She nodded to something past the three lawn courts they were standing in front of. “If I were you, I’d be far more worried about playing tennis in front of what is growing into an impressive crowd.”

Gwendolyn directed her attention to where Adelaide was nodding and winced. “Surely all of those people aren’t here to see my match, are they?”

“Since Tillie reserved the far court, and that’s where all the spectators are gathered, I’m afraid they are.” Adelaide took hold of Gwendolyn’s arm and gave it a soothing rub. “But no need to fret that most of Newport society has shown up today. All the ladies I’ve spoken with are intending to cheer for you because most of them have been bested by Tillie on the court.”

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