Home > A Match in the Making (The Matchmakers #1)(49)

A Match in the Making (The Matchmakers #1)(49)
Author: Jen Turano

“I have a feeling they’re going to be sadly disappointed. I’m an infrequent player, and a mediocre player at best. But . . .”

She narrowed her eyes as her gaze settled on Mrs. Parker, then shifted to the many gentlemen sitting around her. “Honestly, what is that woman thinking?” She turned to Adelaide. “Would you excuse me? I feel a distinct need to have a few words with my employer.”

“You don’t think she’s going to agree to sponsor all those gentlemen surrounding her, do you?”

“That’s what I’m going to have a word with her about, along with a few words regarding the latest harebrained idea my cousin’s come up with.” With that, Gwendolyn headed Mrs. Parker’s way, slipping around a fence that separated the court from what was, indeed, far too many onlookers.

“I need a moment of your time,” she began as she stopped in front of her employer, forcing a smile when Mr. Frank Lambert, who was sitting on one side of Mrs. Parker—Miss Hannah Howe sitting on the other—sent her a wave of his overly large hand.

“You’re looking like a true sportswoman today,” Frank boomed in a voice that had more than one society matron sending him looks of disapproval. “I wish you the best of luck, Miss Brinley, and I’m hopeful you and I will have time for a chat after your match.”

She narrowed her eyes on him before turning to Mrs. Parker. “We have a few matters to discuss.”

Mrs. Parker batted innocent lashes Gwendolyn’s way. “If you’re hoping I can give you pointers regarding your upcoming match, I’m afraid you’re out of luck. Tennis was never my strong suit.”

“You know that’s not what I want to speak to you about. You’re clearly soliciting new business, which we need to discuss—as well as delve into the conversation I’m sure you’ve already held with my cousin.”

“Catriona is a delightful, and very generous, lady,” Mrs. Parker said, giving a telling tap to a large reticule sitting on her lap.

“Don’t get attached to the choker. You’ll be giving it back.”

“Perhaps we should find someplace less conspicuous to sort everything out.” Mrs. Parker nodded to her footman. “I’d like to repair to that large tree over there, Collin.”

As Collin pushed Mrs. Parker into motion, Gwendolyn chanced another glance to Frank Lambert, who sent her a grin before he mouthed the word rubies to her. Knowing exactly why he’d done that, she squared her shoulders, pivoted on her heel, and stalked after Mrs. Parker, reaching her just as Collin got her settled and moved a discreet distance away.

“I cannot believe you allowed the lure of rubies to sway you into agreeing to sponsor Mr. Frank Lambert,” Gwendolyn began. “May I assume you’ll soon be sporting a new ruby bracelet?”

“Not just a bracelet, dear. Frank promised me a ruby bracelet, necklace, and ring. He told me I can pick those out from my jeweler of choice, which is obviously Tiffany.”

“You know taking him on is a certain recipe for failure, no matter his generosity to you. It’ll be impossible to secure him that alliance he desires with a Knickerbocker family since he’s what that set considers nouveau riche.”

“You shouldn’t underestimate your abilities, dear, because I certainly don’t. Besides, how could I have possibly refused his far-too-tempting offer?”

“By simply saying ‘No.’ It’s a small word, and one easily spoken.” Gwendolyn blew out a breath. “Honestly, Mrs. Parker, I’m beginning to believe you should set up an appointment with Reverend Eberhard at Trinity Church, because you seem to be developing an unquenchable desire for jewelry and are in serious need of some guidance concerning the topic of greed.”

Mrs. Parker raised a hand to her throat. “You find me greedy?”

“I don’t think that’s a question that even needs to be asked. But please tell me you haven’t told all those gentlemen who were in your company that we’ll find them matches as well.”

“I know for certain we won’t be sponsoring Daniel Mizner.”

“He was only one of several gentlemen sitting near you.”

“I can’t say for certain we won’t sponsor a few of those, and did I mention Mr. Russell Damrosch, your opponent today, sought me out to see if I’d consider taking him on?”

“No, you didn’t mention that.”

“Well, he did. I may have said yes, but only because . . . I insist you don’t call me greedy again, but he wants to give me a diamond snake bracelet and then give me matching earrings to make up for the whole broken leg business.”

“Why would you want to wear a snake wrapped around your wrist?”

“Did you miss the part where I said it’s made up of diamonds?”

Gwendolyn gave the air a bit of a chop with her racquet, reminding herself that she’d definitely find herself in trouble if she gave in to the impulse to poke Mrs. Parker with it. “Never mind. I’ll content myself with the knowledge you didn’t take up Daniel Mizner, although now I find myself beyond curious as to why. Did he not offer you the proper amount of diamonds?”

Mrs. Parker’s lips thinned. “He didn’t offer me anything at all. In fact, he told me I wouldn’t be compensated until after vows were exchanged, which left me with the distinct impression Mr. Daniel Mizner is a fortune hunter. It also left me with a feeling the rumors about his being seen often at gambling dens may very well be true.”

A discreet clearing of a throat drew Gwendolyn’s attention. Turning, she found Mr. August Ryerson standing a few feet away, dressed in tennis whites and looking quite as if he might know what he was about on the tennis court.

“Forgive me for interrupting what appeared to be a rather, ah, interesting conversation,” August began, “but Miss Wickham has arrived. She’s not a lady known to possess a patient attitude, so we should probably take our places on the court.”

“Indeed,” Gwendolyn agreed before she moved closer to Mrs. Parker and lowered her voice. “Do not under any circumstances agree to sponsor anyone else until you and I have an opportunity to finish our discussion.”

“We have more to discuss?”

“Too right we do, especially regarding one expensive diamond choker I know you’re now in possession of—one that used to belong to my cousin. She will not, if it’s in question, be brought on board to help me in the assistant-matchmaker department.”

“I think Catriona could add a touch of flair to our endeavors.”

“Or burn all future matchmaking possibilities for you to the ground,” Gwendolyn said before she moved to join August, leaving Mrs. Parker muttering something about how lovely the choker Catriona had given her was.

“Is everything alright?” August asked as they began walking toward the court.

“Nothing has been alright since I landed in Newport, but it’s not anything for you to concern yourself about.” Gwendolyn smiled. “We have a match to play, and may I say you’re looking very sharp this afternoon, Mr. Ryerson.”

He smiled rather sheepishly. “Don’t get your hopes up that I’m about to storm the castle, or rather the lawn court, Miss Brinley. Mother had my tailor rush this outfit over to our cottage last night. I’m normally not this well turned out.” He leaned closer to her. “Mother heard whispers our match was going to be well attended, and she wanted me looking my best.”

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