Home > A Match in the Making (The Matchmakers #1)(53)

A Match in the Making (The Matchmakers #1)(53)
Author: Jen Turano

“If you think I’m going to allow you to ostracize me, which will encourage others to do the same, you’re sadly mistaken,” Gwendolyn said, lowering her voice to a whisper. “Know that I won’t hesitate to cause a scene, one where our family nastiness will be publicized for everyone to hear. Since your greatest fear is apparently to have even a whisper of scandal attached to the Brinley name, I suggest you paste a smile on your face and nod every now and again as I tell you what’s on my mind. You may pretend we’re merely enjoying a delightful grandmother and granddaughter reunion.”

Ice settled in Mrs. Brinley’s eyes as well as she considered Gwendolyn before she gave a slight inclination of her head. “Make it brief.”

“I don’t deal well with demands,” Gwendolyn said before she turned to the crowd of ladies edging closer so they wouldn’t miss a word of what was certainly going to be an interesting exchange.

“Ladies, I’m sure you’ll understand the need my grandmother and I have for privacy, given how long we’ve been parted. If you’ll excuse us, I hear they’re serving some lovely refreshments in the dining room.”

It came as little surprise when no one seemed keen to leave what was certainly going to be a gossip-worthy encounter.

Walter cleared his throat and summoned up a smile. “I understand the casino is offering a wonderful lemon sorbet today.” He nodded to Phyllis and Adelaide, who’d come to stand beside him. “Would the two of you be so kind as to escort everyone into the casino for their treat, and also be so kind as to request the staff put the cost of the sorbets on my tab?”

Phyllis squared her shoulders. “It would be our pleasure.” She gestured to the crowd. “Off we go, and no need to linger to offer Mr. Townsend any word of appreciation for his generosity. All of you may do that after he joins us in the club later.”

Even though Phyllis’s words were met with frowns and a few grumbles here and there, because she’d taken to looking every inch the formidable society matron she was, everyone turned and headed for the clubhouse, except for Gwendolyn, her grandmother, Mrs. Higgenson, Catriona, who’d stolen up beside him, as well as his mother, who’d surprised Walter by turning up for the match, declaring she was there to lend Gwendolyn her full support.

Evidently, that support was also going to be offered as Gwendolyn faced down her grandmother, although why Ethel had had such a change of heart about his matchmaker, Walter couldn’t actually say, but he vowed to get to the bottom of that particular mystery at his earliest convenience.

Once the crowd removed themselves from their vicinity, Gwendolyn returned her attention to her grandmother. “I suppose the first order of business would be an introduction. I’m Gwendolyn, the eldest of your son’s six children.”

“I know who you are.”

Gwendolyn smiled. “Ah, my reputation precedes me.” She inclined her head in Mrs. Higgenson’s direction. “I’m sure Mrs. Higgenson was eager to apprise you of my role in Newport this Season, just as I’m certain you didn’t hesitate to journey here because learning your granddaughter, even one you’ve never met, is employed as a matchmaker must have irritated you.”

Mrs. Brinley’s eyes narrowed. “Quite. You’ve brought disgrace to the Brinley name, although I can’t say I’m surprised, given who your mother is.”

“You’ll leave my mother out of this.”

“I most certainly won’t. She is, after all, the reason I’m yet again facing censure from society because she hoodwinked my son into marrying her, and then they went off and had you.”

“One would think you’d have reconciled yourself with my parents’ marriage by now, since it’s been over twenty-five years.”

“I will never forgive your mother for stealing Pierson away from me, using her beautiful face to do so, one you seem to have inherited. Her desire to elevate her nonexistent social standing caused me to lose Pierson, and yanked him out of a world he adored. I’m certain he’s consumed with regret over a choice he should have never made, one that saw him cast from his familiar environment and into a world he didn’t know existed.”

Gwendolyn’s lips thinned. “Father doesn’t have a smidgen of regret over marrying my mother. They’re still wildly in love, which is occasionally embarrassing for their children, although we grew up in the security of knowing they loved us just as much as they loved each other. There’s a certain comfort being raised in a house filled with love.”

Opal seemed to swell on the spot. “Love?” she all but spat. “How charming. While you may believe he and Finella are perfectly content with each other, I would bet good money Pierson is harboring a great deal of resentment against her by this time. Because of her, he’s had to live a frugal life, one where his own children have no choice but to seek out positions because he’s unable to provide for them.”

Gwendolyn’s eyes flashed with temper. “You’re mistaken if you believe I have a job because Father lacks the wherewithal to support me, but my reasoning for taking up my current position is not one I care to discuss with you. What I will discuss, though, is that Father has done exceedingly well for himself. If you’re unaware, when you cast him out of the Brinley family, he was in possession of a trust given to him by his paternal grandfather. He used the funds from that trust, along with his flair for financial investments, to increase his fortune.”

“I highly doubt that.”

“It’s true, but if you don’t believe me, ask your husband.” Gwendolyn’s eyes flashed hotter than ever. “My grandfather, although it feels odd to address a man I’ve never met as such, knows Father doesn’t lack for funds. He is also aware that your son began buying up stock in Brinley Railroad Company, anonymously of course, years ago. He eventually bought enough to where he’s a substantial stockholder. Grandfather learned who was behind those acquisitions when Father showed up at a board meeting a few years ago.”

Opal’s face paled ever so slightly. “Frederick’s had contact with Pierson?”

“I believe they see each other about four times a year.” Gwendolyn leaned closer. “Grandfather hasn’t been given the privilege of meeting me or my siblings though, because Father doesn’t believe he deserves that honor since Grandfather has consistently stood by and accepted your refusal to welcome my mother into the Brinley family.”

“Finella was not, nor will she ever be, of our class.”

Gwendolyn inclined her head. “True. She was, after all, merely a seamstress when she met Father, something that didn’t bother him because he loves her. He’s always claimed he fell in love with her the moment he caught sight of her leaving the dress shop she worked in all those years ago.”

A ghost of a smile flickered across Gwendolyn’s face. “According to Mother, she tried to dissuade his attentions, because she knew they came from different worlds, but Father was determined to win her over.”

“She should have tried harder, but I’m certain she eventually came to the realization Pierson would be the means needed to escape a life of continued employment.”

“Mother didn’t marry Father because she wanted to stop working. She’s still working to this day.”

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