Home > Fair Catch(36)

Fair Catch(36)
Author: Heidi McLaughlin

“Alex . . . Alex . . .”

“Yeah, baby. I’m there.”

When I feel her getting close, I flex into her and keep the pressure on her clit. “I’m there, honey.”

“Yes . . . yes . . . oh, God . . . Alex . . .” She screams my name as her walls squeeze my cock. The sensation is too much to take, and I pump wildly into her, letting go. My hands move to her hips and hold her as she rides the aftershocks of her orgasm. She collapses against me, and I hold her a moment before sliding out of her and heading to the bathroom.

When I return, she’s spread-eagle on my mattress staring at the ceiling.

“Are you alive?”

“Barely.” She accepts the tissues from me but gets up and heads to the bathroom. I’m sitting on the edge of the bed when she saunters back into the room, wearing one of my T-shirts. She comes to me and straddles my lap.

“I’m not complaining, but where did that come from?”

Kelsey shrugs. “I think the book I’m editing. I don’t know, she had this scene and I kept picturing it in my mind, and then I had a dream, and there you were, ready to go.”

“I’m always ready for you.” I kiss her and smile when I taste her minty tongue. “Brushed your teeth, huh?”

She laughs and nods. “I couldn’t resist.”

“Can we talk about the lack of protection?” I ask, needing to make sure she’s good with the decision. “Again, not complaining, but I am surprised.”

“Sorry,” she says as she runs her fingers through my hair. “I meant to bring it up before, but it’s awkward.”

“It is, but definitely something we should talk about. I want you to be one hundred percent sure about this decision.”

“I am,” she says as she bites lower lip. “And it felt really good.”

“Fuck yeah, it did.” I pull her to me and roll us onto the bed. She spreads her legs and I settle between them. “Now I don’t have to worry about having a condom with me all the time.”

“Nope, you don’t.”

“And we can be really spontaneous.”

“Yes, we can.”

The doorbell chimes and we both look in the direction of the front door. “Did you order food?” Kelsey asks.

“Nope, and I’m not expecting anyone.” I wait a minute, hoping whoever is at the door will go away, but the bell sounds again.

It pains me to leave Kelsey. She laughs when I put on my gray sweats.

“You better come back to me.”

“Give me a minute to get rid of whoever is at the door and then I’ll come back, I want to read this book with you,” I tell her. “I want to see what else we can try today, since neither of us have work.” I kneel on the bed and kiss her, which turns into a small groping session until the bell chimes again for the third time. I groan and head to the living room. “I’m coming. Jesus!” Only it’s the wrong kind of coming I want to do right now. Knowing Kelsey is in the other room gives me every incentive to get rid of whoever is at my house.

I open the door, prepared to tell them to get lost when I come face-to-face with Maggie.

A very pregnant Maggie.

With luggage.

What the actual fuck?

“Surprise!” she says as she steps into the house and pulls me into a hug. “You’re surprised right? I know I should’ve called or sent a text, but I wanted to see your face.” She grabs my cheeks and gives them a squeeze. “I’ve missed you so much.”

“Definitely a surprise.” I make no attempt at hugging her back and for whatever reason my eyes don’t leave her suitcases.

“Can you bring those in for me?” Maggie eyes her belly and then me.

What in the actual fuck!

Without thinking, I go out and grab the overly heavy bags and bring them inside. “When did you get back?”

“About two hours ago.”

“And you came right here?” I ask, slamming the door. She doesn’t seem fazed and walks into the living room to sit down.

“Where else would I go?”

Certainly not the home we sold when she decided to move to London. Maybe a former coworker? One of her friends, perhaps? Definitely not her ex’s! I run my hand over my hair and look down the hall where Kelsey’s waiting for me. Maggie’s on my couch, making herself comfortable. I look at her, sitting there, with her round belly and every ounce of life I have drains from me. If she’s here, it’s because that baby she’s carrying is mine. And that means she kept this pregnancy from me, which is unacceptable.

Fear takes over. I’m going to lose Kelsey over this—something I knew nothing about. With heavy steps, I make my way back to my bedroom thinking about what to say to Kelsey and run every scenario through my mind. In an ideal, fake world, Kelsey goes out to the living room and embraces whatever the fuck is happening out there. But life isn’t like that. She’s going to be hurt.

Kelsey’s sitting up in bed, with a book in her hands. She smiles when she sees me and then it drops, probably when she sees the grim expression on my face. “What’s wrong?”

“Maggie’s here.”

“Oh.” her eyes dart to the door and then back at me. “Were you expecting her?”

I shake my head slowly. “I think she needs a place to stay. She brought her luggage and then some.”

“What are you talking about?”

I begin to pace. “Fuck!”

“Alex, what’s going on?” Kelsey comes to me and pulls my hands out of my hair. “She told me she was coming back but I didn’t ask when because it doesn’t matter, but she’s here and fuck . . .”

“I’m confused, are you saying she plans to stay here?”

I nod and my stomach rolls. I’m going to be sick.

“Well, she can go to a hotel or something.”

“There’s more.”


“She’s pregnant.”

Kelsey steps back and looks at me before she looks at the bed—the bed where we just had the most amazing sex—and then back at me. “Clearly, it’s not yours so what’s the big deal?”

Everything in me dies. I don’t make a habit of discussing my sex life with anyone, including people I’m dating, but this might be one of those times when being as honest as possible might come in handy.

“About six or seven months ago, Maggie came back for a visit. We hooked up while she was here.”

“Oh,” Kelsey says quietly. “Is it yours? Co-could it be yours?”

I nod but then shrug. I don’t know shit about pregnancy. “I don’t know. I didn’t ask.”

Kelsey stares at me for a long moment and then starts moving around the bedroom. Before I can comprehend everything, she’s dressed, and her bag is packed. “What are you doing?”

“I have to go.”

“Where? We have plans.”

“I just . . .” She shakes her head and tries to go past me. I pull her to me and cup her cheek. “I don’t know what’s going on in that head of yours, but please stop. I didn’t know she was coming or why she’s here. I haven’t spoken to her since her friends pulled that shit with the gala.”

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