Home > Succubus Chained (Shackled Souls Trilogy #1)(24)

Succubus Chained (Shackled Souls Trilogy #1)(24)
Author: Heather Long

He cupped my head, straining against the hand already wrapped in my hair, and my breasts impacted his hot chest. Oh. Sandwich. Then blood trickled against my lips, and I swallowed.




I latched on to the slender cut and worked it wider. If Rogue had been decadence, Maddox was pure gratification. The tingling in my lips spread down my throat as he both quenched the raw emptiness and set it on fire. I clutched at him, moaning as I drank more, and he swore again. Every gulp had me clenching, and Rogue let out a strangled groan.

“Fuck,” Fin whispered, and really, what could I do but agree?

Maddox kept my face planted to his throat, and I writhed between him and Rogue, glutting myself on the blood and pleasure they offered.

Behind me, Rogue finally loosened and slipped away. The chill at my back when he released me had me shaking. Then Maddox forced my head up and away, and I growled.

Actually growled. I wanted more.

“Shh, Beautiful.” Fin had his arms around me, and then he tucked my face to his throat and the scent of his blood hit me. Forests and sunlight and sumptuous spring days, and I clamped down on the cut waiting for me. An orgasm shattered me even as I fed, and what few splinters of the world I’d held onto slid right through my fingers.

“Why the fuck did you do that?” Maddox demanded from somewhere as Fin dragged the fur around me and tucked me against his hard naked body. I kept feeding, content to be right where I was.

“Because I pushed her,” Rogue admitted. “And she pushed back.”

Damn right I did.

“Shh,” Fin whispered again as his mind tumbled over mine. “We have you.”

Fine, I’d sleep.

But he better not get used to this.

He smoothed a hand over my ass. “What if I want to?”

I’d think about it.

“That’s all we’re asking.” A shudder passed from him to me as I took another hard pull. Liar. They were asking for more, but I wanted more, too. How much would I drink before this aching need would be gone?

“We’ll figure it out,” Fin assured me. When the darkness stretched up to tug me in this time, I didn’t bother to fight it, just lapped at the cut as I withdrew my teeth and drifted at the edge of sleep with my senses full of all three of them.

Something was missing though.

But I couldn’t quite put my finger on it.

A hot hand stroked my spine, even as Fin caressed my ass. Interest spiked through the drunken laziness.

“Sleep,” Maddox ordered in a rough voice. Movement in the bed, and then he was pressed against me. Another move, and Rogue’s scent filled my nostrils and he pressed an almost chaste kiss to my bloodstained lips.

“She is dangerous,” he murmured, but I couldn’t hold onto the words.

“But she’s ours,” Maddox argued.

“Yes,” Fin said without reservation.

“This is a terrible idea,” Rogue muttered.

Yeah well, fuck you, too.

Fin chuckled.

I’d have to figure it out later.

Then sleep swallowed me whole.



Chapter 9



“She’s got the eyes of innocence; the face of an angel. A personality of a dreamer and a smile that hides more pain than you can ever imagine.” - Unknown



The hard body beneath mine shifted enough that the arm tossed over me slid down until the dead weight rested on my bladder. Nothing said fuck off to sleep faster than needing to pee. Well, that or the gagging sound a cat made right before it coughed up a hairball.

I peeled one eye open. The shadowy darkness had a couple streaks of sunlight piercing it. The dust floating in those streams made me think of fairies. A fanciful notion because fairies were annoying little pricks and should be swatted with the same efficiency used to clear mosquitoes.

Shafts of sunlight.

At least, I was pretty sure it was sunlight. I hadn’t seen anything close to it in far too long. The body beneath me shifted again, and I glanced to my left. Maddox lay on his stomach, one arm flung across me and the other under a pillow. The air might be cool, but the fur left his bare back exposed. Not that he seemed remotely cold. The bed was very warm.

To my right, Rogue sprawled on his back, his expression utterly devoid of any expression and out cold. Only the faintest rise and fall of his chest betrayed he was alive.

That meant Fin had to be my mattress and the owner of the stiff cock wedged against my ass. Fair enough. Maddox dragged his arm up my body, the weight of his elbow digging against my bladder again before he cupped a breast.


I needed to piss, and I needed to stretch. Everything hurt. My mouth tasted like ass.

Considering I’d fed on two of them—all three if you included the feasting Rogue gave me when he first dragged me here—that actually fit. Removing Maddox’s hand was easier than sliding off Fin. He still had an arm around me, and every movement I made ground his cock more firmly against my ass.

The idea had potential. Later.

Right now, I had to take a piss. Focusing, I peeled his arm away and settled his hand on Rogue’s thigh. I sat up as Maddox shifted to fling his arm out again. Narrowly avoiding the trap, I grinned over my shoulder at Maddox cuddling Fin. They were adorable.

With care, I extracted myself from the pile of vampire Jenga and shivered once I hit the cooler air of the room. The fire was down to ashes in the fireplace, and the room was wildly empty of anything definitive. The bed. A chest. A low bench sat near the fireplace. That was it, almost monk-like in its austerity.

Hell, there were still sconces in the walls. It was like an unsubtle upgrade on the prison. Fun.

I studied the shafts of light though. There were windows placed higher up, thin, angular ones. They had coverings over them, a part in the cover was what let the light through. I was tempted to slide my fingers into the light to see if I caught on fire.

Still, I’d wait for that particular trick until after I peed. If I planned to go out like a succubus flambé, I wasn’t going to do it pissing myself.

That said, the bathroom wasn’t immediately evident. The only visible doors led out of the room presumably, not that I got a tour the night before. I limped my way to the door. There wasn’t even a dressing gown or something to throw on to ward off the chill. Fuck, I moved funny. I ached in all the best ways from my thighs to my breasts to my throat. I put a hand up to the raw mark on my neck, and it was rough under my fingers, closed but puffy. Like it hadn’t wanted to heal all the way.

Turning, I glanced back at the bed. Monk-like in the decorating choices, but definitely not in the sheets. All three males slept, sprawled together, not quite cuddling, and yet adorable.

It was amazing what a lack of talking did for a guy. Although to be fair, Maddox had at least attempted to honor his agreement.

Yeah. I wasn’t that fair.

He was a dragon. He could have attempted a lot harder.

Fin was either a witch or a druid. Druid more likely. What that meant Rogue was, I had no idea.

And fuck, I had to pee. I shifted my weight from foot to foot, I gripped the heavy circular handle and yanked the door open. Fuck, what had they built these things out of? Thankfully, it didn’t creak like something out of a horror movie.

The brush of icy air from beyond the big ass door hit like a sledgehammer. Fuck, it would be more comfortable to try and take a piss in an ice storm. I stole a look back at the fur blanket on the bed. I was tempted to steal it.

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