Home > Scholar of Magic (Art of the Adept #3)(116)

Scholar of Magic (Art of the Adept #3)(116)
Author: Michael G. Manning

   “What is that second spell you’re using?” he asked suddenly.

   “I don’t use spells,” she stated, no doubt in her voice.

   “Is it the cloak then? You’re hard to find, even when I know where I should look. My eyes don’t want to go there.”

   Inside their head, Laina’s interest was also piqued. What are you talking about?

   It’s more than the chameleon effect, he explained. She’s doing something with her turyn.

   Darla understood immediately. “It is no spell. It is the lim-leesi. A special technique the Arkeshi train in.”

   “Wild magic,” Will realized, speaking out loud. “You’re using wild magic, like the fae. Can you teach me?”

   The former assassin’s eyes narrowed. “The Arkeshi do not use magic,” she said emphatically. “And it is forbidden to teach outsiders the technique.”

   “But you’re no longer part of the Arkeshi,” Laina pointed out.

   “I have betrayed them, but my other oaths still hold. I will not break my teacher’s trust.”

   Will had already learned to adjust his senses, stamina, strength, and speed, to varying degrees. By watching how Darla’s turyn moved, he was already beginning to get a feel for what she was doing. Ignoring the conversation, he began trying to emulate her, though his turyn moved clumsily at first.

   The Arkeshi couldn’t see turyn, but after a moment she stopped talking and her gaze locked onto Laina’s body, then drifted slightly before returning. Her face grew alarmed. “You cannot!” she insisted.

   Will’s tongue was sticking out to one side as he concentrated, an expression he imagined was probably cuter on his sister’s face. “Am I getting this right? It feels weird, but I think I’m close.”

   “Impossible. This takes years to master! I have not taught you.” A second later, she dropped to her knees and clasped her hands together. With eyes closed, she began chanting in a foreign tongue, the words taking on an almost ritualistic cadence.

   What is she doing? Will was confused.

   Laina sighed internally. I’m not sure precisely, but she did this a lot when she first came to me. It’s some sort of prayer for forgiveness or atonement. She thinks she’s broken her oath.

   Will knelt down beside the Arkeshi. “Darla. It isn’t your fault. I’m using magic.”

   The woman paused, opening her eyes and staring at him doubtfully.

   “You don’t use magic,” he repeated. “I do. I’m using magic to imitate you. This isn’t your fault.” Inwardly he thought otherwise. I’m doing exactly the same thing. She uses wild magic whether she realizes it or not.

   If it’s the same thing, how did you learn it so quickly? asked Laina.

   I’m a wizard. Manipulating turyn is what I spend every day training to do. It’s just like a dance instructor learning a new dance within minutes.

   Laina’s reply was full of humor. I heard you’re a terrible dancer.

   I’m better! he insisted. But it took me a long time just to learn two dances. The same holds true for Darla. She was taught a special form of magic without even knowing it was magic. Of course it was hard!

   But this is easy for you? questioned Laina. I can’t even tell what you’re doing. It feels like my skin is dancing across itself.

   You aren’t a wizard.

   I’m a sorceress, she shot back. I’m just like you, only with more power.

   Remember you said that, Will told her. After this is over and I have my body back, remember you said that. You’ll feel foolish when you think back on it.

   Darla was staring at him. “You’re having another conversation in your head, aren’t you?” she asked.

   Laina nodded, then stood back up. “Are we going to go find him or not?”

   The Arkeshi stood and began to move away, taking point. Will started to follow, but as he began his first sustained walk in a single direction, he realized something was wrong.

   What are you doing? demanded Laina. You’re moving weird.

   It’s your hips. There’s something wrong with them.

   Mentally she pushed him aside. There’s nothing wrong with them, idiot. They have more play in them than your stupid man hips do. You have to adapt to it. She took over walking for a while, and Will paid close attention to the process from within. Laina made it seem easy. Of course, she replied. I was born like this, dolt.

   I always thought… he stopped himself before his thought got him in trouble.


   It was useless trying to hide it, so he went on. I thought you people did it on purpose.

   You people?

   Uh, women, I mean.

   Her spirit swirled around him, filled with suspicion. You thought women did what on purpose?

   This walk thing. I thought it was deliberate.

   What’s that supposed to mean?

   As a man, it’s very distracting, he answered, trying to project honesty. I thought it was a sort of deliberate act of femininity.

   Oh, so we were acting? her thought was tinged with annoyance. This is acting! Her walk shifted, swaying farther and becoming more fluid. If she had been visible instead of hidden any onlooker would have instantly known she was vying for attention. If you see a woman doing that, then it’s deliberate.

   Got it, he told her quickly. You can stop now.

   Why? Does it bother you?

   It just feels weird.

   She was laughing silently. Oh, this is too good! You need to get in touch with your inner woman, Will! Her stride became even more sultry, and her hands slid up over her hips and across her torso.

   He couldn’t see exactly what she was doing, but from within, he could perfectly envision it, he was just as aware of the body as she was. It was a powerful feeling, but it was strange nonetheless. You’ve made your point, he told her, signaling his surrender.

   They came to a stop. Darla had halted in front of them, and she was now exerting all her concentration to keep her gaze locked on Laina. “We’re going to get killed if you keep behaving like a whore. Pay attention to our environment.”

   “That was Will,” Laina lied. “He’s having too much fun with my body.”

   “No, I’m not,” he protested.

   “You’re a pervert.”


   Darla covered her face with her hands, then hissed, “For the love of the Mother! Stop! You’re giving me a headache.”

   Will nodded. See what you did?

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