Home > Zhànzhì:A Dark Retelling(26)

Zhànzhì:A Dark Retelling(26)
Author: Anna Edwards

“But how could you endure all of this?” I stroke where her lip is cracked and crusted with blood.

“I endured it because I felt nothing. I’m not in my body when they abuse me. I’m with you.”

I shake my head. “Lia, you risked too much. You could have been killed as soon as the Jīn Long took you.”

“No, I knew that wouldn’t happen, because I know the type of man Wang is. The Yi Shu may not want a woman fighting in their army, but they do so out of respect. They want to love and protect us. The Jīn Long have no such feelings for the opposite sex. Women are simply vessels for their men’s pleasure. I was certain Wang wouldn’t kill me when he found out I was female. It would be a dishonor to allow me an easy death. I knew he would come for me and behave in exactly the way he did. He couldn’t resist taking me as his concubine and parading me before his enemies and business partners. I’m an example of his power—a demonstration of what he can do to people. It was obvious he was that type of man, which is why I asked Gaozu to send him a message telling him where he could find me.”

“Gaozu gave you up to him.”

“Yes, at my request.”

“Have you seriously gone insane?” I can’t believe what I’m hearing.

“No, I’m here, and I know the future now. Tomorrow we end this. You, me, and the Yi Shu army.”

“Why do I have a feeling I’m not going to like whatever it is you’re planning.”

“Because I’m Lia, a warrior for the Yi Shu.” Lia reaches up and strokes her hand down my cheek. Her eyes sparkle at me in the moonlight.

“Tell me your plan, Lia.”

“I need you to get my family to safety. Wang has threatened my sister. She wouldn’t survive what I’ve been through. Gaozu has been keeping an extra eye on them, but I want them in the Yi Shu compound before we take this any further. You need to get a message to me when it’s done. I won’t continue my plan until I know my family will survive, even if I don’t.”

I press my finger against her lips. I won’t listen to words of her death. The dark thoughts of her being in this place and what she’s been through already are enough in my head. I want to claw my brain out when it imagines Wang brutally taking what is mine.

“You have my word. I’ll get a message to you when your family are safe. They will be under my personal protection until this is over.”

“Thank you.” Lia pushes her lips together and kisses my finger. My body heats at her touch. “You need to prepare the army and come here to attack tomorrow. After that, it’ll be too late. Wang had visitors today.” I see her gulp down a memory.

“They hurt you.”

She nods.

“But I never gave them my screams—those are only for you.”

For the first time since I entered the room, I feel a sense of calm. Lia tells me she isn’t suffering when the men abuse her, because she isn’t there, and I can believe that now. It’s the same thing that sometimes happens to me when I’m fighting and killing. I’m not really there. Her training has made her a warrior with incredible skills. She’s lethal with a weapon and also with her mind. I was foolish to worry about her. I can see now she’s the only person for this job, and when she walks out of here with her freedom and the Yi Shu’s victory, she’ll recover and be the woman I love again.

It’s who she is.

“Tell me about Wang’s visitors?” I question.

“An added bonus to my plan, and one that might have saved our lives. They were three businessmen. They’ve promised to support Wang in his fight against the Yi Shu in exchange for the Jīn Long army helping them to expand their own territories.”

“I knew something like this would happen. The Jīn were weakened with the loss of their general, and they know it. We have to fight and win tomorrow before more men can be sent to aid the Jīn Long. I’ll bring our army—don’t you worry about that.” I nod, anger flooding through me. “Do you know anything about the other men?”

“Yes, one of them was a Yi Shu traitor. I’ve seen his face in a picture on a wall in the throne room. He has a mole on the side of his face, here.” Lia points to a spot just under her cheek. I vaguely know who she means, but the name escapes me.

“I’ll check the pictures and find out as much as I can about him.”

“He’s staying here for a few days with another of the men, a Russian.”

Lia gives me his full description, and I know him instantly as someone the Jīn have dealt with in the past. His leader back in Russia is engaged in a war with other mafia factions in his country. A few of their leaders are good friends with Gaozu. I’m sure he’ll be giving them a call to let them know what’s happening. The Russian will not be an issue for much longer, especially if we can capture him to give to our associates. He’s deserves to die.

“What about the third one?”

Lia falls silent before looking up at me and running her hand through my hair.

“You’re Swedish, aren’t you? Originally, I mean.”

“Yes, my mother was. She was killed for loving my father.”

Lia’s eyes fill with tears.

“So was this man. His voice…it shocked me because it sounded so much like yours when you’re alone with me. I hear it licking at the edges of your words. He saw through me, Jaxon. He saw my soul. He was the worst one of the three.”

“He took you.”

She shakes her head.

“No, that was the strange thing. He touched me but didn’t rape me. He just stared at me the entire time while I was abused by the others.”

“You think he’s part of the faction who killed my mother?”

She nods again.

“It was like he could smell you on me. Somehow, he knew you’d marked me.”

I lower my head and lean it against Lia’s.

“It doesn’t mean I’m not going to kill him when I find him.”

“I know.”

I pull back, but Lia leans into me again and presses her lips against mine. We both freeze, the heat in the room swirling around us.

“Tomorrow, fate will decide my future, Jaxon. While you attack his army, I will kill Wang, or attempt to. I don’t know if I’ll succeed, and I don’t want to die with the memories of those men on my body. Please, Jaxon, I need you. I want you inside me. I want to remember again what it is to be loved. Show me. Claim me forever,” Lia begs, and I can’t deny her.

Memories of my mother and father hang heavy in my head. If she dies tomorrow, so will I. We may save the Yi Shu, but I’m not sure destiny will allow us a happy ever after in return.



Jaxon presses his lips against mine. The kiss is passionate, but it’s also full of emotion. We’ve both had to play a role the last few days, one which masks our love for each other. Now in this room, in the center of the devil's lair, it’s all about us. Me and Jaxon together.

Jaxon uses his strength to push me back against the bed, and I allow him. I’m not scared. I know I’m bruised, but I don’t feel any pain when he’s with me, only love.

“You’re the bravest person I know, Lia Zhànshì.” Jaxon kisses down my cheek and neck toward my breasts.

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