Home > Zhànzhì:A Dark Retelling(29)

Zhànzhì:A Dark Retelling(29)
Author: Anna Edwards

I’m feeling on edge, and I know we need to leave soon. Every moment Lia is with Wang, there’s a chance he could hurt her again, and I’m not sure she’ll survive the next time. I’m itching to fight now.

“The blood of my ancestors runs strong in my daughter.” Lia’s father gets to his feet, maybe sensing my sudden need for urgency. “What do you need from us?”

“Lia needs to know you are safe. When Wang took her, he threatened you and especially your younger daughter. I need you all to come with me at once. Gaozu will arrange for his special guard to protect you until I can reunite you with your daughter.”

“Lán,” Lia’s father calls. “Bring only what you need. We’re leaving now.”

Lia’s sister appears with a small bag over her shoulder. I lead the family out of the house to the car waiting for us. As we speed through the streets of San Francisco with guards on motorbikes surrounding us, I write a note to Lia to tell her, her family is safe. When we arrive at the compound, I give it to one of the guards to get to her while I lead Lia’s family through the amassed throng of Yi Shu soldiers. Gaozu greets us all, bowing to Lia’s father before Lin can show his respects to our leader.

“The honor your daughter does for us will forever be celebrated.”

“Thank you, sir.” Lia’s father bows low, and her mother and sister join him.

Gaozu pulls a sword out of his scabbard and hands it to Lia’s father.

“I believe this is your families’ property. I’ve been taking care of it for Lia, but I think it’s safer in your hands until she returns.”

Lia’s father looks down at the sword, and tears fill his eyes. He turns to look at me.

“Thank you.”

“I’ve done nothing, sir, except fall in love with your daughter.”

“No, you gave her a life. Now go bring her home for us please, son.”

He hands me the sword. I shake my head at first and try to give it back, but he refuses.

“Please, Jaxon. Take it to her.”

“I will protect it with my life until I can return it to her hand.”

I bow again and sheathe the sword, replacing my own with it.

Pulling my shoulders back, I walk toward the assembled group of soldiers. Out of the corner of my eye, I see Lia’s family being taken away to safety. The first part of my job is done, and now it’s time for the second.

“Thank you for coming here everyone. In a moment, you will be assigned transport, and we’ll be traveling to Los Angeles to end the war with the Jīn Long. It’s gone on for too long. We want our way of life back, and our families reunited.” I pull Lia’s sword from my scabbard and hold it up in the air.

“For the Yi Shu.” I shout, and the sea of men in front of me do the same with their weapons held high—it’s a deafening battle cry.

Not everyone here will return from what we’re about to do. I still fear destiny’s plan for Lia and me, but if I die today, I’ll go out fighting for the people who are my true family, now and forever.



I’ve tried to keep myself busy today, but it’s not easy locked in a room with nothing in it. I’ve practiced some workout routines Jaxon taught us during training. They’ve helped to ease the tightness in my body and centered my mind a little.

I don’t know exactly what the next few hours hold, but I do know I won’t stop fighting until Wang is dead. He’s a devil—a demon sent to cause pain to all those around him. He has no respect or loyalty for anyone but himself. I doubt he’s that upset about the death of the general I killed. He’s probably more concerned about losing face because it was a woman who dispatched his greatest asset. He certainly doesn’t have any respect for the opposite sex. I feel sorry for his wife and daughters. Maybe with him gone, they might be able to have a better life away from his dictatorship. It will be a blessing for them all.

At least I hope they’ll see it the way I do.

I’m wearing the summer dress that was laid out for me this morning. It’s red in color, the symbolic color of Chinese life. It’s ironic I’ll be wearing it when I take Wang's life. Hopefully, it’ll hide the blood. The small knife Jaxon left behind for me is tucked into my underwear. I was surprised I’d been given any. It makes me wonder what duties Wang has planned for me today.

I resume the training exercises as I wait for fate to come for me. Another hour of breathing and relaxation exercises goes by before the door opens. A man I don’t recognize stands there, staring at me with a lustful expression on his face. Shit. Where is Wang?

“What do you want?” I ask, raising an eyebrow at him.

“Your presence is requested,” he snarls at me, and strutting into the room, he grabs hold of me. His strong fingers dig into the soft flesh of my upper arm, and I know I’ll have more bruises there tomorrow to match the ones over the rest of my body. I need to read about natural remedies to reduce bruising. I’ll be black and blue all over soon. Perks of the job, I guess.

A flash of excitement spreads through my body.

My mask is about to fall.

Today I’ll show everyone just who I really am.

Dragged down the corridor, I try to keep pace with the man, but I stumble more than once to his annoyance. He grips me hard and pulls me with purpose until we reach our destination. I know immediately where we are—a throne room, similar to Gaozu’s but more pretentious. Pictures of Wang dressed in emperor’s clothing adorn the walls. Gaozu has too much class and respect for his people to make a display of himself like that.

The room is full of soldiers all standing at attention. Wang and a couple of his guards are on the stage at the front. He’s sitting on a throne that must be three times the size of Gaozu’s. As I enter the room, all eyes turn to me. Snide smirks cross many of the faces, and my stomach sinks. This can’t be good. Please let Jaxon and the Yi Shu come soon.

I received Jaxon’s message a little earlier in the day, informing me my family is safe, and he’s on his way to get me. I don’t know how the guard got it into the building, and I wasn’t about to ask, but I’m glad he was able to do it as it gave me the courage I needed to do what I’m about to.

I’m dragged forward by the man who brought me here. He takes me up onto the stage and presents me to Wang. The man I despise stands in front of me with a lascivious smile on his face. I want to wipe it off with a slap or better still a knife into the skull.

“Well, Lia, I thought it was about time I introduced you to everyone else here. I hope you don’t mind.” Wang chuckles. “It’s not like you have anything else to do. How are your bruises from yesterday by the way? I see they are shining brightly. Doesn’t she look a picture?” Wang addresses those assembled, and they all shout out their agreement.

A few call on him to give me more bruises, and other’s murmur about wanting to see my blood flow. I push everything to the back of my mind. I won’t allow them to distract me from the calm mood I’ve put myself in with the training techniques I used this morning.

“I barely felt anything.” I yawn. “Must be a sign of what little you and your guests have going on in the groin department.”

I see the Russian and the Yi Shu traitor sitting on seats at the side of the stage, and I give them a wave and a smirk. Both have looks of thunder on their faces. Wang reaches out and slaps me hard across the face. I don’t give him a reaction. I blink a few times to dispel the pain and then stand straighter as the crowd cheers him on.

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