Home > Poisoned Shadow(39)

Poisoned Shadow(39)
Author: Candice Bundy

“What, something Becka of House Rowan won’t argue with me about?” He smiled, but it didn’t reach his eyes, which appeared anxious and sleep deprived. “That’s a miracle, but I’ll take it.”

Fear gripped her, her chest tight, making it difficult to breathe. “Don’t you worry, I’ll get my spunk back soon enough,” she said, forcing a smile, knowing the alternative was too dark. Becka was glad for the distraction of his presence. “Wait a second. I remember something. Did you call me sugar?”

“Certainly not.” He shook his head. “The impropriety! Whatever would Duchess Maura say?”

“Uh huh,” she replied. “I mean, if you had, I don’t think I’d mind it.”

“I’ll make a note of it,” he replied, gripping her hands in his own.

A cool night breeze blew in through the open windows, causing the candles to flicker. The fresh air was a needed distraction from the aching in her body. In the distance, a lone owl hooted softly, distinctive against the quiet of the night.

Becka groaned. “I can’t believe I ate that mint. It was so thoughtless of me. It was as if they appeared out of thin air.”

“Except they didn’t. They were put there specifically for you.”

“Have you figured out if the girl brought them?” she asked, unable to wrap her mind around the possibility of a child poisoning her. What was this world she was living in?

“Yes, her name is Sorrel. She’s a niece of Astrid’s by marriage. I questioned her a few hours ago. All she seems to know is that they placed the mints on her platter to be left with you when she cleaned up the dishes in your room. There were dozens of those bowls of mints in the kitchen. None of the others had poison in them. Brent did exhaustive checks, including the mints that had been sent out to other rooms already.”

“I can’t imagine the girl is to blame. I don’t even know her.” She reached for the cup of water, which Quinn refilled and then handed back to her. The chilled liquid cooled the burning in her throat. She sipped slowly to make the sensation linger.

“We agree. Someone must have tainted just the ones in your bowl, knowing Sorrel was going directly to your room. Sorrel remembers passing a few people in the hall, but none of their behaviors stood out to her. Brent is questioning everyone the girl remembers.”

Becka handed back the empty cup. “I am so over this crap, Quinn.”

He set the cup on the bedside table, his expression stormy. “You aren’t the only one.”

She stretched, acutely aware of the sore and strained muscles lining her torso and stomach. “Let me know what you hear.” Becka’s lids fluttered as she struggled to keep them open. “Every time this poisoner acts, they risk exposure. Their luck will run out,” she reasoned. But was she trying to reassure Quinn, herself, or both?

He brushed a stray lock of hair from her face. “Get some sleep. If we learn anything, I’ll wake you.”

“You’re staying?” she whispered.

“Nothing could make me leave your side,” he replied, his voice uncharacteristically thick with emotion.

Becka reached for his hand and sighed when he took her hand in his own, gently massaging her palm. In the dim candlelight, his eyes appeared to glisten. Or was that just her imagination?

No. The intensity of his gaze and raw emotion creasing his face hit her in the solar plexus. She’d almost died. Again. So much for the safety of being home again.

Becka’s eyelids fluttered as she fought to stay awake. “I don’t know why you’re safe for me to touch,” she mumbled. “But I’m grateful.”

Quinn gripped her hand. “Always be thankful for small graces.”

Becka meant to agree, but sleep pulled her down into its depths once more.



Morning had returned and along with it, a trio of disapproving frowns. Brent, Quinn, and the healer stood around her bedside watching her like hawks.

“Why is everyone just standing around?” Becka croaked out, her throat dry.

Illan held out a cup of water, which she took and sipped. “Thanks. Where are my clothes?”

Their frowns deepened.

“I’d like you to stay for observation another day,” Illan replied.

Becka pushed herself up on her own as the three men frowned even more. Their looks of incredulity to each other and shared shrugs didn’t dissuade her.

“Clothes. Now,” Becka said.

Because of Becka’s insistence that she get up, dress, and go back to her life, they handed her clothes to wear. When she dressed and then made it clear she planned to leave the infirmary, that’s when the scowls started.

“I would truly prefer you stay the day,” Illan said. “I know you’re feeling improved, but why not rest today? Why risk pushing yourself?”

“Sure, I’m tired, but otherwise I’m okay. You said there’s nothing more you can do for me here. You injected me with all of those treatments, and they worked. Now, since I’m stable, I’m leaving. I need to see Maura and I will not give my attacker the satisfaction of seeing me appear weak.”

Illan smiled. “You’re more like your mother than I realized.”

Becka offered a side-eyed glare to the healer. Sure, she knew Maura was iron-willed, sometimes to a fault. It was certainly a trait Becka didn’t mind having in common with her mother. “Wait a second. Are you comparing me to Maura to try and keep me from leaving? Do you think that’ll work on me?”

His suddenly blank face and rounded eyes confirmed her suspicions.

“Nice try, healer. Trust me, when I start to feel tired, I’ll kick my feet up and take a nap.” Becka walked toward the door, blocked by Brent. “You think you can keep me penned in?”

“Yes,” Brent said, “if we choose to do so.”

“Do you somehow think me staying in a small room makes me any safer?”

“Yeah, I do,” Brent replied. “If you’re only exposed to vetted contacts, then I am confident we can minimize or eliminate the threats.”

“That’s where you’re wrong.” Becka sat on the edge of the bed. “The person who’s after me has made it clear, with Vott’s poisoning, that they’re fine if those close to me are hurt too. The same goes for this attempt. Anyone else in the room could have eaten those butter mints instead of me. If you lock me in a room, it endangers whoever is in there with me.”

“I’m not sure I agree, but what would you have us do?” Quinn asked.

“I need to appear strong while the investigation continues. And for that to happen, we need to go and see Maura. Now.” She pointed at Quinn and Brent.

“You want to talk to Maura right now?” Brent asked.

“Yes, right now.” She stood up, fatigue multiplying the required effort, but she wasn’t about to back down. “And the two of you are coming with me. Let’s go.”

Brent sighed and shook his head. “Lead on, Lady Becka.”



Chapter 20



Calder stood between her and the door to the council chambers, looking taken aback by her very presence. He blinked as if he’d seen a ghost.

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