Home > Poisoned Shadow(41)

Poisoned Shadow(41)
Author: Candice Bundy

Maura’s gaze narrowed. “You’ve proved your loyalty to Becka, and perhaps by extension also House Rowan, so I’ve given you a certain leeway. How am I supposed to believe you have adequate pull with Chief Elowen or your fellow enforcers to make such a guarantee?”

“I have demonstrated I have the pull with Chief Elowen already,” he replied.

He paused for a moment, and a few of the council members shifted in their seats. Maura’s eyes widened in surprise at his implicit admission that he’d already either hidden information of their seditious tendencies or that the chief had at his request. Maura gave a quick nod of understanding, and then he continued.

“I would personally choose the enforcers. Only those I trust implicitly.”

Lord Cedric leaned forward in his chair. “You are alluding to excluding grievances from your reports. Additionally, you claim to know other enforcers who will do the same at your request. All enforcers take oaths to uphold human laws. If you have broken those oaths, how are we to trust you will keep your word to us?”

Quinn shrugged. “You can interpret my statements as you please. I prefer to focus my efforts on finding your poisoner.”

Brent side-eyed Quinn and gave him an appreciative nod.

“I need more than your word,” Maura replied, and Calder, Cedric, Wynne, Eirian, and Astrid all nodded.

Quinn shook his head, and Brent held up a hand. “Duchess Maura, do you continue to accept the word of my wolf pack?”

Her eyes widened. “Of course, Brent. Vott trusts you, and therefore so do I.”

“Then I would propose that these two hand-selected enforcers of Quinn’s be paired with shifter escorts. Then we can ensure they don’t deviate from their scope of seeking the poisoner, even outside of the formal interview process.”

Maura held up a hand, stopping Brent. “Is there anything more about your proposal that the council needs to know before discussing our options?”

Brent and Quinn shared a look, their sour expressions reflecting the likely poor outcome of their request.

“No, Duchess,” Quinn replied.

“Then I would thank you to vacate my council chambers. You will be informed of our decision.”

Quinn opened his mouth as if to argue, but appeared to think better of it.

When the door closed behind them, Becka couldn’t tell if they’d said enough to sway Maura or the council. If they wouldn’t hear reason, what more could she do? Becka couldn’t back down, fear of another poisoning driving her forward.



Chapter 21



Calder, true to form, was the first to speak. “Mother, you can’t be considering his request! Quinn has turned fae over to the human courts, including Elder Bjork of House Alder, cousin to Duke Vott. And he wants to bring more enforcers into our home?”

Maura held up a hand to silence him, and he quieted, but his face remained flushed.

“In case any of you have forgotten, my will presides within these walls.”

“Thank you, Duchess, for your level-headed oversight,” Lord Cedric replied.

She waved him off. “What are your thoughts?”

Lady Wynne held her hand to her chest. “Do you think we can trust them?”

Maura shrugged. “Quinn has displayed an adept hand with fact-finding and appears quite committed to protecting Becka. Brent has earned Vott’s trust, and ours, over the years.”

“I too trust in those points,” Elder Eirian replied. “Someone is targeting Becka, and I fear now that they’ve failed twice, they will only be emboldened to further attempts unless we stop them.”

Becka slumped in her chair, regarding Calder as the council members talked amongst themselves. She’d believed he was the most likely suspect, but now that didn’t feel right to her. Perhaps he had been arguing publicly in opposition to his closely held hatred of Becka to throw them all off the scent?

However, she didn’t believe that someone who lost his temper at the drop of a hat could selectively mask his emotions. Did he even think before he blurted out his positions? Becka chuckled to herself.

But then, who did that leave as a suspect? They had crossed Astrid off the list because she didn’t appear to fear Becka’s powers at all. In fact, she saw Becka as a potentially huge moneymaker for the house. And they’d also eliminated Alain, but perhaps that was premature? Despite his interest in aligning with their house and bringing in a relationship coach, had the incident with Hanna changed his mind? Becka’s death would free him from his obligations, as Calder was next in line.

Becka rubbed her forehead. Her mind was spinning with the possibilities, threatening an impending headache.

“Becka, do you need a break?” Maura asked.

The council had quieted around her; she assumed they’d talked the investigation to death without her. Oh wait, did that pregnant pause in the air mean she’d missed a question?

She shot Maura a forced smile. “I’m fine. Sorry, what did you ask?”

Concern lit Maura’s eyes. “I asked for your thoughts. The council could discuss this all day, but you’re the one being targeted.”

“I feel like I’ve already made that clear. I’m done getting poisoned.” Becka looked each council member in the eye, one by one. “If we don’t find the culprit, it’s only a matter of time before they succeed. I support Quinn’s proposal and having Brent’s shifters working in tandem with the enforcers should wrap this up.”

Lord Cedric’s grudging nod was paired with frowns around the table.

“Let’s put it to a vote,” Maura said. “All for moving forward?”

Becka, Astrid, Calder, and Lord Cedric raised their hands. Maura, Lady Wynne, and Elder Eirian didn’t.

Maura voting against furthering the investigation deflated Becka, the dire nature of the threat against her not enough to move her mother’s hand. And what did Wynne and Eirian have against her?

“Against my better judgement, we carry the vote,” Maura said. “We will consent to the indignity of this fishing expedition, because the alternative is unacceptable. We will have a council member present. If they cross the line, then we will find an alternative method of finding the poisoner.”

Becka understood what Maura was demanding. Saving Becka’s life was well and good, but not if it risked bringing an investigation down on House Rowan. It was a reasonable position for the head of the house to take, even though it stung a little to hear from her mother. The pressure on Maura had to be immense this past week, what with Vott comatose and the continued attacks against her heir. Becka knew Maura feared for her safety, evidenced by allowing the enforcers’ investigation to continue despite the council’s concerns.

One day that responsibility would fall on her. Becka hoped it would be a lifetime from now.

“I hear you loud and clear,” Becka replied.

Maura’s sad smile didn’t reach her eyes, which were filled with cold calculation. “I’m glad we understand each other.”

Becka rose to go. “I’ll deliver the news.”

She left the room, but as she closed the door Astrid caught it and slipped out with her. “Just a moment of your time?”

“Uh, sure,” Becka replied.

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