Home > Lineage(69)

Author: Kilian Grey

“Anything for you, my king,” Aris replied.

One knight at the door stepped forward. “His Excellency will see you both.”

Another knight opened the door.

Faust stepped inside first. Relan had been tended to, and he stood just inside the doorway, but he lacked Volant armor. Emoris and Lathil were by the throne, but Lathil was without his entourage. How unusual.

Aris followed and openly stared.

Mika closed the doors behind the pair and stood opposite of Relan.

Faust’s heart beat fast as the green flames along the wall flickered brighter with the subtle rise of earth magic in the room.

Emoris was a perfect painting of elegance and grace upon the golden throne with red velvet cushions, but Emoris’s emerald gaze was anything but kind under his long dark bangs.

Beside Emoris, Lathil stood in nicked and scratched armor, his presence demanding respect while a subdued malice lurked underneath Lathil’s neutral expression. Something had happened.

Faust kneeled on one knee in front of Emoris, his head bowed. Aris was a fast learner and was quick to mimic his movements at his side. “You asked for us, Your Excellency?”

“Rise,” Emoris commanded.

Faust winced but rose to his feet.

Emoris observed Aris and locked eyes. “Faust,” Emoris said.

Faust stood still. Emoris looked even more perturbed than he had been at the arena. Faust had upset Emoris in the arena; he was late, and Aris was a sky stone user.

“I do not approve of him.”

Faust clenched his fists. Aris was plenty qualified to be at his side, but if he lashed out, Emoris might hurt Aris. Aris didn’t deserve to bear the pain that was meant for him.

“Did you expect me to approve of an outsider for you, Faust?”

“He met the requirements,” Faust said. “I know we can fight side by side if someone tries to kill me again.”

“Fight with you?” Emoris snorted. “As the king, you do not defend yourself, your knights do that for you. You will remain in the castle and continue your duties.”


“Hold your tongue,” Emoris roared.

Faust flinched, and a chill ran down his spine, his knees weak. He kneeled once more and hung his head, his jaw clenched.

Aris stood tall, despite his short stature.

Faust jerked his attention to Aris, his stomach in knots. No. Aris couldn’t fight them, but the words to stop Aris caught in his throat.

Emoris glared. “Do you have something to say?”

Aris continued to stare, undeterred. “The people—your people—have seen me. Not accepting me will only give way to more hatred of you.”

Emoris leaned on his hand with an amused expression. “You speak as if you’ve seen this hatred yourself.”

“I have.”

“Yourself included?”

“I have formed an opinion of you just now.” Aris smiled. “You are unfit to rule.”

Faust’s heart nearly stopped.

Emoris chuckled low, and earth magic turned in the air. “I should exile you from my lands—”

“Emoris,” Lathil interrupted, “if you will not permit Aris to become Faust’s personal knight, he should be placed in the Kingsley Knights. Aris has shown more than enough skill to protect the people. We need more knights with an affinity like his in battle.”

“He is not fit,” Emoris spat.

“I am aware of what has transpired in my absence,” Lathil said with a side-glance to Emoris. The other deity averted his gaze. “You have riled the people while I was gone, Emoris. Aris must remain. If you force my Blessed into his place, the people will no longer trust us.”

Faust pursed his lips. There was no way Lathil was on his side. The deity must want something in return.

“I look forward to Aris standing at our sides in battle,” Lathil said.

Faust’s heart sank. He’d just given Lathil another pawn to use in his war against Konrad. Aris would have no choice but to follow.

Lathil turned toward Aris. “Who do you protect?”

“My king,” Aris said, motioning to Faust.

“Loyal to the crown from the start. He will do,” Lathil said.

“Then, when in public, Aris will be at your side Faust, but within these walls, it will be whomever I assign to you,” Emoris said. “While Aris is not serving Faust, he will follow Commander Frei’s orders per castle protocol.”

Faust wanted to smile. Both his allies together. He may have a chance yet.

“I will have it known that you are not to be around Faust unless I permit it, Aris,” Emoris continued. “Commander Frei will hold my orders above Faust’s. Do not disobey them. That goes for you as well, Faust. I need not remind you of the consequences.”

Faust swallowed, unease crawling along his skin. Emoris agreed too readily.

“Your response, Faust. I’m waiting.”

Faust gritted his teeth. If he spoke out against this order, Aris would be banished, possibly killed. Faust inhaled. “I understand, Your Excellency. I accept your terms.”

“Aris,” Emoris said.

Aris glared.

“I expect you to follow Commander Frei’s lead and expertise on matters of the castle. If you disobey my order and are with Faust, I will expel you from my lands. Do you accept these conditions?”

Faust’s gaze wandered to Lathil. He doubted Lathil would let Emoris get rid of such a valuable pawn.

“I accept,” Aris said.

Faust closed his eyes with a quiet sigh. Aris wouldn’t be leaving. Aris would be safe with Mika. Getting time with him would be tricky, but Faust needed to know what was happening outside the castle and if Nik was even still alive.

“Aris,” Lathil addressed, “I will show you around the castle and ask you a few more questions. You will be seen by many and often. There is a certain way you must behave.”

Aris looked to Faust, hesitating.

“Follow me,” Lathil said and sauntered to the doorway. “Relan, Commander Frei, come with me. We have some things to discuss.”

Mika bowed and opened the door.

Lathil walked out, Relan on his heels.

Aris spared one last glimpse at Faust and accompanied Lathil.

“Your little stunt has earned you some punishment, Faust,” Emoris said.

Dread seeped into Faust’s bones, and he raised his head to meet Emoris’s harsh green glare as the door slammed shut. Lathil’s magic grew distant and the flames in the room gradually grew weaker. This was it. Emoris was going to kill him.

Emoris stood and grabbed a floor lantern, snapping the pole right off.

Faust shuffled back on his heels. Earth magic sang around him, and all the lantern stands creaked and twisted. A strong concentration of magic hurled at Faust’s back, the wind whistling in his ears. He jumped right, a spike ripping his sleeve.

Running steps pounded the stone floor.

Faust jerked back, sliding down as Emoris sank the pole into Faust’s cape, pinning it to the wall. His boots skidded, trying to catch his balance as he hit the wall with his back. Faust tried to gain distance between himself and Emoris, but the deity rammed one fist into Faust’s injured side.

Faust shouted, pain blinding him. Emoris continued to hit him, slamming Faust’s back into the wall, his feet leaving the ground. He reached out to the natural magic in a desperate attempt to stop Emoris.

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