Home > Lineage(73)

Author: Kilian Grey

“Very,” Aris said. “He’s quite happy, too.”

“And my brother, Konrad, the great power as you call him,” Faust swallowed, “is alive?”

“You doubt the wind?”

Faust shook his head. “No, it has not steered me wrong yet.” He looked into Aris’s eyes, lost in the vibrant blue of the sky. “I am willing to take a chance on you, my brave knight.”

The tension in Aris’s body melted into a blushing smile.

Faust admired Aris’s blush, pleased he liked the name. He rose from his bed with a wince. “I just need to grab a cloak and a small bag.” He pulled the small panel away from his bed and grabbed the hairpin Ignas gave him, the gems smooth from all the times he’d rubbed at them night after night. He picked up the satchel by the table and set it inside. It already held the journals he’d used since he arrived. Faust slipped on his gloves and snatched his cloak, fastening it.

Aris turned and moved toward the balcony, but Faust whirled Aris back around with natural wind magic. Aris blinked at him, eyes wide. Faust moved his hand down and pointed to the wall, ignoring Aris’s bewilderment. “We go this way. If we wander around outside, we will get caught. I cannot move fast right now.”

Aris still stared. “You didn’t use a stone.”

“I used yours,” Faust lied. Faust closed his eyes and sifted through the magic outside his door. He only felt one knight. “Commander Frei,” Faust called.

“Yes, Your Majesty?” Mika echoed through the door.

“I am in need of your assistance.”

Mika walked inside with a traveling pack and closed the door. “I have already relieved the knights within the immediate halls, Your Majesty. You should be able to reach the market without incident. I have prepared everything you should need for your journey in this bag,” Mika said, lifting the pack. “I stored King Konrad’s surviving journals for you to decipher on the road as well.”

Faust raised an eyebrow, glancing between Aris and Mika. “You planned this.”

Aris’s eyes sparkled with mirth. “We serve you, my king.”

Faust smiled, closing his eyes to hold back the tears. He didn’t deserve either of them. Faust turned to Mika. “You are coming with us.”

Mika faltered, lowering the pack.

“I need you, Mika,” Faust said, refusing to back down despite the turbulent emotions dancing through Mika’s eyes.

“I say you come, too, Commander. You are one of the few that are worthy in this castle,” Aris glanced to Faust, “and besides, anyone he wants shall come.”

“As you wish, Your Majesty.” Mika bowed and removed a short sword from his belt, handing it to Faust.

Faust grabbed his own sword belt, attaching Mika’s weapon to his hip. He wasn’t certain he would be of much help, but it was best he was armed.

“Is there a plan, Aris?” Mika asked, and secured the pack on his back.

“We’ll have help once we get in the city,” Aris said. “Quite a few people wish to aid their king.”

Faust walked over to the wall and kicked the panel. “You snagged some reliable people,” he commented and ventured down the ladder. “The Guild of Artisans sent me coded messages yesterday morning about how my ‘brave knight’ was making his rounds.”

Aris followed and looked around. “They did say they knew you. I was told you would be pleased with their help and that it is a duty demanded of them.”

Mika exhaled, a hand on his face. “That was a dangerous move, Your Majesty.”

“It was, but I was working on trying to get to Nik before I was attacked the first time.” Faust hit another panel to close the one up top. “If he was safe, I could move freely.” He led the small group through the tunnel, sparing Mika a glance. His aura was brighter than usual, even with its dark coloring. Faust wondered if Aris influenced it somehow. Aris’s aura was just as blinding and lit up the whole tunnel.

“Where does this let out?” Aris asked in a hushed voice.

“Various places in the market,” Faust replied. “Where will we get the most help?”

“I’m not exactly sure, but most were closer to the western exit.”

Mika sighed. “Most paths leading that way are being watched.”

“Then we will head this way.” Faust made a sharp turn. It was a different path than when he snuck out to find Aris. Knights would be at the other exit. He reached out with his magic and paused. There weren’t many knights around the hallways, most were concentrated in the barracks. He focused harder to find out about the city, but his mind grew foggy. Faust stretched out his arm to the wall, but his fingers only grasped air.

Mika shot forward and caught Faust, setting Faust against the wall. “Your Majesty.”

Faust covered his face and groaned. He’d overused his magic earlier. He should have known better.

“Faust.” Aris gasped, dropping to his knees. He touched Faust’s cheek. “You’re really warm.”

“I am just tired,” Faust said with a small smile. “I am denied medicine for a bit longer.”

Mika growled and rummaged around his belt. “Refrain from using any more magic, including hunting your surroundings. King Konrad did the same. Often got a good scolding for it, too.”

Faust chuckled. Konrad got scolded by Arleen, Lukas, or Olivia often in the past. He was always trying far too hard. Faust could only hope that’s what happened this time, too. By Alimphis, it was unnerving not feeling his presence.

Mika pulled out a small bottle of red liquid. “Take this, it will at least keep you going until we can get you to a healer.”

Faust frowned but took it. It was far smaller than any dose the healers gave him and wouldn’t last long.

Aris stared at Faust and touched his knee. “Will you be all right?”

Faust glanced from Aris to Mika and back again. “That is what I have you two for, no?”

“Of course!” Aris struck a pose, but a faint blush crossed his cheeks.

“I will be counting on you, my brave knight. My life is in your capable hands. Show me what else you can do.”

A slow smile worked its way onto Aris’s lips.

Mika helped Faust to his feet. “I mean it, no magic.”

“Yes, sir,” Faust said. He touched the wall and walked a bit slower.

Aris took the lead and let magic flow into one stone. The wind sprang forth and detailed what was up ahead. He threw a shout in the distance so the knights would move and glanced back to Faust with a smug grin.

Faust smiled. “Impressive.”

“Flirt later,” Mika motioned with one hand, “escaping first.”

Faust gave Aris one last sly look and watched his ears turn a bright red. He would see what other expressions Aris could make later.

Aris exited the tunnel first and reached back to help Faust up the tall ledge, being careful not to pull too hard. Mika needed no help, hoisting himself up with ease. Aris checked the perimeter and waved them along.

Faust kept close to the walls they passed until they made it to the market. The air was even colder in the city streets, but the snowfall was light. He pulled his hood up and did his best not to leave any tracks in the fresh snow.

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