Home > Lineage(76)

Author: Kilian Grey

“He meant to break you. Do not let him win.”

Faust cursed his lapse at believing Konrad was dead. He believed in Mika’s and Aris’s strong conviction that his brother was, indeed, alive. Even though Faust felt a void of power in the natural magic of Alimphis, Konrad wouldn’t fail. Not where he was involved at least. Faust thought back to the war room and why Lathil did what he did. “The message was from another deity.”

Mika raised his eyebrows.

“There are at least five deities that walk Alimphis,” Faust said. “They’ve hidden the past from the people. Well, tried to hide. The Kingdom of Roltan has held on to their past, and there are rumors that the deity of Windilum has returned.”

“And which deity are we looking for first?” Mika asked.

Faust blinked.

“You wouldn’t have told me this without having some kind of plan, Your Majesty.”

Faust flushed. Mika read him so easily. “Linos,” he said. “They have been looking for Linos and records have said the first to find him ascends. I believe Linos is wandering somewhere in the kingdoms, but we must find him before Commandant Vasil does—the Deity of Carnage. He’s the deity of Windilum. I do not wish to lose the only deity His Excellencies seem to want. We need Linos to find the High King. Then they will fall in line.”

Mika touched his chin in thought. “I can see why he sent you away,” he said. “King Konrad and Sir Rene struggled to find that information. Why is the Commandant a problem?”

“Linos sealed him,” Faust replied. “It is difficult to say if Vasil will be amicable or not. People said he has awakened, but Windilum surrendered to Alios. I do not see him doing such a thing, so I am uncertain of his intentions.” Faust had been convinced Vasil was Ignas until recently, but now he knew Vasil was a very different entity and far stronger than Ignas, based on what he’d felt. He had to take his steps with caution. He didn’t have a good record with the deities he’d met.

“Then we will hunt for Linos as we travel.” Mika gestured to Aris. “Aris insists on going to Shar even though the city is still under Lord Acker’s control. It could put Prince Nik in danger, but Aris swears it is safe,” he said. “But people have reported that the city vanishes at times. Anytime someone went to investigate, the city was there, functioning with nothing amiss.”

“How is that possible? Shar is huge!” Faust paused. “What if it is Linos?” he murmured.

Mika shrugged. “We won’t know until we arrive, and right now, we have few choices. Emoris and Lathil took many precautions so you wouldn’t learn that particular truth. The only thing they have over you is your brother Prince Nik.”

Faust had to agree. They really didn’t have a choice. If he headed back now, Nik would be killed. If he remained away, Nik could still be killed. It was far too isolated out here. Heading toward Hol would have given them more allies and places to hide. He needed more information to form a plan. The deities had wings. They wouldn’t be alone for long.

Aris shifted closer to Faust with an unintelligible mumble, interrupting his train of thought. Faust’s cheeks flushed, but he kept himself still as possible. “I suppose you will share why we are naked now, commander.”

Mika smirked. “Perhaps you two had a good time?”

Faust’s ears burned hot. “Commander.”

Mika chuckled. “Your clothes were soaked from the snow and your fever was worrisome. I also needed to inspect your injuries. Whatever the mercenaries put on that rag was potent and was meant to incapacitate you. You were somewhat aware when we arrived, but not coherent.” Mika motioned to Aris. “I thought you’d be more comfortable sharing heat with Aris than me. He’s about your age. You were growing far too warm, and there is no healer here. I had to decide quickly. Please forgive me.”

Faust shifted in embarrassment. Mika did what he had to, to save his life. “You are forgiven.” It wasn’t like the commander hadn’t seen him before, but it still didn’t make him any less embarrassed. “Did Aris . . . see?”

“See? He helped me.”

A scandalized noise left Faust’s lips before he could stop it. That was not how he wanted Aris to see him the first time!

“Relax.” Mika squeezed Faust’s shoulder. “Aris has behaved himself, but now that you are awake, you should take the rest of that.” Mika pointed to the red medicine.

Faust eyed the half-empty bottle.

Mika grinned. “Aris gave you the first dose.”

Faust touched his lips, and he knew a steady flush covered his face, right up to his ears. He didn’t remember. Faust hadn’t wanted his first kiss with Aris to be like that either. Faust gathered his composure as Mika laughed at him and looked back to Aris.

“He’s been asleep a while,” Mika said. “It wouldn’t hurt to wake him up.”

“How much time has passed?”

“About two days. It was touch and go with your fever,” Mika said. “Our merchant friends have been frantic for you. It isn’t every day they see Lord Arcus.” Mika got up and wandered over to grab a glass of water.

Faust touched Aris’s bare shoulder. “Aris,” he whispered, hoping to rouse Aris, but Aris held on tight instead. Faust couldn’t help but laugh and caressed Aris’s cheek. Aris was such an expert in battle, but here in his arms, Aris appeared so harmless. It felt right, as if Aris was always meant to be there. Faust leaned down to Aris’s ear. “Aris,” he said again.

Aris held Faust tighter, a furrow to his brows, and pressed his face into Faust’s chest. He blinked a couple of times and raised his head.

Faust bit back a smile. Aris’s eyes were so vibrant despite being dazed with sleep. “Good morning.”

Aris closed his eyes and rested his head again. “Morning.”

Faust waited. Aris tensed in his arms.

Aris scrambled away from Faust, his face a bright red. “Y-You’re awake!” Aris blurted and clenched a blanket around his body.

“I am.” Faust lounged on his side and rested his head on his hand. “I am not mad. I am quite pleased, actually. Waking up with you pressed against me, how could I even think of being mad?”

Aris scrambled off the bed and picked up his undergarment and pants, sliding them on in haste.

Faust admired Aris’s quick movements. The blanket had fallen from Aris’s shoulders, giving Faust quite the view of his back. It was such a shame Aris was getting dressed again, he wouldn’t have minded lying with Aris a little longer.

Mika rolled his eyes. “You must be feeling better. Don’t tease Aris so much, he might be faint of heart.” Mika raised the bottle and glass to Faust. “If you will, Your Majesty.”

Faust sighed and sat up with care, letting the blankets fall to his waist.

Aris slipped his tunic on and straightened his clothes out, but they were still a bit sloppy. “It’s a little bitter,” Aris warned, averting his gaze.

Faust nodded, but his ears burned hot at the sight of a blush working its way over Aris’s face. Faust took the bottle and downed the rest of it. He coughed and wiped at his mouth, snatching the water from Mika and washing it down. “A little bitter?” This stuff was much stronger than the medicine he’d been allowed to take in the castle.

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