Home > Lineage(84)

Author: Kilian Grey

Aris tilted his head and shoved Faust into Ignas, blade raised. Bullets rang off Aris’s sword, and he snarled in annoyance. Two gunshots fired behind Aris and he tensed.

Men slumped out of the upper windows in the distance.

Ignas lowered his gun with a whistle. “You’re quite something, beautiful.” Ignas turned to Faust. “What do we do from here? Did Terrence say anything?”

Faust leaned against the wall and shook his head. “Staying in the alleys will not help us either. Relan will attack from above, and a small space is not ideal.” He also wouldn’t hold up much longer.

“Let’s find a merchant,” Aris suggested. “Keeping you out of sight is best. You can’t continue this kind of running, my king.”

Ignas’s gaze bore into Faust so earnestly that sweat dotted his brow, but Faust refused to meet it at first. He couldn’t hold himself confidently enough to keep Ignas’s worry at bay.

Ignas caressed Faust’s cheek.

Faust reluctantly lifted his gaze, unable to resist Ignas’s loving touch. Ignas’s eyes bore a mixture of concern, want, and anger, and it was enough to spark desire in Faust again. Ignas’s aura was a fury of red, and his warmth locked around Faust in a protective shield he wanted to stay in forever. The warmth soothed Faust the same way it did months ago, and by Alimphis, he hadn’t realized how much he missed it until now. Faust gave the mercenary a weak smile. “We can speak later, come on,” Faust said and pushed off the wall. He took careful and precise steps, aware of Ignas’s eyes on his every move.

Ignas sighed but followed with a side-glance to Aris.

It didn’t take long to get to the main road, and Faust signaled a wagon. “I need a ride to the mansion for myself and my bodyguards.”

“Right away, Lord Arcus,” the driver said, motioning to the back of his covered wagon.

Ignas inspected the back first and moved the flap aside. He hoisted Faust up with ease, and Faust did not hesitate to accept his help. Ignas glanced at Aris and smirked. “Need help?” Ignas asked.

Aris found a small foothold and got into the wagon himself.

Ignas shrugged. He joined the pair in the back and secured the flap once more.

Faust settled beside a carton of clothes and knocked on it. The wagon jolted and moved. He sat in silence. Relan would either return and tell Lathil his whereabouts, or he would try to capture him again. Relan was supposed to work for Windilum, but he hadn’t shown any allegiance to the kingdom yet.

Aris slid closer. “I can get rid of Relan,” Aris said, breaking the silence.

Faust shook his head. “If we do that, His Excellency Lathil will know where Relan is and come for him.” Faust didn’t want anyone in that kind of danger again. His last encounter with an angry deity had not gone well. If they lost Linos now, they would lose their chance at victory.

Ignas took a seat beside Faust and stared.

Faust pulled his hood down, revealing his long hair to Ignas. He wasn’t certain Ignas would still like him even though he grew out his hair again. It was the only thing that remained even remotely gorgeous about Faust now that he was thinner and had scars. They had so much to talk about. “I need to hire you again.”

Ignas lifted his eyebrows in interest and edged closer. He kissed Faust’s temple. “It’ll be my pleasure. What’s the occasion?”

Aris glared at Ignas with the fury of a wild storm, and Faust’s heart jumped. Ignas needed to be careful. Ignas didn’t know he was picking a fight with a deity. Faust moved Ignas away, despite the comfortable warmth that flooded him. “I need you to protect me from Relan. You know which men are his, too.”

“I thought you would never ask. I will gladly protect you from the likes of him.”

Faust bit his lip. He wanted more than that. Ignas’s warmth settled the fear in his stomach. Aris may have been Linos, but it made Aris a target, too. He needed Ignas’s help to ensure Aris would be just as protected. “Is Zara here too?”

“She’s in Windilum on another task.” Ignas enveloped Faust in his arms, pulling Faust close. “I will do everything in my power to protect you,” Ignas vowed, holding him tight.

Faust flinched with a hitch to his breathing.

Ignas loosened his hold. “I’m sorry,” he murmured and rested his head on Faust’s shoulder, cradling Faust’s head with one hand. “I should have gone with you.”

Faust settled into Ignas’s arms. “You are here now.” He felt well-protected in Ignas’s strong arms, engulfed in his embrace. He had hoped Zara would be with Ignas, but they were a band of mercenaries, it made sense they would be apart sometimes. A kiss to his neck brought Faust back to the matter at hand. “Ignas.”

Aris wiggled his arms around Faust, careful of Faust’s side. “I will protect you, too, my king,” Aris added and stared into Ignas’s grey eyes. “Better than you can.”

Faust barked out a laugh. “Will you now, my brave knight?” He turned in Ignas’s arms and caressed Aris’s face.

“Of course.”

Ignas eyed the two with growing interest, one hand on Faust’s hip.

“Do not even think about it,” Faust said.

Ignas raised his hands in defense. “What was I thinking about?”

“You know.”

“You can’t say you wouldn’t mind.”

Faust couldn’t respond to that. He wouldn’t have anything against what Ignas was suggesting. He longed for it, in fact, but Aris would most certainly mind. Aris was a powerful deity who had just lain claim to him.

Ignas tugged Faust back into his arms, giving Aris a smug smile despite the glare he received. “He is quite the looker,” Ignas said in Faust’s ear, smiling against his skin at the way Faust shuddered. Ignas tilted Faust’s chin. “But he’s not as beautiful as you gorgeous.”

Faust wanted to protest, but he still wanted Ignas to believe he was still gorgeous.

“When will I get my payment?” Ignas traced over Faust’s lips, noting how Aris tensed with a sly smile. “Do I get kisses, coins, or something else?” He situated Faust’s hips with his own playfully.

“Ignas.” Faust grabbed Ignas’s hand. By Alimphis, Aris was going to hurt Ignas if he didn’t stop. “I will pay you in coin once I can access my funds.”

“Deal.” Ignas situated Faust sideways in his lap.

Aris rested beside Faust, facing the back of the wagon. He held Faust’s hand and slid close to hold Faust’s arm with a pointed look in Ignas’s direction.

Faust twisted and stroked the deity’s face just to see Aris squirm. He felt safe between the two of them.

“You should rest,” Ignas said. “I will keep watch. It’ll be a while before we reach the mansion. Your friend is taking a rather long route to throw Relan off it seems.”

“We’ll keep watch,” Aris corrected.

Faust snickered and settled against Ignas’s broad chest, pulled his glasses off to hold in his lap, and closed his eyes. Ignas’s steady heartbeat was just as soothing as his warmth and Aris’s strong wind wrapped around his magic, enveloping him in a safe barrier. He could get used to this feeling.



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