Home > Lineage(88)

Author: Kilian Grey

Faust had not expected Aris to ask such a thing. “I was infatuated with him,” he said, but in all honestly, he still craved Ignas. “After we parted, I still longed for him—for his protection most of all. He made me feel safe, despite having to outrun the most powerful beings in Alios.” He straightened.

“Ignas taught me many things which I am grateful for and helped me meet with various people. He even jeopardized Windilum’s peace to save me from His Excellency Lathil’s Servant of Power, Miklos.” Faust clenched his hands together, his knuckles white. “I love how Ignas makes me feel, Aris, but we cannot be. He belongs to the Kingdom of Windilum right now, and I belong to you. I am far more interested in you. The moment I saw you, I knew I could not let you out of my sight. I did not feel that with Ignas. I just wanted him to be mine.”

Aris nodded.

“I am drawn to you, Aris,” Faust said. “When you are in danger, I can barely control myself. I need to protect you with everything I have.” Faust touched his chest, where the Mark of Linos would sit.

Aris covered Faust’s hand with his and a rush of magic twirled and sparked between them. He gazed at Faust with a shy, yet hopeful smile.

Faust held Aris’s hand. “That is more proof I am yours, Aris. Together we can make Alimphis a better place for everyone, not just one kingdom—all the kingdoms.” Faust had at least succeeded in gathering the three guilds and rallied people to Lord Arcus. No one had agreed to do anything outside the kingdoms until now. It was a small step, but a step nonetheless.

Aris gave Faust pause. “You will bear a great weight being mine.”

“It is a burden I must bear.” Faust held Aris’s hand tighter. “If something does not change, we will be headed toward ruin. I cannot explain it well, but something out there does not want what we want, and the people will not survive a battle between the deities. We all must negotiate, or we will not survive.”

“Fighting can’t be avoided,” Aris said. “I’ve seen plenty of the inhabitants of the kingdom—no one is ready to talk.”

“I will lead them to that table.”

“As expected of my king. We will make this work. I trust you.”

A weight lifted from Faust’s shoulders. Aris’s smile carried a strange ability to dispel the surrounding darkness. He touched Aris’s face, and a vision passed over Faust. He saw Linos again.

The deity floated above a battleground of green knights, untouched. Linos smiled at him and opened his mouth to say a name, but the vision faded far too quickly.

Faust blinked hard.

Aris leaned closer, nearly kissing Faust. “Are you all right?”

“You are so bold now that we are alone.” Faust’s breath cascaded over Aris’s skin with each word, and Aris stared at Faust’s lips, a flush growing over Aris’s face. “What should I do with you?” Faust asked.

“Kiss me,” Aris exhaled.

Their lips collided in a passionate challenge, each seeking dominance over the other, their nerves forgotten. Aris was intoxicating, as if Faust were tasting nature itself.

The deity slid his hands over Faust’s shoulders and gasped for air before claiming Faust’s lips once more.

Faust moved his arms around his knight. He shifted Aris closer, satisfied with the way Aris straddled his lap to stay close. Faust snaked a hand into Aris’s hair, holding him in place as he devoured Aris’s mouth. Faust pulled away only to breathe. “Aris.”

Aris shuddered. He slipped Faust’s crown off, tossed it on the couch, and pressed their foreheads together, gasping at the rush of magic that flowed between them. Aris stared into Faust’s eyes with a giddy smile, running his hand over Faust’s chest.

Aris’s magic surrounded Faust, swirling around his own. It swept through him like they were one being, touching his soul in a brief pass. Faust sucked in a breath, desire pooling. Nerves swelled in Aris’s magic that pulsed between them, but Aris was just as determined as him to make this work, the lust unmistakable in the way Aris touched him.

“Should I remove my armor?”

Faust’s eyes widened at the mere idea. Aris’s armor flaunted his skills, but seeing it litter the floor sounded much better.

“What about me?” a deep voice interrupted.

Aris jerked and looked behind Faust. “I-Ignas.”

Faust leaned his head back to glare at the mercenary.

Ignas looked the two over. “Two breathtaking people in front of me, who should I kiss?” Ignas paused with a sly smile. He leaned over, capturing Aris’s lips in a chaste kiss.

Aris blinked.

The magic in the air shifted, and Faust felt it coil and twirl with Aris’s magic in a delightful way. Ignas’s warmth must have crashed over his deity just now. Faust shoved Ignas away.

Aris slipped off Faust’s lap, sitting next to him. He covered his mouth and hid in Faust’s side.

“Such a beautiful face,” Ignas said. Aris was flushed and timid, while Faust glared at Ignas something fierce. Ignas leaned closer to Aris, but Faust moved farther away with Aris. “Don’t be like that,” Ignas said as he hopped over the back of the couch to sit beside the pair.

Faust kissed Aris’s temple instead.

Ignas raised his brows and grinned. “So, do I get a show?”

“No,” Aris clipped.

Faust held Aris close, his hands massaging Aris’s hand. “I would not do that to you. Ignas is just asking permission.”

Ignas’s eyes flashed with mirth. “I hadn’t expected you two to be engaged,” he admitted. “I finished the task you asked of me, gorgeous.” He placed two small wooden boxes on the table. He opened one box to reveal the ring he’d given Faust now hung on an elegant chain. “It had to be perfect, or Lord Clare wouldn’t let me leave. I wanted to be back sooner. These will be useful for the rest of the journey.”

Faust accepted the necklace, hooked it around his neck, and let the ring settle under his tunic.

Ignas caught Aris’s stare. “I didn’t forget you either.” Ignas picked up the second box and showed it to the deity. It was an identical necklace, but the ring held one beautiful gem of the deepest purple. “This one is for you if you will have it.”

Aris stared at the gift. “Why?”

“Because I wanted to, beautiful.”

Aris continued to stare.

“All right, all right, I wanted a connection to both of you.” Ignas pulled out his own necklace with the same purple gem. “We all have a ring this way.”

“Ignas is amorous,” Faust said.

Aris paused, the tips of his ears red. He pulled the necklace from the box but hesitated to put it on. “Are you trying to lay a claim on me?”

Ignas leaned over Faust to reach Aris. “You’re beautiful,” he said and took some of Aris’s hair in his fingers. “I promise to be gentle.”

Aris’s magic coiled with Ignas’s in a far too inviting manner, and Faust slapped his hand over Ignas’s face, shoving him backward.

Ignas groaned, rubbing his nose, but a smile danced on his lips.

“Knock it off, Ignas. Do not take it too seriously, Aris,” Faust said with a turn of his head, but he paused as he saw the look on his knight’s face. Ignas turned Aris on. Aris had shifted to relieve pressure on his lap. Not that Faust minded the idea of having both Aris and Ignas, but it was not something he should want. He was to be Aris’s High King. There would be no room for Ignas. “Aris, Ignas is just being flirtatious. There is no rush to accept anything he says.”

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