Home > Lineage(91)

Author: Kilian Grey


Faust shot up from bed and covered his mouth to stifle a shout. He stared at Aris, his breathing ragged. “J-Journal.” Faust pointed.

Aris got up from the bed and retrieved the journal from the sitting area. He handed it over, concern in his eyes.

Faust scribbled his dream, his hand trembling. He lifted his quill from the paper and took a shaky breath. He didn’t recognize where he and Linos were taken, but Faust knew he needed to heed Linos’s warning. They were dangerous, whoever they were. He’d have to ask Terrence about it. Gold wasn’t mentioned in anything he read.

Faust focused on Aris. “Your hair is brown again.”

Aris tugged at it. “I woke up like this.” The deity caressed Faust’s chest, his frown deepening. “It still didn’t work.”

Faust covered Aris’s hand. “We will figure it out. Few records about the deities remain. If Terrence believes that intimacy is how it works, we have to trust his word. We could be missing a piece, but we will find it.”

Aris nodded and climbed back into bed with Faust.

Faust accepted Aris in his arms and leaned into the pillows with a soft sigh. The area was cold. Ignas must have been patrolling still. He couldn’t shake the feeling he needed Ignas nearby now that he knew of this gold aura. Ignas needed to be around to protect them.

Faust let the silence continue, uncertain.

“Are you all right?” Aris finally asked.

Faust rested his forehead against Aris’s, loving the rush of magic between them. At times it made him feel like he was flying. “I will be fine as long as I have you, my brave knight.”

Aris’s lips twitched into a giddy smile, and he turned his head to kiss Faust. He made a soft sound as Faust dominated him until Aris pushed Faust back into the pillows.

Faust wove his hands into Aris’s hair and untied the cloth tie. He’d regretted getting dressed earlier that morning before they slept. Faust wanted to toss their clothes to the floor again. He eased Aris’s silky hair behind his ear. “You look good with your hair down.”

“You like it?”

“I do.” Faust ran his fingers over Aris’s hip and reversed their positions. Aris’s hair covered the pillows and framed his face just like last night. He traced his fingers over Aris’s chest until he reached the hem of Aris’s tunic. “Are you all right? How do you feel?”

“A little sore, but—”

A knock at the door caused both to jump. Faust sat back while Aris sat up with a bright blush. Faust glared at the door. There had better be a good reason for this interruption.

“King Faust,” Mika called. “Prince Nik, Lord Clare, and Ignas have requested an audience with you.”

Faust slid off the bed with a sigh and straightened his clothes. He glanced to Aris, pleased to see Aris had made himself presentable, right down to his hair tie. “Come in,” Faust called.

Nik came in first and studied the pair. A smug grin graced his lips.

Faust knew that expression.

Nik walked over and messed up Faust’s hair. “I hope you two had enough of each other last night,” Nik pulled Aris closer, “because he’s mine for the day.”

Faust’s eyebrow twitched. “Absolutely not—”

Terrence snagged Faust. “And you’re mine. Commander Frei comes, too.”

“What is going on here?” Faust demanded.

“You become the High King today,” Nik said. “Aris is your beloved deity, so you can’t see each other until this evening.”

Faust had never heard of such a thing.

“Ignas stays with me,” Nik said. “Four guards, Terrence, and the commander go with you.”

Terrence winked and dragged Faust out of the room.

“Wait—Terrence,” Faust protested.

“There is no time for that,” Terrence said with a wave of his finger. “You must look perfect! The people of Shar haven’t seen you in quite some time, they are anxiously awaiting your appearance.”

Faust glanced back as the door closed. He was still in his sleeping clothes, walking about like this was unsightly! Faust sighed, resigning himself to the ceremony. At least Aris would be well-protected with Ignas at his side.

“I have so much to do with you before the evening comes,” Terrence said with a playful glint in his eyes.

Faust cracked a nervous smile.

Mika chuckled. “This will be a long evening, but I hope Prince Nik remembers his manners with Aris, he is a deity—a sworn Sovereign of Alimphis.”

“He will.” Terrence smiled. “He will get no love from me if he misbehaves.”

Faust snorted. “Good.”



Chapter Fifty-Seven



Faust adjusted his crown for the fifth time, then proceeded to fiddle with his necklace from Ignas before placing it back under his tunic.

“You look fine,” Mika said. He drew the heavy curtain aside to survey the area, and Faust peeked over the commander’s shoulder. The buzz of the room stirred in anticipation. The dance floor was full, and guards were spaced out along the walls.

“How is your side?” Mika asked.

“Fine,” Faust muttered. “It is only a little sore.” He had been careful with Aris all night and used his knowledge from his time with Ignas to ensure he didn’t do everything himself.

“The healer said it looked agitated.”

Faust made a face. The healers betrayed him. “I took medicine. I was told I only needed a little longer and it would be completely healed.”

Mika shook his head with a sigh.

“Is Ignas with Aris?” Faust asked.

“He is.”

“Just a peek?” Faust leaned closer to Mika.

Mika closed the curtain.

Faust pouted.

Mika brushed it off with a laugh. “As Lord Clare would say, Aris is a sight to behold.”

Faust’s eyes narrowed; it had been a bad idea to let Ignas guard Aris. He looked down at his attire. A high tunic sat above a long-sleeved tunic and traveled over his hands, latching to fine ring jewelry. Embroidery covered the shorter tunic and across the top of his hands. More jewels and chains cascaded over his shoulders, and a short, layered, sheer cape rested at his back. Terrence had embroidered that, too, and added precious stones at the tips. His sash was silk, and his pants formfitting, but his boots ran up his calf, and those, too, bore more jewels.

“Ignas is minding his manners. No one will entertain the idea of getting too close to you or Aris for much of anything tonight,” Terrence said as he walked up from behind.

“I find that hard to believe.” Faust stole a glance at Terrence. His eyes widened. One of Terrence’s shoulders was bare, and a sheer half cape settled over his right side. Long boots traveled up Terrence’s thigh, and his loose but decorative top left little to the imagination. The sleeves were laced closed on the sides and revealed Terrence’s bare arms underneath. It would certainly test Nik’s patience.

Terrence touched up his hair, revealing dazzling earrings. “I was told to look my best,” he said.

“He will love you,” Faust said.

Terrence gave a dramatic bow. “Are you ready?”

Faust took a deep breath. He could do this—he had to do this. Alimphis needed Linos to rise again and with him, a new High King.

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