Home > Mistborn Trilogy Boxed Set(200)

Mistborn Trilogy Boxed Set(200)
Author: Brandon Sanderson

“Proposal accepted,” Elend said, making the final tally, looking a bit surprised. “The Assembly divests itself of the right to surrender the city until after the king has met with Straff Venture in official parlay.”

Vin sat back in her seat, trying to decide what she thought of the vote. It was good that Elend had gotten his way, but the manner in which he’d achieved it bothered her.

Elend finally relinquished the lectern, sitting and letting a disgruntled Philen take the lead. The merchant read a proposal calling for a vote to turn control of city food stockpiles over to the merchants. However, this time Elend himself led the dissent, and the arguing began again. Vin watched with interest. Did Elend even realize how much like the others he acted while he was arguing against their proposals?

Elend and a few of the skaa Assemblymen managed to filibuster long enough that the lunch break arrived with no vote cast. The people in the audience stood, stretching, and Ham turned toward her. “Good meeting, eh?”

Vin just shrugged.

Ham chuckled. “We really have to do something about your ambivalence toward civic duty, kid.”

“I already overthrew one government,” Vin said. “I figure that takes care of my ‘civic duty’ for a while.”

Ham smiled, though he kept a wary eye on the crowd—as did Vin. Now, with everyone moving about, would be the perfect time for an attempt on Elend’s life. One person in particular caught her attention, and she frowned.

“Be back in a few seconds,” she said to Ham, rising.


“You did the right thing, Lord Penrod,” Elend said, standing beside the older nobleman, whispering quietly as break proceeded. “We need more time. You know what my father will do to this city if he takes it.”

Lord Penrod shook his head. “I didn’t do this for you, son. I did it because I wanted to make certain that fool Philen didn’t hand the city over before the nobility extracted promises from your father about our rights to title.”

“Now, see,” Elend said, holding up a finger. “There has to be another way! The Survivor would never have given this city away without a fight.”

Penrod frowned, and Elend paused, quietly cursing himself. The old lord was a traditionalist—quoting the Survivor at him would have little positive effect. Many of the noblemen felt threatened by Kelsier’s influence with the skaa.

“Just think about it,” Elend said, glancing to the side as Vin approached. She waved him away from the Assemblymen seats, and he excused himself. He crossed the stage, joining her. “What is it?” he asked quietly.

“Woman at the back,” Vin said quietly, eyes suspicious. “Tall one, in the blue.”

The woman in question wasn’t hard to find; she wore a bright blue blouse and colorful red skirt. She was middle-aged, of lean build, and had her waist-length hair pulled back in a braid. She waited patiently as people moved about the room.

“What about her?” Elend asked.

“Terris,” Vin said.

Elend paused. “You’re sure?”

Vin nodded. “Those colors … that much jewelry. She’s a Terriswoman for sure.”


“So, I’ve never met her,” Vin said. “And she was watching you, just now.”

“People watch me, Vin,” Elend noted. “I am the king, after all. Besides, why should you have met her?”

“All of the other Terris people have come to meet me right after they enter the city,” Vin said. “I killed the Lord Ruler; they see me as the one that freed their homeland. But, I don’t recognize her. She hasn’t ever come thank me.”

Elend rolled his eyes, grabbing Vin by the shoulders and turning her away from the woman. “Vin, I feel it’s my gentlemanly duty to tell you something.”

Vin frowned. “What?”

“You’re gorgeous.”

Vin paused. “What does that have to do with anything?”

“Absolutely nothing,” Elend said with a smile. “I’m just trying to distract you.”

Slowly, Vin relaxed, smiling slightly.

“I don’t know if anyone’s ever told you this, Vin,” Elend noted, “but you can be a bit paranoid at times.”

She raised an eyebrow. “Oh?”

“I know it’s hard to believe, but it’s true. Now, I happen to find it rather charming, but do you honestly think that a Terriswoman would try to kill me?”

“Probably not,” Vin admitted. “But, old habits …”

Elend smiled. Then, he glanced back at the Assemblymen, most of whom were speaking quietly in groups. They didn’t mix. Noblemen spoke with noblemen, merchants with merchants, skaa workers with other skaa workers. They seemed so fragmented, so obstinate. The simplest proposals sometimes met with arguments that could take hours.

They need to give me more time! he thought. Yet, even as he thought, he realized the problem. More time for what? Penrod and Philen had accurately attacked his proposal.

The truth was, the entire city was in over its head. Nobody really knew what to do about a superior invading force, least of all Elend. He just knew that they couldn’t give up. Not yet. There had to be a way to fight.

Vin was still looking to the side, out over the audience. Elend followed her gaze. “Still watching that Terriswoman?”

Vin shook her head. “Something else … something odd. Is that one of Clubs’s messengers?”

Elend paused, turning. Indeed, several soldiers were working their way through the crowd, approaching the stage. At the back of the room, people had begun whispering and shuffling, and some were already moving quickly out of the chamber.

Elend felt Vin stiffen in anxiety, and fear stabbed him. We’re too late. The army has attacked.

One of the soldiers finally reached the stage, and Elend rushed over. “What?” he asked. “Has Straff attacked?”

The soldier frowned, looking concerned. “No, my lord.”

Elend sighed slightly. “What, then?”

“My lord, it’s a second army. It just arrived outside the city.”



Oddly, it was Alendi’s simple ingenuousness that first led me to befriend him. I employed him as an assistant during his first months in the grand city.





FOR THE SECOND TIME IN two days, Elend stood atop the Luthadel city wall, studying an army that had come to invade his kingdom. Elend squinted against the red afternoon sunlight, but he was no Tineye; he couldn’t make out details about the new arrival.

“Any chance they’re here to help us?” Elend asked hopefully, looking toward Clubs, who stood beside him.

Clubs just scowled. “They fly Cett’s banner. Remember him? Guy who sent eight Allomancer assassins to kill you two days back?”

Elend shivered in the chill autumn weather, glancing back out over the second army. It was making camp a good distance from Straff’s army, close to the Luth-Davn Canal, which ran out the west side of the River Channerel. Vin stood at Elend’s side, though Ham was off organizing things among the city guard. OreSeur, wearing the wolfhound’s body, sat patiently on the wall walk beneath Vin.

“How did we miss their approach?” Elend asked.

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