Home > Mistborn Trilogy Boxed Set(202)

Mistborn Trilogy Boxed Set(202)
Author: Brandon Sanderson

I’m going to have to be very careful with this, Vin thought, gritting her teeth and spinning herself in the air. Her steel and pewter were gone again, and she was forced to down her last metal vial. She’d have to start carrying more of those.

She hit the ground running, pewter keeping her from tripping despite her terrific speed. She slowed just slightly, letting the mounted Breeze catch up to her, then increased her pace to keep up with him. She dashed like a sprinter, letting pewter’s strength and balance keep her upright as she paced the tiring horse. The beast eyed her as they ran, seeming to display a hint of animal frustration to see a human matching it.

They reached the city a few moments later. Breeze reined in as the doors to Iron Gate began to open, but, rather than wait, Vin simply threw down a coin and Pushed, letting her forward momentum carry her toward the walls. As the gates swung open, she Pushed against their studs, and this second Push sent her sailing straight up. She just barely crested the battlements—passing between a pair of startled soldiers—before dropping over the other side. She landed in the courtyard, steadying herself with one hand against the cool stones, as Breeze entered through the gate.

Vin stood. Breeze patted his forehead with a handkerchief as he trotted his animal up beside her. He’d let his hair grow longer since she’d last seen him, and he kept it slicked back, its lower edges tickling his collar. It wasn’t graying yet, though he was in his mid-forties. He wore no hat—it had probably blown free—but he had on one of his rich suits and silken vests. They were powdered with black ash from his hurried ride.

“Ah, Vin, my dear,” Breeze said, breathing almost as deeply as his horse. “I must say, that was a timely arrival on your part. Impressively flamboyant as well. I do hate to force a rescue—but, well, if one is necessary, then it might as well happen with style.”

Vin smiled as he climbed down from the horse—proving he was hardly the most adroit man in the square—and stablehands arrived to care for the beast. Breeze wiped his brow again as Elend, Clubs, and OreSeur scrambled down the steps to the courtyard. One of the aides must have finally found Ham, for he ran up through the courtyard.

“Breeze!” Elend said, approaching and clasping arms with the shorter man.

“Your Majesty,” Breeze said. “You are in good health and good humor, I assume?”

“Health, yes,” Elend said. “Humor … well, there is an army crouching just outside my city.”

“Two armies, actually,” Clubs grumbled as he hobbled up.

Breeze folded up his handkerchief. “Ah, and dear Master Cladent. Optimistic as always, I see.”

Clubs snorted. To the side, OreSeur padded up to sit next to Vin.

“And Hammond,” Breeze said, eyeing Ham, who was smiling broadly. “I’d almost managed to delude myself into forgetting that you would be here when I returned.”

“Admit it,” Ham said. “You’re glad to see me.”

“See you, perhaps. Hear you, never. I had grown quite fond of my time spent away from your perpetual, pseudo-philosophical pratterings.”

Ham just smiled a little broader.

“I’m glad to see you, Breeze,” Elend said. “But your timing could have been a little better. I was hoping that you would be able to stop some of these armies from marching on us.”

“Stop them?” Breeze asked. “Now, why would I want to do that, my dear man? I did, after all, just spend three months working to get Cett to march his army down here.”

Elend paused, and Vin frowned to herself, standing just outside the group. Breeze looked rather pleased with himself—though that was, admittedly, rather common for him.

“So … Lord Cett’s on our side?” Elend asked hopefully.

“Of course not,” Breeze said. “He’s here to ravage the city and steal your presumed atium supply.”

“You,” Vin said. “You’re the one who has been spreading the rumors about the Lord Ruler’s atium stash, aren’t you?”

“Of course,” Breeze said, eyeing Spook as the boy finally arrived at the gates.

Elend frowned. “But … why?”

“Look outside your walls, my dear man,” Breeze said. “I knew that your father was going to march on Luthadel eventually—even my powers of persuasion wouldn’t have been enough to dissuade him. So, I began spreading rumors in the Western Dominance, then made myself one of Lord Cett’s advisors.”

Clubs grunted. “Good plan. Crazy, but good.”

“Crazy?” Breeze said. “My mental stability is no issue here, Clubs. The move was not crazy, but brilliant.”

Elend looked confused. “Not to insult your brilliance, Breeze. But … how exactly is bringing a hostile army to our city a good idea?”

“It’s basic negotiating strategy, my good man,” Breeze explained as a packman handed him his dueling cane, taken off the horse. Breeze used it to gesture westward, toward Lord Cett’s army. “When there are only two participants in a negotiation, one is generally stronger than the other. That makes things very difficult for the weaker party—which, in this case, would have been us.”

“Yes,” Elend said, “but with three armies, we’re still the weakest.”

“Ah,” Breeze said, holding up the cane, “but those other two parties are fairly even in strength. Straff is likely stronger, but Cett has a very large force. If either of those warlords risks attacking Luthadel, his army will suffer losses—enough losses that he won’t be able to defend himself from the third army. To attack us is to expose oneself.”

“And that makes this a standoff,” Clubs said.

“Exactly,” Breeze said. “Trust me, Elend my boy. In this case, two large, enemy armies are far better than a single large, enemy army. In a three-way negotiation, the weakest party actually has the most power—because his allegiance added to either of the other two will choose the eventual winner.”

Elend frowned. “Breeze, we don’t want to give our allegiance to either of these men.”

“I realize that,” Breeze said. “However, our opponents do not. By bringing a second army in, I’ve given us time to think. Both warlords thought they could get here first. Now that they’ve arrived at the same time, they’ll have to reevaluate. I’m guessing we’ll end up in an extended siege. A couple of months at least.”

“That doesn’t explain how we’re going to get rid of them,” Elend said.

Breeze shrugged. “I got them here—you get to decide what to do with them. And I’ll tell you, it was no easy task to make Cett arrive on time. He was due to come in a full five days before Venture. Fortunately, a certain … malady spread through camp a few days ago. Apparently, someone poisoned the main water supply and gave the entire camp diarrhea.”

Spook, standing behind Clubs, snickered.

“Yes,” Breeze said, eyeing the boy. “I thought you might appreciate that. You still an unintelligible nuisance, boy?”

“Wassing the where of not,” Spook said, smiling and slipping back into his Eastern street slang.

Breeze snorted. “You still make more sense than Hammond, half the time,” he mumbled, turning to Elend. “So, isn’t anyone going to send for a carriage to drive me back to the palace? I’ve been Soothing you ungrateful lot for the better part of five minutes—looking as tired and pathetic as I can—and not one of you has had the good graces to pity me!”

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