Home > The Ocean at the End of the Lane(26)

The Ocean at the End of the Lane(26)
Author: Neil Gaiman

    Wind howled and whipped at my face. The distant      thunder roared and smaller thunders crackled and spat, and she spoke quietly,      but I could hear every word she said as distinctly as if she were whispering      into my ears.

    “Oh, sweety-weety-pudding-and-pie, you are in so      much trouble.”

    She was smiling, the hugest, toothiest grin I had      ever seen on a human face, but she did not look amused.

    I had been running from her through the darkness      for, what, half an hour? An hour? I wished I had stayed on the lane and not      tried to cut across the fields. I would have been at the Hempstocks’ farm by      now. Instead, I was lost and I was trapped.

    Ursula Monkton came lower. Her pink blouse was open      and unbuttoned. She wore a white bra. Her midi skirt flapped in the wind,      revealing her calves. She did not appear to be wet, despite the storm. Her      clothes, her face, her hair, were perfectly dry.

    She was floating above me, now, and she reached out      her hands.

    Every move she made, everything she did, was      strobed by the tame lightnings that flickered and writhed about her. Her fingers      opened like flowers in a speeded-up film, and I knew that she was playing with      me, and I knew what she wanted me to do, and I hated myself for not standing my      ground, but I did what she wanted: I ran.

    I was a little thing that amused her. She was      playing, just as I had seen Monster, the big orange tomcat, play with a      mouse—letting it go, so that it would run, and then pouncing, and batting it      down with a paw. But the mouse still ran, and I had no choice, and I ran      too.

    I ran for the break in the hedge, as fast as I      could, stumbling and hurting and wet.

    Her voice was in my ears as I ran.

    “I told you I was going to lock you in the attic,      didn’t I? And I will. Your daddy likes me now. He’ll do whatever I say. Perhaps      from now on, every night, he’ll come up the ladder and let you out of the attic.      He’ll make you climb down from the attic. Down the ladder. And every night,      he’ll drown you in the bath, he’ll plunge you into the cold, cold water. I’ll      let him do it every night until it bores me, and then I’ll tell him not to bring      you back, to simply push you under the water until you stop moving and until      there’s nothing but darkness and water in your lungs. I’ll have him leave you in      the cold bath, and you’ll never move again. And every night I’ll kiss him and      kiss him . . .”

    I was through the gap in the hedgerow, and running      on soft grass.

    The crackle of the lightning, and a strange sharp,      metallic smell, were so close they made my skin prickle. Everything around me      got brighter and brighter, illuminated by the flickering blue-white light.

    “And when your daddy finally leaves you in the bath      for good, you’ll be happy,” whispered Ursula Monkton, and I imagined that I      could feel her lips brushing my ears. “Because you won’t like it in the attic.      Not just because it’s dark up there, with the spiders, and the ghosts. But      because I’m going to bring my friends. You can’t see them in the daylight, but      they’ll be in the attic with you, and you won’t enjoy them at all. They don’t      like little boys, my friends. They’ll pretend to be spiders as big as dogs. Old      clothes with nothing inside that tug at you and never let you go. The inside of      your head. And when you’re in the attic there will be no books, and no stories,      not ever again.”

    I had not imagined it. Her lips had brushed my ear.      She was floating in the air beside me, so her head was beside mine, and when she      caught me looking at her she smiled her pretend-smile, and I could not run any      longer. I could barely move. I had a stitch in my side, and I could not catch my      breath, and I was done.

    My legs gave way beneath me, and I stumbled and      fell, and this time I did not get up.

    I felt heat on my legs, and I looked down to see a      yellow stream coming from the front of my pajama trousers. I was seven years      old, no longer a little child, but I was wetting myself with fear, like a baby,      and there was nothing I could do about it, while Ursula Monkton hung in the air      a few feet above me and watched, dispassionately.

    The hunt was done.

    She stood up straight in the air, three feet above      the ground. I was sprawled beneath her, on my back, in the wet grass. She began      to descend, slowly, inexorably, like a person on a broken television screen.

    Something touched my left hand. Something soft. It      nosed my hand, and I looked over, fearing a spider as big as a dog. Illuminated      by the lightnings that writhed about Ursula Monkton, I saw a patch of darkness      beside my hand. A patch of darkness with a white spot over one ear. I picked the      kitten up in my hand, and brought it to my heart, and I stroked it.

    I said, “I won’t come with you. You can’t make me.”      I sat up, because I felt less vulnerable sitting, and the kitten curled and made      itself comfortable in my hand.

    “Pudding-and-pie boy,” said Ursula Monkton. Her      feet touched the ground. She was illuminated by her own lightnings, like a      painting of a woman in grays and greens and blues, and not a real woman at all.      “You’re just a little boy. I’m a grown-up. I was an adult when your world was a      ball of molten rock. I can do whatever I wish to you. Now, stand up. I’m taking      you home.”

    The kitten, which was burrowing into my chest with      its face, made a high-pitched noise, not a mew. I turned, looking away from      Ursula Monkton, looking behind me.

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