Home > The Ocean at the End of the Lane(27)

The Ocean at the End of the Lane(27)
Author: Neil Gaiman

    The girl who was walking toward us, across the      field, wore a shiny red raincoat, with a hood, and a pair of black Wellington      boots that seemed too big for her. She walked out of the darkness, unafraid. She      looked up at Ursula Monkton.

    “Get off my land,” said Lettie Hempstock.

    Ursula Monkton took a step backwards and she rose,      at the same time, so she hung in the air above us. Lettie Hempstock reached out      to me, without glancing down at where I sat, and she took my hand, twining her      fingers into mine.

    “I’m not touching your land,” said Ursula Monkton.      “Go away, little girl.”

    “You are on my land,” said Lettie Hempstock.

    Ursula Monkton smiled, and the lightnings wreathed      and writhed about her. She was power incarnate, standing in the crackling air.      She was the storm, she was the lightning, she was the adult world with all its      power and all its secrets and all its foolish casual cruelty. She winked at      me.

    I was a seven-year-old boy, and my feet were      scratched and bleeding. I had just wet myself. And the thing that floated above      me was huge and greedy, and it wanted to take me to the attic, and, when it      tired of me, it would make my daddy kill me.

    Lettie Hempstock’s hand in my hand made me braver.      But Lettie was just a girl, even if she was a big girl, even if she was eleven,      even if she had been eleven for a very long time. Ursula Monkton was an adult.      It did not matter, at that moment, that she was every monster, every witch,      every nightmare made flesh. She was also an adult, and when adults fight      children, adults always win.

    Lettie said, “You should go back where you came      from in the first place. It’s not healthy for you to be here. For your own good,      go back.”

    A noise in the air, a horrible, twisted scratching      noise, filled with pain and with wrongness, a noise that set my teeth on edge      and made the kitten, its front paws resting on my chest, stiffen and its fur      prickle. The little thing twisted and clawed up onto my shoulder, and it hissed      and it spat. I looked up at Ursula Monkton. It was only when I saw her face that      I knew what the noise was.

    Ursula Monkton was laughing.

    “Go back? When your people ripped the hole in      Forever, I seized my chance. I could have ruled worlds, but I followed you, and      I waited, and I had patience. I knew that sooner or later the bounds would      loosen, that I would walk the true Earth, beneath the Sun of Heaven.” She was      not laughing now. “Everything here is so weak, little girl. Everything breaks so      easily. They want such simple things. I will take all I want from this world,      like a child stuffing its fat little face with blackberries from a bush.”

    I did not let go of Lettie’s hand, not this time. I      stroked the kitten, whose needle-claws were digging into my shoulder, and I was      bitten for my trouble, but the kitten’s bite was not hard, just scared.

    Her voice came from all around us, as the      storm-wind gusted. “You kept me away from here for a long time. But then you      brought me a door, and I used him to carry me out of my cell. And what can you      do now that I am out?”

    Lettie didn’t seem angry. She thought about it,      then she said, “I could make you a new door. Or, better still, I could get      Granny to send you across the ocean, all the way to wherever you came from in      the beginning.”

    Ursula Monkton spat onto the grass, and a tiny ball      of flame sputtered and fizzed on the ground, where the spit had fallen.

    “Give me the boy,” was all she said. “He belongs to      me. I came here inside him. I own him.”

    “You don’t own nuffink, you don’t,” said Lettie      Hempstock, angrily. “ ’Specially not him.” Lettie helped me to my feet, and she      stood behind me and put her arms around me. We were two children in a field in      the night. Lettie held me, and I held the kitten, while above us and all around      us a voice said,

    “What will you do? Take him home with you? This      world is a world of rules, little girl. He belongs to his parents, after all.      Take him away and his parents will come to bring him home, and his parents      belong to me.”

    “I’m all bored of you now,” said Lettie Hempstock.      “I gived you a chance. You’re on my land. Go away.”

    As she said that, my skin felt like it did when I’d      rubbed a balloon on my sweater, then touched it to my face and hair. Everything      prickled and tickled. My hair was soaked, but even wet, it felt like it was      starting to stand on end.

    Lettie Hempstock held me tightly. “Don’t worry,”      she whispered, and I was going to say something, to ask why I shouldn’t worry,      what I had to be afraid of, when the field we were standing in began to      glow.

    It glowed golden. Every blade of grass glowed and      glimmered, every leaf on every tree. Even the hedges were glowing. It was a warm      light. It seemed, to my eyes, as if the soil beneath the grass had transmuted      from base matter into pure light, and in the golden glow of the meadow the      blue-white lightnings that still crackled around Ursula Monkton seemed much less      impressive.

    Ursula Monkton rose unsteadily, as if the air had      just become hot and was carrying her upwards. Then Lettie Hempstock whispered      old words into the world and the meadow exploded into a golden light. I saw      Ursula Monkton swept up and away, although I felt no wind, but there had to be a      wind, for she was flailing and tipping like a dead leaf in a gale. I watched her      tumble into the night, and then Ursula Monkton and her lightnings were gone.

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