Home > Flame(36)

Author: Donna Grant

One side of his lips lifted in a grin. “Aye, you’re probably right. But I would say that isna a good life if you’re looking at everyone, waiting for them to hurt you.”

“That’s the way of the Dark. It’s why we betray others before they can betray us.”

“My point.”

She flattened her lips. “I didn’t say it was the right way, just the way of the Dark. Balladyn was trying to change that. I honestly think he could’ve done it. He had a way of getting the attention of the Dark so they actually listened. More than that, they respected him. I can’t say any of us ever associated that word with Taraeth.”

“Taraeth only cared about himself and the power he could gain. He was ruthless about it when he first came to the throne, but over the years, he became too confident. Ultimately, that was his demise.”

“That and believing that Balladyn would always be his lapdog. I think Balladyn intended to take the throne all along but was waiting for the right time. There are rumors that he killed Taraeth after Balladyn found out that Usaeil had left him for dead on the battlefield so Taraeth could kill him.”

“That’s exactly what happened.”

Her eyes widened as she gaped at him. “Really? How do you know that?”

“Rhi,” he said. “She and Balladyn became close again over the past few years. He was in love with her, and when he became a Dark, it twisted that love as he hunted her.”

“What?” Noreen couldn’t believe her ears. “Are you sure about that?”

“Oh, aye. Balladyn caught Rhi and put her in the dungeons at the Dark Palace while putting the Chains of Mordare on her.”

Noreen was so shocked all she could say was, “Bloody hell.”

“Balladyn believed Rhi was the one who had left at that time. He wanted to turn her Dark as revenge. Except his plan didna work. Rhi was able to break the chains.”

“Of Mordare?” Noreen asked in shock.

Cain nodded.

“Those chains are unbreakable.”

Cain blew out a breath. “No’ for Rhi. She broke them and destroyed a section of the dungeon.”

“So that’s why the dungeon had to be rebuilt,” she said, more to herself than to Cain.

“Balladyn realized then that he still loved Rhi. He set out to woo her after that.”

Noreen jerked her head back, giving Cain a skeptical look. “No Light in their right mind would be friends with someone who tried to turn them Dark.”

“But Rhi and Balladyn had a past that linked them. Rhi is also one of the most forgiving people I’ve ever met. She spoke with Balladyn, and he confessed his love. For a time, they were lovers, but that was before he became King of the Dark.”

“I could see that happening. But the relationship was doomed from the beginning since Balladyn had his eye on the throne. He wouldn’t give up being a Dark, and I can’t see Rhi being anything other than a Light.”

Cain gave a nod, his lips twisting. “That’s pretty much what happened. Balladyn loved her so much that he let Rhi go, but he did back her up when she faced off against Usaeil.”

“That he did. It’s a tragic love story, especially since he died—and by Usaeil’s hand, no less. I wanted more for Balladyn.”

“Many of us Kings did, as well. He wasna always a villain, and while he might have been King of the Dark, he was there for Rhi when it mattered. Ulrik was the one who went to him to ask if he would join us, and we found out that Balladyn was already planning on being there with his entire Dark Army.”

Noreen shook her head as they continued walking. “I really wish things would’ve turned out differently for him. Rhi, too, for that matter. It’s all so tragic.”

“Rhi is strong. She’ll survive this, but it might take her some time.”

“As much as I’d like to keep talking about this, I think it’s time we move on to what Moreann had planned for the Kings next. She won’t continue with that, but knowing where her mind is and how it works might help.”

“I’m all ears,” Cain said with a grin.




Somewhere on Earth

If she had been furious before, it was nothing compared to how Usaeil felt now. She stood before the house she had built four hundred years earlier. No one knew of it because she’d had her Trackers kill everyone who worked on it, including the architect and designer. By the time her Trackers finished, there wasn’t a soul left alive who knew about it.

And that’s how she wanted it kept.

The fact that she managed to keep Con from knowing her location was a feat she was proud of. But it wasn’t Con who had her attention now. It was Moreann and the rest of the Others.

Usaeil stalked to the house. The Trackers who stood guard dropped their veils upon her approach. Their orders were simple. They were to remain and stand guard while making sure no one got into the house. And the Trackers excelled at their jobs.

She didn’t worry about the lone occupant inside, because Xaneth wasn’t going anywhere. She had her nephew locked so far inside his mind that he’d never find his way out.

And if he did … well, he’d never be the same.

The fact that the thought didn’t bring as much joy as it used to was telling. Moreann had managed to snatch Usaeil’s body right before the spell Usaeil had put in place eons ago would’ve begun. Never mind that Rhi had managed to get in a blow that would’ve killed any other Fae. Usaeil wasn’t just any Fae, though—she was a queen.

Moreann had made sure to tell Usaeil that she’d saved her since Rhi had been about to lop off her head.

“Riiiiight,” Usaeil mumbled with a roll of her eyes.

Rhi was one of the best warriors the Light Fae had ever seen, but she wasn’t that bloodthirsty.

Usaeil came to a halt once she was inside the house as her musings brought up another thought. “Unless the darkness has finally gotten to her.”

That made Usaeil laugh. The perfect, incomparable Rhi might not be so infallible now. And it was about damn time. Everyone thought Rhi was so bloody amazing. Maybe now, others would get to see just what kind of person she really was. Usaeil had known what was in Rhi’s heart long ago.

She’d seen it despite how blinding the light inside Rhi was. That was partly why Usaeil had done the things she had to Rhi, because she wanted the perfect Light Fae’s fall from grace to be so epic, so monumental that no one would ever stop talking about it.

Usaeil smiled happily and pulled in a deep breath before she started toward the stairs. She rushed up them, her long strides eating up the distance to the room where she’d put Xaneth.

When she pushed open the door, her nephew lay upon the bed just as she’d left him. She was curious to know what was going on inside his mind. All she had to do was touch him to get a glimpse of whatever torture he was putting himself through. Then she would be able to push him even harder if she wanted.

However, when she caught her reflection in the mirror on the wall across from the door, she winced. She looked as terrible as she felt, and that simply wouldn’t do. It was time she scraped off the grime and dirt that Moreann had inflicted upon her.

Usaeil turned on her heel and found the bedroom she’d shared with Con. Her gaze immediately moved to the bed. He’d been with her for weeks this last time, but they hadn’t made love in months.

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