Home > Flame(39)

Author: Donna Grant

“I can see the Druids from Earth bending to her will, and even the Druids from her realm. But the Fae? Especially Usaeil?”

“I thought the same thing,” Noreen replied as she glanced his way. “But that’s not only what Moreann told me happened. Usaeil also said that’s how it happened. Usaeil had some plans too, but Moreann ignored them.”

“Probably no’ a good idea on the empress’s part.”

Noreen chuckled softly. “No, I don’t think it was.”

“So, all of those intricate plans to then attempt to attack our whisky and therefore our money? Does she no’ realize that we could shut down Dreagan whisky and still be rich?”

“Like I said, it seemed off. Almost as if Moreann was reaching for anything she could do to hurt you.”

“It doesna have the same intelligence or even drive. Are you sure it was Moreann who came up with the plans?”

Noreen shrugged again as she looked his way. “I don’t know if she came up with the plans. Like I told you before, she told us what to do, but not where the plans came from.”

“Could it be her?”

“Of course. Though she never claimed them as hers, and that’s something she usually does.”

“What if it wasna her?”

“Who could it be, then?”

It was his turn to shrug. “Someone other than Moreann. Tell me more about her world. You said the Druids there were beginning to be born without magic, and those were the ones she sent to Earth. Since the magic is weakening on her realm, and that is needed to give Druids their power, she went looking for another planet.”

“That’s right.”

“Our Druids are also born with less and less magic. It’s because they’re mating with mortals who doona have any power.”

“But the Fae as well as the Dragon Kings continue to have magic. Not to mention the few powerfully strong Druids who are still here.”

He stopped when something out of the corner of his eye caught his attention. “Magic isna endless. Just like everything else on a realm, it has to be tended to. You can no’ just take and no’ expect some kind of repercussions. Why do you think we built Dreagan where it is? The source of magic for Earth is right there. We wanted to protect it from those who would either destroy it in their ignorance or want it for some profit.”

“But the Kings have benefited.”

“Just as every magical creature on our realm has. The Kings have no’ hoarded the magic. We couldna if we tried. What we do is keep it safe and try to keep it thriving.”

Noreen glanced in the direction he was interested in. “If Moreann’s realm holds nothing but Druids, and all of them had power at one point, then there’s no reason for them to be born without magic unless the land was drained.”

“Which means, someone took it. Tell me, is it normal for those on Moreann’s realm to be immortal?”

Noreen swallowed and gave a small shake of her head. “From what Moreann let slip one night, it’s something only the most powerful can harness. She is one of a select few, but the Dragon Kings are immortals. Even the Fae live very long lives.”

“Dragons are no’ immortal. We Kings are, because that’s what happens when the magic chooses us for this role until another comes along who is stronger. The Fae naturally live long lives, though you can be killed. Moreann and her people are no’ meant to be immortal. It creates a flux in the order of things.”

“You think that’s why the magic began drying up?”

“The magic on Earth isna a thing. Nor is it a being. But it does have some intelligence since it looks at every dragon, searching their heart, mind, and soul. It determines if we’re powerful enough and have the right heart to lead our clans. Like I said, it chooses who will be Dragon King, no’ us.”

Noreen’s mouth went slack. “So, there’s a good chance the magic on Moreann’s realm has chosen to stop giving power to the Druids because someone took more than they should have.”


“Why hasn’t it taken it from her if she’s lived this long?”

Cain finally turned his head in the direction of whatever had caught his attention earlier. “I’d like to know that, as well. It seems as if the magic would go after her first, but perhaps it is trying to teach her a lesson, one that she hasna learned yet.”

“What is out there?” Noreen asked softly, jerking her chin in the direction he looked.

They held still for several long minutes before a fox darted past them. Still, Cain didn’t move. He’d seen something. It had been fleeting, but for just a moment, he’d sworn it was a person. Though he’d caught the movement and glimpse out of the corner of his eye, so he could be mistaken.

Just as he was about to turn away, he saw it again. Something was glowing.

“Noreen, I need you to stay here,” he told her in a whisper.

She held his hand tighter. “What is it?”

“I believe it’s a who, and if I’m right, then things could be turning in a much better direction.”

He gave her a nod as he met her red eyes. When she released him, he headed straight for the spot where he’d seen the glow. As he neared, he kept looking for Rhi’s black hair through the thick foliage. When he reached the spot, a smile grew on his face as he expected to greet her.

However, all that was there was an orb the size of a basketball that glowed the same hue as Rhi did.

Cain sighed in frustration. But the more he looked at the orb, the more he began to suspect that the person responsible for the transformation of the Fae Realm was none other than Rhi herself. And he couldn’t wait to tell the rest of the Kings.




The look of excitement on Cain’s face had Noreen rushing to him. Her feet slowed when she saw the large orb. She looked around, expecting to see someone, but there was nothing.

“What is this?” she asked.

Cain’s smile was wide. “Do you know that when Rhi becomes angry, she glows?”

“I did see her doing that at the battle with Usaeil.”

“It’s something she’s always fought. If she can no’ control it, she could destroy a realm.”

Noreen’s mouth went slack as his words penetrated her brain. “Are you serious?”

“I am.”

“So, why are you smiling?”

Cain’s green eyes slid to the orb. “I doona know of another Fae who glows like Rhi, and this orb is glowing just as she does.”

Noreen returned her gaze to the sphere. “You think Rhi was here?”

“I do.” Cain looked skyward before his gaze moved around and finally settled on her. “I think Rhi is responsible for all of this.”

“I thought you said she could destroy realms.”

Cain nodded, his smile fading slowly. “Oh, she can. She’s done it before. However, her powers also allow her to create worlds, as well.”

“Bloody hell,” Noreen murmured. “I didn’t think anyone other than a god or goddess could do such a thing.”

“As far as I know, no one can. That’s what makes Rhi so special.”

“Is she a goddess?”

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