Home > King of the Dark(14)

King of the Dark(14)
Author: Ariana Nash

“To onlookers, yes, but to anyone who knows them both, not in the least. Carlo, the youngest of the three, was overtly vicious and didn’t care who knew it. Amir has always been the louder, more flamboyant. He thrives when he knows he’s the center of attention.”

“And Vasili?” Niko already suspected he knew the answer, but he wanted to hear Julian’s take. “You already told me he’s complicated. But I need more.”

Julian drew himself tighter together with an inward breath, carefully measuring his response in a few moments of quiet. “Vasili is difficult to define. Before he went away—it was before my time, but I’ve asked the staff—he was known to be the more stable of the brothers. He cared for his family, but like all Cavilles, he had a cruel streak. The older brothers once stripped Carlo naked and had him whipped in the private gardens. It went on for hours until the king put an end to it. The king dismissed it as boyish games, but the staff say Amir and Vasili almost killed Carlo.”

Niko almost wished he were surprised. “Had Carlo done anything wrong?”

“If he had, nobody spoke of it. But even if he had, what kind of family does that to their own?” Julian appeared to want Niko’s answer, but there was no answer to give. Only the one they both already knew. Cruelty was in the Caville blood.

“The king,” Niko said, after their moment of shared understanding. “Tell me about him.”

“Talos is of the old ways.” Julian’s tone lightened, the subject more comfortable. “Talos Caville came into power at a young age, when his father was struck down by mental illness in his middle years. He took to it well, so I hear, but there are…rumors.”

Niko raised his eyebrows.

Julian picked up his glass again and rested it in his hands. “It was said the boys had an elder sister. If it’s true, all mention of her has been scrubbed from records and the older staff denies she existed. Even the pregnancy is said to be a rumor. If there was a girl, she clearly died. The queen withdrew into herself after that. The three boys came after, their births close together. The queen took her own life after Carlo was born. Carlo was raised by the staff. He was often considered the runt. I hear it haunted him some, made him strive to be crueler than the rest.”

The picture Julian painted of Caville family life was not a pleasant one.

Niko studied his sketched maps and asked, “Where is the king now?” There were too many blank spaces to guess at the location of the king’s chambers.

“I can’t tell you that.”

So, he knew? “Why not?”

“His location is a secret for obvious reasons.” And Julian’s tone was back to that of a neutral royal guard. The man clearly had two defined sides; personal and professional. His personal side liked to talk, until the professional in him shut himself down.

“For fear someone will end the king’s life prematurely?”

“Indeed.” He sipped his water.

“Has anyone attempted to kill the king?”

“There have been some instances of his staff succumbing to sudden terminal health issues. Food-tasters, and the like.”

Poison. “This place is rife with vipers,” Niko mumbled, eyeing his lists, maps, and theories. He picked up a hastily drawn sketch of the Caville family dynasty. The royal line stretched back for centuries. Legends spoke of how the Caville blood was sacred, said to be blessed by Etara herself. Their history was full of heroes, warriors, honor, and pride. But then, most everyone’s history glowed. Such was the privilege of the victor.

“When the king dies, Vasili inherits the crown, yes?” Niko asked distantly, his gaze still roaming the maps as though he could somehow join up all the lines and unlock all the palace’s mysteries.

“He does,” Julian confirmed.

“And until recently, in Vasili’s absence,” Niko looked over, finding Julian still relaxed against the dresser. The glass was empty and set aside. All of Julian’s attention rested on Niko. “Amir had the king’s ear?”

“The king’s health has been sporadic for some time. Amir had begun to adopt the regent’s duties, until Vasili returned.”

“Does Vasili want the crown?”

Julian cocked his head. “He’s Vasili. He’s the heir. Choice doesn’t come into it.”

“Yes, but does he want to rule? There’s a difference between wanting something and having it thrust upon you by birth.”

“I don’t know, honestly. I don’t think anyone has ever asked him.”

“I’m not surprised. He’s not the most approachable person.”

Julian smiled with a touch of irony, as he often did when referring to Vasili. “He is not.”

Niko wanted to ask if there was something more between them. He could hide it in the line of questioning and Julian would probably answer, but their relationship had nothing to do with the assassin and everything to do with Niko wanting to know if Julian was available. And he’d already drawn a line through that.

“The preternatural element is one that doesn’t fit. Lords killing lords, princes killing princes. These things are not unusual in history. But having sorcery in the middle of it…” He frowned and looked up as Julian approached the table. “It doesn’t feel right. Which leads me to believe there’s more you’re not telling me.” Like the identity of the mysterious man who had left Vasili’s chambers.

“I agree, it’s strange.”

“Do you know of any sorcerers in the palace?”

“None. Sorcery is...” He chuckled, “It’s normally a joke.”

“In the city?”

Julian considered the question. “Some hedge witches, a man who claims to be able to commune with trees. I looked into them when the first fiend attacked. But they’re nothing more than an herbalist and a madman. In fact, sorcery outside of the palace is virtually unheard of.”

“What do you mean outside the palace? Is sorcery connected to the Cavilles in some way?”

“That depends if you believe the stories.”

“Assume I do.”

“The Caville bloodline is surrounded by myths. One such myth, according to the staff, is that the old kings somehow bestowed some individuals with powers and made them their personal protectors.” He frowned at his own words. “I’m not sure how much of it is true.” His expression indicated not much. “These old families... go back far enough and everyone has some kind of mystical ability.”

“Well, someone clearly has access to preternatural forces, and they know how to hide. Which makes them dangerous.” Would Amir hire an unknown sorcerer? Throwing a sorcerer into the mix would divert attention away from himself. The family liked to misdirect, although Julian had just told him Amir was more forthright. Unless, whatever or whoever was shouting the loudest was likely a distraction while the real culprit moved in the shadows.

Niko tossed his pencil down and rubbed at his forehead. Trying to unravel the Cavilles was like trying to second-guess the elves’ next move. He’d spent nights and nights with his commanding officers, trying to understand the enemy, only for that enemy to attack where they least expected them.

“I’m…” Julian cleared his throat, drawing Niko’s eye. “I’m glad he brought you here, although I regret his methods of doing so. This…” He gestured at the table. “I could not do this alone.”

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