Home > The Tracker Hive Academy : Semester Two(65)

The Tracker Hive Academy : Semester Two(65)
Author: Avery Song

"It's not stupid," I whispered against his chest as I hugged him briefly before resting my chin on his chest to look up at him. "I personally think it's hot that you're willing to work on yourself in an effort to heighten our connection."

"Your praise makes it easier," he whispered. "Let's try to sneak a make-out session before we part," he teased.

"Sounds like a plan-"

The sound of a slap silenced the room, and everyone looked in the direction of the sound before trays clattered to the floor.

My eyes locked on the culprit, only for them to widen. Zeus immediately tightened his grip on my waist, or I surely would have been there in a blink, but I wasn't the first to snap. Calvin had to be stopped by Zeke and Zion as he glared at the foreign woman who'd just slapped the all-too-familiar woman with neon pink hair who was standing there with innocent eyes and a blistering red cheek.

"Are you fucking insane?!" Calvin snapped. "How dare you! She's a sophomore in comparison to you and yet you dare slap her when you got in HER WAY!"

The girl rolled her eyes as she crossed her arms over her chest. She was a 5'7" brunette with green eyes that looked like contacts even from this distance. From the specific wrist band on her wrist, I knew without a doubt she was one of the tour students, and I immediately recalled Zion mentioning a woman who was Leonardo's girlfriend.

This better not be that cunt.

"Do you know who the fuck I am?!" she snapped right back. "It's a fucking privilege for me to be one of the top potential transfers in this shithole of a place. It's like walking through a ghetto, and yet you're number two and trying to beat our elite school?"

She huffed and let out a dramatic sigh as she checked on her hand. "You're lucky I didn't even use a pinch of my magic, or things would have ended up a lot different. Why don't you learn some respect, you bitch!"

Everyone turned their attention to Lisette, who just stood there blinking her eyes in confusion. I could immediately see the fear beginning to swarm in those pink orbs, before the confliction regarding what to do as her eyes darted around.

They were searching for me, and when they locked on mine, my elements went off their leash as I flew out of Zeus's grip.

My body disappeared in black smoke.

"I'm...sorr-" Lisette began but the sound of an even louder slap went through the silent cafeteria, leaving everyone gasping and blood dripping from this chick’s nose as she slowly turned her gaze to meet mine.

My hand was still up, black sparks of electricity coursing throughout my body as my aura kept growing and growing. Students began to move right back, others quickly making barriers as if things were about to go down.

I noticed Bianca and Tanner were quickly approaching us, but I wasn't going to deal with any interference until I said what needed to be said.

My eyes caught onto the R-squad, the four of them now standing at four different directional points. Their arms were crossed and I soon realized there was a wall that now made it impossible for anyone not within the perimeter to enter. I was deeply satisfied with their sudden protectiveness.

Or desire to see some payback.

"H-H-HOW DARE YOU!" she screamed hysterically, but I ignored her as I turned around to look at Lisette, who seemed helpless from her mere expression. I reached out to place my hand on her cheek, my hand growing hot as trickles of light magic soared from the palm of my hand to heal Lisette's cheek.

She looked worried, which could have been due to us not being allowed to use magic, but I wasn't in the mood for bullshit restrictions.

No one hurts those I love.

"Don't ever apologize to someone who doesn't deserve it." My voice was emotionless yet loud and clear for the entire room to hear. "I don't care if it's in school, work, or the harsh world of society. If someone hurts you physically, emotionally, or even fucking spiritually, you do NOT apologize. You do not take the actions of others upon your shoulders and apologize for them."

Lisette slowly nodded and I purposely took a step forward and kissed her firmly on the lips. The room was in complete silence, a good chunk of them shocked by the sudden move, but I couldn't care less.

They didn't feel what I felt. The emotions rushing and fighting one another in Lisette were wishing to take action. How she was staying completely calm when fighting against the trauma thrumming within her only confirmed that we had some work to do to ensure she doesn't freeze up like that when someone hurts her.

She could have been displaying restraint because she didn't want to cause trouble, but that wasn't going to stop me from standing up for what was right.

I’d rather stand and take the blows of negativity than sit among those who support such a cruel reality.

Pulling back to look into her eyes again, I stroked her cheek with my thumb.


"Better," she replied as her whole face seemed to light up. Her eyes twinkled again with confidence in comparison to seconds before.

I noticed those very jewels grew alert, but I didn't need to see the reason for her reaction as another set of gasps left bystander's mouths.

"Let go of me!"

I turned around to see Shadow Jade, but she wasn't in her usual form. In fact, her appearance surprised even me because she wasn't young adult me, but much older.


Her hair was long with gorgeous black curls. She wore a gorgeous dress of black velvet that twinkled with black rhinestones, appearing as though she was about to go to a ball. It reminded me of Ceil's professional appearance, leaving me to wonder if this was what Shadow Jade's final form would look like.

She was holding back this girl's hand that was attempting to slap me from behind. The girl shook like crazy while Shadow Jade wasn't working hard to hold her off. She didn't say a word, but her look alone was full of satisfaction.

"Back down, Shadow Jade," I encouraged. "We're used to pettiness. This isn't something to waste your energy on."

She nodded and walked over to stand on Lisette's left side, her steps making me realize she was even wearing heels.

Alright. That's kind of sexy. I need to figure out how to make her do that more often.

I realized Ceil was on the other side of Lisette, and boy was he trying to hide his rage. The tick in his left eye was enough to tell me if he had the chance, this woman would be dead.

As if I wouldn't be the first one in line.

The girl was shaking with fury which only ticked me off. She thought her entitled ass deserved to be angry. If only I could show her what true rage was all about.

I took one large step to be right in her personal space as I took a deep inhale and let it out slowly.

"Let me make one thing clear,” I snarled with so much venomous hate, everyone around her was cowering to their knees in submission. "At Tracker Hive Academy, we go by the common practice of an eye for an eye. So remember that next time before you walk on our turf and assume your rich ass can slap MY girlfriend."

I stepped even closer, the pulsating tension so strong she was trembling in resistance. However, it only took ten seconds for her to be on her knees.

"You dare even look at my girlfriend the wrong way and I'll get rid of you in a heartbeat. And there’s another thing you should remember if you think you're worthy of getting into this school. If you die by accident, it's not illegal at this academy."

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