Home > The Tracker Hive Academy : Semester Two(67)

The Tracker Hive Academy : Semester Two(67)
Author: Avery Song

"Email the students last semester’s results and reveal we're second place in the entire district. Say the student council is working on a Tracker festival as a mass reward. The festival will include foreign foods from around the world, job opportunities from organizations, and an open bar."

"You think that's going to motivate them?" I asked while working on the email to finalize it before class started.

"Emphasize OPEN BAR," Lisette stressed. "They'll work their asses off."

"Good to know," I replied with a wink. "I'll put it in bold caps."


"What are you two plotting?"

We looked over to see Calvin approaching us.

"Hey, Puppy!" Lisette greeted happily. "We're plotting world domination. Wanna join?"

"Sure," he casually replied and yawned.

"You look tired," I pointed out as he reached us. I’d asked him if he was okay earlier, and he brushed it off by saying he took some medicine to help him feel more energetic. I wasn’t so sure if it worked, but at least he wasn’t pale like Zeke had suggested.

He moved in to kiss me gently on the lips, leaving me blinking in shock while Lisette gasped. "Damn! Calvin suddenly grew some balls to kiss our Queen in public!"

He rolled his eyes but slid his arm around my waist as he stayed by my side.

"I didn't sleep well last night," he admitted.

"Why didn't you just come and sleep with us?" I inquired.

"I didn't want to wake any of you up. I went to bed pretty late," he admitted but yawned again.

"Puppy. You gotta take better care of yourself." Lisette put her hands on her hips. "Who am I going to bother when I need to complain? Ceil likes his current vacation from my rants."

"You can record them and listen to them later," he suggested and yawned a third time.

"Calvin, why don't you go to sleep? You don't have art class right now," I pointed out.

"That was my plan but Tanner called me to help him with something. His laptop probably died or is doing something stupid," Calvin explained.

"Let's get you inside then so you can get that over with and head to bed," Lisette encouraged and opened the classroom door to gesture us inside.

We walked into the classroom that was one-third full. I knew that the individuals already here were the ones who actually enjoyed the class since the original idea of having student male models had gone south.

Since the demand was so high that people started fights, Tanner removed the original sign-ups and said the model sessions would be chosen at random. That made enrollment in the very full art class where students were begging for spots drop like flies until there were plenty of spots left.

Lisette made her way over to where we’d sat for the last few classes while I remained with Calvin as we headed to Tanner's desk. He wasn't here yet, probably still helping with the food fight from earlier, so it gave me the chance to quietly talk to Calvin while the rest of the class was greeting one another and getting into deep conversations about the epic food fight.

"Your hands are cold again," I acknowledged.

"I know," he admitted. "I was using the gloves you gave me before, but I don't bring them around the school. Important items should be kept in safe places."

"If we weren't in class, I'd kiss you," I whispered.

"It's not like you can't," he mumbled, but I could see he was a little nervous about it.

"Why do I feel as though something's going on with you?" My voice was low enough for our conversation to remain between us. "I don't mind in terms of us not showing affection in public, but it's like your confidence has gone down or something."

"I just have a lot on my mind and don't want to tamper with your amazing reputation right now.”

"How would you tamper with my reputation? You're my boyfriend. People know I'm dating more than one man. I don't see the problem."

"It's more about who I'm related to that bothers me," he muttered as Tanner entered the room. He tried to move away but I squeezed his hand even tighter as I took the lead in going to the door while dragging him along.

"Tanner!" I beamed. "I'm kidnapping your computer help for a moment."

Tanner gave me a look and I sheepishly added, "Council work."

"Five minutes," he huffed.

"Thank you! Lisette, keep my chair warm."

"You got it!" she replied and merely changed seats to sit in my chair with a happy grin. Some of the girls squealed and began complimenting Lisette about how cute we were with one another.

I'm sure it was getting obvious that we were more than just "best friends" as some liked to rank it, but it was even more intriguing because half the school was raving about it. Apparently, I was the badass headmaster with five boyfriends and a girlfriend.

Super badass status.

The news about the food fight was already trending, which maybe was a blessing because everyone knew not to mess with Lisette. I didn’t expect it to be a big deal, but everyone was emphasizing how rare it was to see a female-female couple, let alone with someone of my “school rank” status.

I didn’t care about what they had to say and neither did Lisette. It was pretty obvious that everyone knew that after today’s display, and all it had done was boost our popularity as we received praise, especially from the females.

I was happy I stood up for what was right and hadn’t completely lost my cool, but I left a little note for Alaric on his desk to figure out the details of that girl and ban her.

No entitled, rude bitches in my school.

We reached the hallway and I moved him to the lockers so his back was pressed against them and I was standing before him. The hallway was empty as the last student had entered the classroom which signified that class was about to start.

My eyes were focused on his and I knew he was questioning what my intentions were for our "talk". Instead, I pressed my body against his while my hands laid on his shoulders. My eyes never left his as I watched the burning sparks of hunger pooling in those orbs that seemed to flicker from black to white.

His growing attraction was obvious as I let the tendrils of my elements seek his, the response and growing tension sizzling around us at our close distance was at a level that words couldn't describe but could surely set things on fire or trigger an elemental catastrophe if we kept it up.

I purposely stayed exactly where I was, teasing him with every second that passed. He licked his bottom lip before biting it hard, and I allowed myself the satisfaction to grin because I knew my spell was working on him.

Three minutes was all it took before he caved right in, his lips captivating mine before we were lost in a hot kiss. My light magic grew a little stronger, and I let out a quiet moan in satisfaction as he deepened the kiss with desperation.

He released me when our five minutes were up, but I plopped a kiss to his cheek and leaned back to say what needed to be said.

"Your parents don't determine who you are. Mature individuals know this, and those who don't clearly have a negative mindset of you to begin with, which is of little importance because they're not a part of our crew. "

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