Home > Shadow in the Empire of Light(24)

Shadow in the Empire of Light(24)
Author: Jane Routley



MARELLASON’S HUT WAS a split-shingle building at the top of a steep rise called Marella’s Pinch. We were panting hard by the time the trees thinned out. The hut was surrounded by a fence of wooden stakes about head height, pointed at the top and silver with age, designed to keep out the wildcats. The hut’s shutters were closed, but smoke rose from the stove pipe in the roof.

As we came up to the fence I could see through the slats to where Klea was sitting on an old log outside with her back to us. Something about her hunched posture spoke of sadness. I called out her name.

She glanced briefly at us over her shoulder, stood and ran into the hut, slamming the door behind her.

“Klea?” I shouted. I flung open the gate, rushed over to the hut door and, finding it barred, banged on it. “Klea, are you all right?”

“Yes, yes, Just a moment! Wait there,” came the voice from inside.

“What is the matter?” asked Shadow

“Klea, I brought some food,” I called into the hut, for lack of anything better to say. “You want some?”

After a moment she called back. “Thanks. Back in a moment. You start without me.”

“Was she crying?” whispered the ghost. I wondered that too.

“That’s none of our business,” I told him firmly, although my own brain was agog with curiosity. He shrugged and sat down on the log, taking off his gloves and scarf but leaving on his hooded robes. I sat down beside him and offered him some bread and cheese from my bundle. We admired the hut and I pointed out the fine old apple tree that I’d taken some cuttings from. We were filling up air—both of us wondering what was wrong with Klea.

When she finally came out of the hut, I was pleased to see that Shadow stood up and bowed in a very mannerly way, and waited till he was asked before he sat down again. Quick on the uptake, this ghost.

Klea’s eyes looked suspiciously red, but otherwise she was all smiles and lightness. I judged it best not to press for an explanation

“What’s the news? Find the letter?”

Had she been crying about the letter? Was it that serious? Surely not. I wished she’d tell me what it was so I could comfort her, but I didn’t feel able to ask.

“I took a look in Chatoyant’s room, but I got interrupted. She has one of those mage-proof chests. I don’t suppose you know the combination.”

“Curse it, I wonder who would? Probably no one, knowing Toy. But you’ll keep trying, won’t you?” asked Klea.

“Oh, yes. But in the meantime, I had a problem with Shadow and I thought you could look after him for me.”

“Problem?” Klea winked at the ghost. “Is he too virile for you?”

“Illuminus is after him, for some reason,” I said. “Shadow says he wants to kill him.”

“He does,” said Shadow.

“Why would he want to do that, little Shadow?” asked Klea.

Shadow dropped his gaze. “I’m an illegal ghost. Isn’t that enough of a reason?”

“Illy’s ruthless, but not like that. I’m guessing there’s something more here.”

“You might as well tell her,” I said.

He shrugged and told her most of what he’d told me about the crystal mine.

“That’s quite a story. Are you sure it was Illy?” asked Klea as he finished.

“I saw his face. Both times. And his voice is very distinctive.”

“True. What was he doing at a mining camp in the mountains, I wonder?”

I was surprised that she’d believed Shadow so quickly. “Why would he do such a terrible thing?” I asked.

“Flara’s get are capable of anything. That’s how she brought them up. And all of us are short of money.”

“You don’t dress like it,” I said, before I could stop myself.

Klea laughed. “You dear little country mouse,” she said, not unkindly. She struck a pose with her nose in the air. “One simply must dress!” She dropped the pose and said, “My couturier was my biggest creditor when I lived in Elayison, and it’s probably true for half the other nobles. I think I still owe him a hundred lumins.” She nudged my arm. “So what’s this one like as a lover? Much different to our men? I assume he’s got a prick and balls. Are they a good size?”

I opened my mouth to correct her misconception, but Shadow interrupted. “Do you mind?” he snapped, red faced. “I’m a person, not a piece of meat.”

Klea stared at him. “He’s gone a funny colour.”

“He does that when you talk about pleasuring,” I said. “Embarrassment. Apparently it’s a taboo for ghosts.”

“But how do they get baby ghosts? They’re not really undead, are they?”

“We do it. We just don’t talk about it all the time,” snapped the ghost through gritted teeth. “It’s a private matter between the... the...”

“The people pleasuring,” I finished helpfully.

He stared at us and blew out a breath. “Dhrtyh wilkjhh!”

“I’ve not pleasured with him,” I told Klea. “And I don’t plan to. The last thing I need is to bring another little half-breed into this world.”

“Really? Is it that bad? I never thought... I’m sorry, I guess you don’t like being called Ghostie.”

“Nor half breed, nor blood pollution, nor Aurora’s Mistake. And I don’t like everyone telling me I look sick all the time, either.”

“So are you trying to avoid breeding?”

“I’m not eating meat, if that’s what you mean. But who knows how ghost spurt works? Maybe it’s stronger than man spurt. I’m pretty sure my mother didn’t plan me.”

“Wilkjythith dyrhury,” said the ghost. “Listen. I’m going to go in here and look at the arrangements. And you can have a lovely chat about my prick and my spurt and my hose and my nozzle and the length of my fingers if you like. Call me when you’ve got it out of your system.”

“Wow! Passionate.” Klea gazed after him.

“Klea, promise me you won’t try to make love to him unless he wants it. Things are obviously very different in ghost land.”


“He must be afraid. He’s got no one but us, and Illuminus does seem to be after him. Think of him like some child we have to care for. Or your brother. Klea?”

“I was curious.”

“Well, don’t go undressing him either. He’s really shy. His prick’s quite normal.”

“The same colour as the rest...?”

“Yes. Klea? Promise you won’t upset him.”

My impression had always been that Klea was a kind person, but power seems to make mages insensitive to other people’s feelings and you can never be too sure.

She reached out and pinched my cheek. “I know how to handle mundanes. No, I really do. And I’ve no interest in a reluctant prick. That’s just awful. So about this search? How far did you get?”

“Only as far as Toy’s treasure chest.”

“Damn. She takes herself seriously, doesn’t she? I mean, what would she have to hide that was so imp—Hey! I wonder if she and Illy are in the smuggling together.”

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