Home > Exist : Beyond the Thaw(4)

Exist : Beyond the Thaw(4)
Author: Heidi Catherine

They’re running out of time.

Luca sits down and the happy chatter of birds sounds strange in the thick tension.

Sam’s father stands again. “In light of this new information, I propose a vote. I believe it’s too dangerous to go ahead with our initial plan. I believe there should be no Seekers.”

Sam’s mind screams a denial. Except, even she can see that quite a few of the others agree. One or two are already leaning forward, preparing to vote.

Diesel frowns as he presses his hands onto the table. “So you put us through all that for nothing?” His voice rises. “Bryan and Simon died during those tests!”

A few gazes slip to focus on the timber in front of them. Simon’s father chose to resign as leader after he lost his son.

Sam’s mother nods, her eyes overflowing with empathy. “That’s why we’re proposing this. We’ve lost too much already.”

Sam can hardly breathe. Her mind is in overdrive. They can’t have come this close only to lose everything they worked for.

Suddenly, the thought of remaining in Askala is the last thing Sam wants.

Nor is it what Hawk wants. Or Mercy.

Sam shoots to her feet. “But how else can we teach them? How else will they learn there’s another way to live?”

Mercy straightens, too. “You’re the ones who wanted to take Askala’s message beyond our shores.” Her gaze sharpens. “It seems to me we need the Seekers more than ever.”

Hawk stands. “They’re right. We can do this.”

Sam’s chest fills with pride. Only a few words, but the ones that count.

Diesel’s brows hike up. “So the Seekers still wish to go to the Newlands?”

A multitude of faces turn to look at the other three Seekers.

Siena looks a little pale. “I made a commitment, I’ll see it through.”

Gust glances around, looking like he’s trapped. He swallows. “Of course we wish to go,” he squeaks.

Nikita glances at him in surprise. She straightens her shoulders. “We’re the best of the best.”

Except it almost feels like there’s an “aren’t we?” at the end.

Sam looks around. So many familiar faces. Zali. Jagger. Aarov. And now the new generation who joined along with her. Diesel. Juno. Ekon. The Seekers’ future lies in their hands.

Each and every one of them look away.


Hawk tugs on Sam’s hand, pulling her back onto the stool. She looks at him, and he holds her gaze. His eyes are stoic. Determined. He’s telling her something.

We’ll go anyway.

But can Sam do that? Once the leaders have voted, can she go against their decision? Openly defy her father?

Even if it means losing Hawk when she’s only just discovering what he really means to her?

Jagger stands, his face determined in a way Sam hasn’t seen before. “You need to realize that complacency is dangerous. You can’t just wait for the Outlanders to come to you. Askala has what many others want.”

Sam’s father’s hands sweep out. “And they are welcome to share everything we have.”

Jagger shakes his head. “Not everyone wants to share, Kian. Resources means power. We must stick to the plan.”

Zali gasps and every head turns to her. “You want to send the Seekers there, despite what we have learned?”

Jagger shakes his head. “I don’t believe remaining here and hoping this all goes away is the best for Askala and its people.”

Zali lifts a trembling finger, pointing it at him. “You wanted these tests. You convinced us they were necessary.” Her eyes widen. “And that raven was sent to someone in Askala.”

There’s a collective intake of breath around the table.

Wren pushes up, her hands fisted on the wooden tabletop. “What are you suggesting, Zali?” she asks quietly.

Sam’s own eyes widen. Wren sounds…dangerous.

Zali’s hand flutters to her throat. “I wouldn’t accuse anyone without evidence. I’m just conscious that Jagger used to be one of Ronan’s men. That he would have Outlander sympathies.”

“Ronan was my father,” Wren grinds out. “What does that make me?”

Jagger lifts a hand in a conciliatory gesture. “Askala saved me. It showed me we have a responsibility to more than just survive. Of course I want others to learn that.” He looks to each of the Seekers. “Askala taught me that we can’t just think of ourselves.”

A few people nod, but Zali looks away as she sits down. Several people gaze at Jagger as if they’re seeing him in a new light.

Sam frowns. Everyone knows the story that Jagger risked his life for Askala. He saved Wren’s life and countless others.

Is Zali suggesting he did that so he could infiltrate Askala? Become a spy?

It doesn’t feel plausible…but then again, no-one hypothesized that a new Commander would rise up.

And that the Outlanders have been planning something for far longer than they realized.

Wren glares at them, one by one. “Jagger and I were some of the first Outlanders who showed you what Askala could do. Don’t ever forget that.”

Dex places his hand over Wren’s and just like magic, her body unwinds. She collapses onto her seat, glancing at him. He nods in understanding, squeezing her hand.

Sam’s father stands again, the movement slow and stiff as if he’s aged a century over the course of this meeting. Just like Dex and Wren, his hand is clasped tightly in her mother’s.

“We will vote,” her father announces. “All those who believe those chosen as Seekers should stay in Askala, please raise your hand.”

Sam’s already done the math. It’s the first thing she did as everyone took their place around the table.

There are twenty-four leaders. That means they need thirteen people to vote in their favor. With six Seekers, they’re almost halfway there.

Her father’s hand is the first to rise up, his anguished gaze holding hers. Sam’s eyes sting as she watches her mother’s hand join his as it reaches for the green canopy above them.

Dex is next, followed by Zali. Sam glances at Wren, noticing she’s chewing her lip. With a sigh, she raises her hand.

Mercy shakes her head. “No, Mom.” Her whispered words are heavy with betrayal.

More hands lift above grave faces. Sam’s heart plummets painfully with each one.

Like a tide she can’t stop, Sam watches as eleven hands rise into the air. She holds her breath when there are no more. The wave of votes has come to an end.

Except then her gaze flies to her brother.

Luca hasn’t voted.

Please, Luca.

Luca’s gaze darts to their father before returning to hers.


He mouths two words. “I’m sorry.”

And then his hand joins the others.

It’s a tie.






Mercy walks back to the hut with her parents, her arms firmly crossed. This isn’t how today was supposed to turn out. Right now, she should be climbing aboard a boat and heading to the Newlands. Not going home to wait for the re-vote to be called.

Ties are always difficult in Askala. It’s far easier in the years when there’s an odd number of leaders. But they can’t exactly rig the Proving to avoid even numbers. Some years it just doesn’t work out.

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