Home > Exist : Beyond the Thaw(7)

Exist : Beyond the Thaw(7)
Author: Heidi Catherine

Mercy’s eyes flit across the people, searching for that face. The one that makes her heart do a dance whenever she stares directly at it.

She finds him, surprised to see he’s watching her. Has he been looking at her since she arrived?

Luca. His name silently caresses her lips as she drinks in the sight of him. Should a miracle happen and she’s allowed to climb aboard the boat and head to the Newlands, she’s going to need to remember every detail of that face.

Kian clears his throat and the people fall silent. “All those who believe the Seekers should stay in Askala, please raise your hand.”

Mercy tears her eyes from Luca as his hand shoots into the air, joining Kian and Nova as the first to vote. More hands rise, including Mercy’s father.

The scene of a few hours ago is playing out all over again.

She looks to her mother, waiting for her to cast her vote.

But her mom’s hands remain planted by her side, her eyes glued to Mercy.

“All those who believe the Seekers should stay in Askala, please raise your hand,” Kian says again, now looking at Mercy’s mom.

“Wren!” Mercy’s dad gasps. “It’s time to vote.”

Now, everyone’s looking at Mercy’s mom while her eyes remain on Mercy with that strange look she’s had ever since Mercy came out of the tree.

“They can do this,” her mom says. “They can make a difference. We can’t stay here and do nothing. We have to let them go.”

“No, Wren.” Mercy watches her father’s face fill with lines. “This is our daughter.”

“Our amazing, fearless daughter.” Mercy’s mom smiles, tears streaming down her face. “Our daughter who can carry forward our legacy. It has to be her. I’m sorry, Dex.”

“Mom.” Mercy’s jaw has fallen open as she steps toward her parents. “Mom, you don’t have to do this.”

Why is she trying to talk her out of this? It’s madness! Her mom is making her wish come true. She should be jumping for joy. But she can’t. Not unless she knows her mom truly means it.

“It’s the right choice,” her mom says. “I have to let you go.”

Mercy swallows, nodding her head as her chest fills with pride. Her mom can see her. Like, really see her. She’s putting her faith in her like nobody else has before.

“A decision has been reached,” says Jagger when Kian fails to declare it. “The Seekers will leave immediately.”

“Immediately.” Mercy’s dad repeats the word like it’s in a foreign language.

Mercy goes to him and wraps her arms around him, but he’s shaking too hard to hold her in return.

“I’m okay, Dad,” Mercy says. “This is the right decision. You’ll see. I’m going to make you proud.”

His arms close around her and as the people file away from the table, heading in the direction of the beach, he squeezes her close to his chest.

“I can’t let you go,” he says.

“You can.” She releases her grip on him and urges him to follow the others. “You must.”

Kian and Nova are leaving the table, each with an arm wrapped around Sam’s shoulders, Luca walking beside them. Hawk is following closely behind, his parents also with him, having come to watch the vote. They’re managing to do what needs to be done. Her dad can do it, too.

Hawk’s sister, Dove, has latched herself onto Charity and is leading her away, talking a mile a minute. Charity looks over her shoulder and smiles at Mercy, letting her know she’s okay.

Mercy loops one hand in the crook of each parent’s arms and they take up the rear of the procession to the beach. It’s hard to believe this is actually happening. She’s leaving Askala. She’s leaving her parents. She’s setting out to make sure that everything she’s learned can be shared with the rest of the world.

She’s a Seeker.

A thousand thoughts race through Mercy’s mind as she tries to think of all the things she needs to say before she goes. It’s hard to decide what’s most important. But there’s one thought that keeps pushing itself forward.

“Your mom died protecting you,” she says to her dad.

“That’s why we named her after you,” her mom says when he doesn’t reply.

Mercy tugs her father a little closer as they walk. “I want you to know I’m going to make a difference out there. I’m going to make sure her sacrifice wasn’t for nothing.”

“I wanted you to have children of your own,” her father says, his voice breaking under the strain.

“And who says I won’t.” Despite trying to keep the sunshine in her voice, her words are failing to chase away the dark clouds in her father’s eyes.

“We should go with her,” he says, leaning forward to look at Mercy’s mom.

“Dex.” Her mom sighs. “We have responsibilities here.”

“What made you change your vote?” he asks, his voice lacking the normal warmth when he speaks to her.

“I saw a different side to Mercy today,” her mother says. “One I couldn’t ignore. She’s not our baby girl anymore, Dex. She’s a Seeker. Through and through.”

Her father makes a noise that strangles any words he’s trying to find.

They walk down to the beach where two boats await them in the shallows. Already stocked with food, clothing, seeds, and a thick cloth that can be used to make a tent, the boats look heavy, sitting lower in the water than Mercy would like.

Gust and Nikita climb aboard first, leaving their parents weeping on the beach.

“For Bryan!” Gust calls to them.

His mother smiles proudly through her tears. “For Bryan!”

Siena is next, hesitating but then joining Gust and Nikita. Mercy watches in silence as Sam tears herself out of Nova’s shaking arms to give Kian a long hug. Hawk hovers nearby, waiting to help her into the boat. Luca says something to him and Hawk nods a reply before heading toward the second boat. It seems he’s prepared to let Luca help Sam this one last time.

“You need to stay strong together,” Mercy says to her parents, hoping their bond is enough to see them through what’s going to be a difficult time.

With a heavy heart, she hugs them both and they stand there as a solid unit of three. The way they’ve always been since Mercy was born. She can only hope to fulfil her father’s wish and replicate that with a family of her own one day.

Tearing herself away, she has no words left. She gives them both a tearful smile and goes to the boat. Hawk is waiting for her and lifts her over the water, climbing in after her.

“Thanks,” she says.

“We’re going to be okay.” He puts a hand on her shoulder.

She nods, even though he can’t possibly know that.

Luca lifts Sam into the boat next, calling to those gathered on the beach that he’ll push them out to sea. Diesel does the same with the second boat.

“Luca!” calls Mercy, leaning over the side of the boat and reaching out a hand. She can’t go without saying goodbye. She can’t be upset with him. This can’t be how it ends.

He hesitates and for a moment she thinks he’s going to leave her hanging. Please, let this not be the last memory she has of him.

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