Home > Shadow Seeker : The Crow Haven Series(14)

Shadow Seeker : The Crow Haven Series(14)
Author: Michelle Areaux

“So, have you thought about joining any clubs or sports?” Sawyer asked me, as she took a huge bite of her school pizza. It still looked half-frozen and I saw her wince as she chewed.

Her question took me by surprise since I had barely had time to register the insane news that I was gifted last night. And, to be honest, I never really had many friends before, so no one ever cared whether I was on a team or not.

Kade was watching me carefully and suddenly, I felt like I was on display.

“I really hadn’t thought about it. What do you all suggest?” I asked, biting into my own peanut butter and jelly sandwich. I enjoyed the same lunch as I did when I was in elementary school.

“Cross Country team,” Kade practically shouted at me.

Sawyer broke out into a fit of laughter as I sat in shock.

“Um, sorry. The Cross Country team is cool,” he added, trying to recover from his own embarrassment.

“What do I do? I mean, isn’t it just a team for running?” I asked.

I loved running and always found it an outlet for when I was angry or frustrated. But, I had never thought about doing it as a real sport.

“What Kade was trying to say is, the Cross Country team takes anyone interested in joining. We compete with other schools by running various courses. It’s not bad and everyone on the team is really nice,” Sawyer stated, smiling between me and Kade.

I thought about it for a moment. It didn’t sound that bad and it was sort of nice being asked to join something.

“I’ll think about it. When do I sign up?” I asked.

“The first practice and tryout is next Monday. You should come and check it out,” Kade said.

His warm smile was so endearing and I felt my heart flutter as I looked over at him. He was adorable and cute and… what was I saying?

“Great,” Sawyer said, clapping her hands together. “Now that is settled, what about this Friday night?” she asked.

Was I supposed to know what she was talking about? I threw a chip into my mouth and sat there with a dumbfounded expression.

“Maybe we should explain it to her, she looks a little lost,” Kade said, offering a sly smile.

Ugh, there goes my heart again melting with just one look.

“Yes, clarification would be great,” I say, igniting a chuckle from them both.

“Friday is the first big East football game. Everyone in town goes to it,” Sawyer says.

School spirit had never really been my thing and I could count on one hand how many sporting events I had ever been to. However, they were inviting me and maybe it would be fun. I mean, if I were going to have a fresh start, might as well as add attending sporting events to that, too.

“Sure, sounds like fun. I could use a night out,” I said.

And, I could. It would be nice to have one night where I didn’t think about secrets or paranormal beings.

“I can come pick you up, if you want?” Kade asked me.

“That would be great,” I stated. “What about Sawyer?” I quickly threw out.

“Of course, he will pick me up, too. We are neighbors. Practically siblings,” she laughed, punching Kade playfully in the shoulder.

For some reason, hearing they were only friends settled my nerves a bit. As I looked over at Kade, I caught him looking at me with a silly smile across his face. I felt heat spread through my face as I smiled back.

Maybe things here were finally starting to look up.


After school, I met up with Maylee as we gathered our things from our lockers.

“Hey, so I was invited to attend a football game Friday,” I blurted out, as I shoved my books in my locker. “I think you should go with me.”

She paused next to me and, at first, I was worried I may have upset her. “Who invited you?” she asked, slowly closing her locker door.

“Sawyer and Kade. I met them in class,” I stated, unsure of what to say next.

Shaking her head, Maylee forced a smile. “I think that’s great. It’s just… remember I told you most kids around here don’t necessarily like me.”

For the first time since meeting Maylee, I saw an uneasiness grow in her. She almost seemed sad and I hated that I had created that in her. Maylee was always so bubbly and upbeat, I needed to see that from her again.

“You are my friend and they are really nice. I promise, if you don’t have fun, I will leave with you,” I say, hoping I don’t have to beg her.

Thankfully, Maylee agrees with a simple nod of her head.

With that taken care of, we rushed out to the parking lot before Ace could leave us behind.



Chapter Ten

Friends in Low Places




hat evening, after I finished my homework, I decided to text Maylee.


Me: Hey, can you and Ace meet me by the pond behind my house?

Maylee: Sure, what’s up?


I rolled my eyes as I read her response. She knew what was up, but I played along anyway.


Me: I just want to talk.

Maylee: Ok meet you there in five minutes.


I quickly changed into a pair of black Nike shorts and a gray East Jessamine t-shirt my mom had gotten me. When I arrived at the pond, Maylee and Ace were already there.

Maylee looked fashionable as always in a cute yellow sundress, while Ace stood angrily in dark jeans and a black t-shirt. He kept his back to me as I approached.

“Ok, so who wants to talk first?” I asked, as I stopped in front of them.

“You invited us here,” Maylee reminded me.

“Last night, Ace told me that I was a Shadow Seeker. Something that apparently everyone in my life already knew-- except for me. Now, I am here to get more answers,” I stated firmly.

Maylee gave Ace a glare which told me he hadn’t given her the full story of what had gone down.

“She wants to see Crow Haven,” Ace said, his back still to me.

I hated that he wouldn’t even turn around and look me in the eye.

Maylee gasped as a breeze drifted around us. “Lizzie, we can give you information, but it’s not allowed for humans to be in Crow Haven,” she said nervously.

“Why not?” I asked, throwing my hands to my hips. I was growing agitated by the runaround.

“Because that’s the rule. Next question,” Ace spat out.

Fed up, I stomped over to him and grabbed hold of his strong bicep. Forcing him to turn around, Ace’s eyes grew wide as that familiar spark blazed through us.

Refusing to allow that to stop me, I lashed out. “Ace, stop being such a jerk. You are the one who stopped me from going into the woods. You are the one who told me that I am a Shadow Seeker. And, you are the one who turned my entire world upside down. Now, you will give me answers--real answers, or I will just march right into Crow Haven myself,” I yelled out.

Maylee covered her mouth with her hands, her eyes wide with freight.

Ace stared down at me with murder glowing in his eyes.

Taking a step closer to me, Ace removed the space between us. My breath faltered and I swear my heart forgot how to beat. All I could do was stare back at his intense eyes.

“You are very demanding for someone who has no idea what they are about to get themselves into,” Ace began, his words seething.

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