Home > Shadow Seeker : The Crow Haven Series(16)

Shadow Seeker : The Crow Haven Series(16)
Author: Michelle Areaux

The sounds of an engine brought my eyes back from the sky just as a black Ford truck pulled into my driveway. Sawyer and a guy who I didn’t know were sitting in the back of the four-door truck. Kade sat in the driver's seat, a black and blue hat over his head and a cute smile on his face.

“Get in,” Sawyer yelled out to me.

I jumped down the stairs and ran over to the truck. Getting in, Kade took my hand to help me climb into the cab. His truck was on monster wheels and I almost felt like we were about to be part of one of those monster truck rallies.

“Wow, your truck is...big,” I said.

Sawyer and the guy I still didn’t know laughed from behind me.

“Thanks,” Kade said, blushing.

“I’m Garrett, Kade’s brother,” Garrett greeted me.

“Hi,” I answered.

Sawyer seemed to be drooling over Garrett and I realized she must have a crush on him. He was cute like his brother, but where Kade’s hair was wavy, Garrett’s was short and straight.

We took off and drove through the small town with the windows down, music blaring, and the feel of the cool evening air filling us. It was magical.

When we pulled up to the long drive of East Jessamine High School, I noticed that the bright lights were illuminating the field just beyond the school. Opening the truck door, I could already hear the band playing a fight song while the Crowd cheered and roared from the stands.

I walked alongside Kade as Sawyer and Garrett flirted shamelessly behind us. I pulled my phone out of my pocket and checked for any messages from Maylee. She should be here any minute.

“Hey, something wrong?” Kade asked, noticing me checking my phone.

Tucking my phone back inside my pocket, I smiled. “Nothing wrong. My friend Maylee might meet us here,” I said, realizing I hadn’t really confirmed asking her to come with us.

“Cool,” Kade said. “She’s sort of different…” he added.

“Yeah, but she’s awesome, too,” I said, refusing to allow anyone to talk about her.

Kade simply nodded as we made our way to the ticket booth. He paid for us and then we walked over to the stands. Seats were going fast and the four of us made our way over to the silver bleachers.

I kept checking the parking lot and the crowd for a sign of Maylee. I knew she was coming, but I was sure Ace would bring her on his own time.

Just as the football team came running out onto the field, I spotted Maylee making her way toward us. Waving, she looked out of place, but she was still smiling.

Standing, I waved her over.

“Hey, my friend is here,” I said to Kade.

He looked over to where I pointed and waved at Maylee, too. For some odd reason, that made my heart soar.

“Great. Hey, I’m really glad you came with me tonight,” he whispered yelled.

I sat back down and turned to face Kade. From the corner of my eye, I saw the cheerleaders jumping and yelling from their spot on the track that circled the field. Their blue and green uniforms bouncing with each kick and flip they did.

“I’m really glad I came, too,” I managed to say, before Maylee flopped down beside me.

“Hey guys,” she announced, with a little too much enthusiasm.

I introduced her to the gang, even though she already knew who they were. I doubted they had ever really talked outside of school and that saddened me.

Everyone talked for a minute before the kickoff. Once the game began, it was almost too loud to hear yourself think.

We all laughed and cheered on the team and for the first time in my life, I couldn’t believe I was at a school social event with friends. Kade reached down and grabbed my hand, lacing our fingers together.

I waited for a spark or bolt of electricity to hit me, but nothing happened. Not like it did when I touched Ace. Maybe what I felt with Ace was more like heated anger?

Something moved by the tall light over the ticket booth and the slight flicker caused my eyes to look up. A black feather fell from the sky, softly surfing on the slight breeze that flirted through the night sky.

“What are you looking at?” Kade asked, squeezing my hand.

“Nothing. Thought I saw someone,” I said.

I turned to Maylee who had been watching me carefully. Leaning over, I whispered, “Where is your brother?”

“He’s around,” she said, a slight smirk playing on her lips.

The crowd around us erupted in a loud cheer, everyone jumping and clapping as the cheerleaders went wild in front of us. The team had just scored a touchdown and the announcer was loudly announcing the stats.

It was finally halftime and the cheerleaders were running onto the field to do their performance. I took this time to go get a drink.

“Hey, I’m going to get some drinks,” I announced, standing up.

Sawyer and Garrett were taking selfies and Kade stood like he was going to come with me, too.

Maylee looked at me and I nodded for her to join us as well. The three of us left our seats and made our way toward the concession stand.

The line was already forming so we jumped in and waited.

“Thanks for letting me come tonight,” Maylee said to both Kade and me.

Kade moved closer to me and his arm brushed against mine. The cool night air made me shudder and he inched even closer. Maylee watched us and I noticed her eyes kept darting behind us.

I maneuvered myself so that I was between Kade and Maylee and just as I moved, I spotted a figure lurking in the shadows underneath the bleachers. I didn’t have to look anymore to see who that was. From the way Maylee’s eyes glowed with anger and surprise, I knew instantly it was Ace.

It was like I could feel his presence deep down in my soul.

Handing Maylee some cash, I stepped out of line. “Hey, I will be right back,” I said.

“Wait, where are you going?” Kade asked, concern lacing his features.

He really was sweet and maybe I was insane for walking away from him right now, but something called me to him. Like a magnet, I was drawn to him and I couldn’t seem to fight the attraction.

“I just need to go call my parents,” I lied. “I promise, I will be right back,” I said, leaning up and hugging Kade.

He smiled down at me, seemingly calmed now.

I walked until I was behind the bleachers. I walked along the edge of the bleachers, searching for any sign of Ace. I knew I hadn’t imagined him being there.

Suddenly, an arm reached out and pulled me inside the darkness. A slight scream escaped my lips as I found myself falling into Ace’s arms.

“What are you doing?” I hissed.

“You came looking for me,” Ace said back.

He was being difficult as always and I hated that I fell for his tricks.

“Fine, then I will just leave. Hanging out under the bleachers in the dark is creepy,” I said, turning to leave.

“No, wait,” Ace yelled to me.

I stopped dead in my tracks, unsure of what to do next. I hated how my body and mind were torn when it came to Ace. I should have left, but I also wanted to hear what he had to say.

I stood there silently as the crowd just above us cheered and yelled. I knew Maylee and Kade would wonder where I went so whatever Ace had to say, he needed to make it fast.

“What?” I finally snapped.

Running a hand through his dark hair, Ace looked conflicted. “You need to leave. I was just informed that it’s not safe for you to be out here right now. We know the evil spirits are coming, but we don’t know if any are here yet or not.”

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