Home > Dark Redemption(36)

Dark Redemption(36)
Author: Jisa Dean


I walk out the front door with Kat under my arm. That son of a bitch's words ringing in my ears the entire way there. Before I bend to put her in I take her by the back of the head and dig my fingers in her hair, giving her a punishing kiss that she doesn't deserve but I can't help the overwhelming need to show ownership right now. She is mine and I dare someone else to come take her from me.


She doesn't fight me; instead, she softens and lets me plunge into her mouth over and over again. Her acceptance of the kind of man I am is one of the greatest gifts she could ever give me. Now I have to make sure I don't let her down by finishing this once and for all.












"Soon, Kiska, soon." His rough hands dance over my face and when he buckles me in and jogs around to his side of the car I pull my kiss bruised lips between my teeth hoping to take in more of his taste.


I don't understand what Ivan means by 'soon' but I hope it means he'll finally fuck me rotten. The reasons for him to hold back, and make me hold back as well, are good reasons. But knowing that heavy shit is coming our way, shit that might tear us apart forever, makes me want to say fuck everything. I don't want to live never having been with Ivan, never feeling him deep inside of me.


As soon as he gets in the car he uses the hand's free device to call Jim, who answers almost right away.


"Well if I ever need a distraction I know who to call. People are talking about the big ass Russian who scared the hell out of the Senator. It is not a flattering image and I'm sure one the Senator is fuming over. Care to elaborate on what happened?"


"He threatened my Kitten." I blush at Ivan calling me his pet name in front of someone like Jim. The man is dark and scares me more than Ivan ever could. He holds death in those eyes of his.


"That'll do it every time."


Ivan goes over the meeting between him and Johnson so Jim will be caught up. He ends by telling him if he doesn't want the Senator dead he needs to go after to him first. Silence greets him for a second and then Jim's voice fills the car again.


"Fair enough. While you were providing distractions, I was tossing his office and I have more than one lead on where I want to go with my investigation. I can't tell you not to protect what you feel is yours. I can offer help though."


Jim keeps talking but Ivan isn't paying attention. He's looking in his rearview mirror. "Where is Ace?"


"Hold on," I listen as he talks to someone else, I wonder if it's Ace or one of his other men. "Ace is about a mile behind you. Why?"


"Because I have company." What the hell? Does that mean what I think it means? It has me looking back at the headlights right behind us.


"How many?" Jim's voice changes from one laid back to one that is deadly serious.


"Judging by the headlights I got two cars and two motorcycles. The bikes are coming up on me pretty fast. I think they are going to make the first attempt."


First attempt? The sound of an engine is right beside me and Ivan reaches over and grabs the back of my head, pulling me down into his lap. Glass shatters and sprays all over me. I hear screaming and realize I'm the one doing it. Ivan stomps on the brakes letting the bike go in front of us.


He reaches over and unlocks my seatbelt. "Keep your head down, Kitten and reach under the seat for my gun."


"You have a gun in the car?" I'm not sure why I bother to ask. When he was holding me tight to him at the Senator's house I could feel his shoulder holster under my hand the entire time.


"I have several but that's the easiest to go for right at the moment." I do exactly as he says and reach down and grab his gun. The other motorcycle comes up on his side and before he can lift his gun Ivan has shot him, sending his bike off the road.


"Ivan, I should be right behind you man so watch what your shooting at, yeah?" Ace's voice in the car makes me jump. I had forgotten the phone was still on, Jim must have patched him through so they could talk to each other. "Fuck, uh, Ivan. Man, he sent like five cars out for you."


"Only five, now that breaks my heart."


"Yeah, I thought you would say something like that you crazy son-of-a-bitch."


A car takes the place of the bike beside Ivan and he hits the breaks again but this time he slows just enough to tap the front of his car into the back of the SUV beside us. Both cars are going so fast both go sliding and we end up turned around. Ivan puts the car into reverse and starts driving backward. He reaches down and the next thing I know I'm falling backward as he is shooting the other motorcycle rider out my window.


The guy's helmet explodes and when I raise up I can see one of the SUVs drive over him. Ivan swings the car back around and hits the gas. The way he is shifting gears is seriously sexy even if I'm not supposed to be thinking about stuff like that at a moment like this.


"I assume the SUV with the backend damaged who is tipped over in a ditch is one you've already played with? So you won't be mad that I just finish the job."


"Go for it."


A deafening roar comes out of the phone along with Ace's voice screaming over the sounds of explosions. "Don't fuck with Russians, we really like bombs fucker."


My eyes go to Ivan's and he has a little smile on his face like a proud papa. Men and their bombs, always going off at the most unexpected times, but handy to have around none the less.


"Status update someone." Jim is back on the line.


"One car down, two bikes gone and we're working on the other four, Archer. Should be done in just a second."


"I got another one." Ace is back now. That takes the countdown to three SUVs. "Ivan I got one breaking away. Want me to let him go or stop him?"


"Let him go, he's going back to his puppet master to tell him things aren't going as smooth as they thought it would."


In front of us, a motorcycle blocks the road. The guy on it is dressed all in black and looks like some fucked up punk version of the grim reaper. He raises a gun and aims right at us. Ivan slams on the breaks but it won't help, we're going to be too close for him to miss hitting one of us. My mind shuts down and a freaky calm comes over me, I guess it's the acceptance of death or something. All I can shout in my head is 'please don't let it be him, please don't let it be him' over and over again in my mind. I don't want Ivan to be the one he's pointing the gun at. I couldn't live with myself if I have to see him die right in front of me.


I have reached over and taken the gun in Ivan's holster under his arm and shot before I realize what I've done. The guy's head does a funny jerk before he falls but he's already fired. Luckily his shot is off enough that the bullet flies past me and Ivan and lodges in the back seat. Ivan turns his head to look at me still holding his gun.

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