Home > Bayou Devils MC : The Complete Series(118)

Bayou Devils MC : The Complete Series(118)
Author: A.M. Myers

“No,” Kodiak replies, his voice deadly as he stares at the family kissing goodbye in front of their house. Henry, Camilla’s husband, gets into his car and drives away, passing us without even a second glance and as soon as he’s out of sight, Camilla ushers Riley back inside. Kodiak turns to me. “Let’s give it a couple minutes. Make sure he doesn’t come back.”

I nod in agreement, checking the rearview mirror but the road is clear. “Where we takin’ ‘em? Emma’s?”

“Yeah. Blaze figured the girl would be less scared there.”

My gaze slides to the house. “Whatever, man, anything’s gotta be better than how scared she is in that house.”

“Heard that,” Kodiak says, nodding his head. It’s been a long time since I felt that same fear but it’s something I’ll never forget.

After a few more minutes, he pulls away from the curb and drives up to the house slowly before parking on the street in front of it. Not having backup to follow the husband is making us kind of jumpy as we spill out of the truck and walk up the front steps. Kodiak scans the street as I knock and we both step back so she can open the door.

The relief on her face when Camilla sees us standing here is instant. “We’re almost ready to go.”

Kodiak nods, his features softening as he smiles at her. “Take your time and make sure you get everything, Darlin’. We won’t be coming back.”

She nods and as she disappears inside the house, we both turn to face the street so we can watch for any trouble. Camilla first came to us a few months ago, wanting to know her options if she left her husband. It took a lot of work, but we eventually got out of her that the asshole wasn’t hurting her but their daughter, Riley. And then she dropped off the map. We couldn’t find her and the pre-paid phone we gave her was dumped in a trash can near the clubhouse. I think most of us thought the worst but then she contacted us last week and said she was ready to leave and I, for one, was relieved.

The ones we can’t save or the ones that come to us to ask questions but never follow through, they haunt me and I’m always wondering what happened to them. Maybe it’s because I know what the reality looks like. I remember the sound of my mom getting knocked around by whatever piece of shit she was dating at the time and it’s all I can see in my head when these women come to us for help. My phone buzzes and I yank it out, keeping one eye on the road as I read Carly’s text.



I suppose I might be able to squeeze

you in.



That’s good, Princess.

Less likely to just show up on

your doorstep that way.


The screen door creaks behind us and I turn around as Kodiak keeps an eye on the road. Riley tentatively steps out and peeks up at me without meeting my eyes. Smiling, I crouch down in front of her and hold out my hand.

“Hi, you must be Riley.”

She regards me for a moment before slowly extending her hand and shaking mine. “Hi.”

Camilla comes out and I stand up, offering her a warm smile. “All ready?”

“I think so,” she says, glancing back at the house like she might see something she’s forgotten.

“As long as you’ve got the stuff that can’t be replaced, don’t worry about it. We’ll buy you anything else you need.”

She nods, letting out a breath. “Thank you.”

“All right, y’all. Let’s get on the road,” Kodiak says and as I turn to lead them to the truck, a little hand slips into mine. Camilla gasps and I look down, smiling at Riley as she peeks up at me.

“She’s usually so scared of men,” Camilla whispers to Kodiak and I feel myself getting a little choked up. This is what it’s all about for us and I’m fucking honored this little girl, who has been hurt in ways a child never should, feels safe with me and trusts me enough to help her.

When we get to the truck, I push the seat forward and help Riley and Camilla climb into the back before jumping in and scanning the street again. As soon as Kodiak climbs behind the wheel, we take off for Emma’s. Kodiak was right earlier. Something feels off today and it’s making me antsy.

“What’s your name?” a tiny little voice asks from the back of the truck and I glance over my shoulder to find Riley staring at me with wide blue eyes. Turning in my seat so I can see her better, I smile.

“My name is Chance, little Darlin’.”

She smiles, revealing a missing front tooth. “Thank you for saving us, Mr. Chance.”

I glance over at Camilla and she has her hand over her mouth as tears fill her eyes.

“We got company,” Kodiak says in a low voice and I glance out of the back window. The sleek black sedan we saw not so long ago in their driveway is right behind us.

“Lose him,” I hiss before turning back to Riley with a smile on my face. “So, I hear you started kindergarten this year.”

She nods, her smile widening and my own feels more sincere.

“I bet that means you’re smarter than me now, little Miss Riley.”

“No way.” She giggles, a sweet little sound that is completely out of place with the rising tension in the truck. “You’re a grown up. I gotta be big like you to be that smart.”

“I don’t know, Sweetheart. Can you read?” I ask, keeping an eye on the car behind us as Kodiak speeds up to lose him.

“Yes, Mommy taught me how.”

“See, you’re smarter than me already. I have no idea how to read.”

She giggles more as she shakes her head at me. “I know you’re lying, Mr. Chance.”

“Am I?”

“Yes,” she replies, giving me a no nonsense look that pulls a chuckle out of me.

“Hey, I have a game on my phone. Do you want to play it?”

Her eyes light up and she nods her head. “Yes, please.”

I pass her my phone and she focuses on it, completely oblivious to the fact that her good for nothing father is on our ass. Camilla mouths a “thank you” and I nod as I turn to face the front again, glancing over at Kodiak.

“Hang on,” he whispers, slamming the gas pedal down to the floor and Riley lets out a little squeak behind me. Glancing back, I offer her a smile and she returns it, looking less than convinced everything is okay.

Without slowing much, Kodiak turns down a side street and the tires squeal before he floors it again and we roar down the street. Repeating the move two more times, we wind up on the freeway and when I glance behind us, I can’t see the sedan anywhere.

“We can’t take ‘em to Emma’s house in case there’s a chance he’s still following us,” Kodiak murmurs and I nod in agreement. The last thing I would ever want to do is lead trouble to Emma and Nix’s doorstep.

“Let’s find a hotel. I’ll call Blaze.”

He nods and I turn in my seat. “Hey, little one, I have to make a phone call. You think I could get my phone back?”

She nods and holds it out in front of her. “Sure. Thanks for letting me play your game, Mr. Chance.”

With a wink, I turn back around and dial Blaze. He picks up right away.

“Hey, Boss, we got trouble.”

“What’s going on?” he asks, his tone reflecting the vibe in the truck.

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