Home > Bayou Devils MC : The Complete Series(247)

Bayou Devils MC : The Complete Series(247)
Author: A.M. Myers

“I would love nothing more than to sink a blade into his gut a couple hundred times but Smith is right, that isn’t what Tate would want.”

Dominic laughs. “As far as I’ve heard, Tate is as fierce as some of my best men.”

“She is,” I say, turning back to the image of her on the screen and my chest aches. “But she’s also good and pure in a way that you’ll probably never understand. Besides, she already has one murderer in her life and you brought all this trouble down on her head so it’s only right that you clean it up.”

“What do you know of it?” he scoffs and I glare at him.

“I know that as that animal was forcing himself inside her, he wanted her to plead with you for rescue. Don’t act like this isn’t on you.”

He takes a step toward me. “Know your place, you little punk.”

“My place is by her side,” I assert, squaring my shoulders and meeting his gaze. “Now, where is she?”

Dominic studies me for a moment, a wry smile stretching across his face. “You know, I could just take her and go back to Chicago right now. You would never see her again. So maybe you should try to be a little respectful to your future father-in-law.”

“And I could kill you right now,” I assert, taking a step forward as my hand hovers over the gun in my waistband. “Where is she?”

He sighs. “Baton Rouge General, but don’t think this is over.”

“That’s where you’re wrong,” I snarl, turning and walking out of the room without waiting for a response. Everyone files outside, including Nix, Emma, and Rodriguez, and I nod to them as I jump on my bike and fire it up. I don’t wait for anyone else as I peel out of the parking lot and no one stops me. They’ll catch up eventually but I’m getting to my girl now. Pulling down on the throttle, I speed up, racing through a yellow light as a car horn bellows. They can go fuck themselves. Nothing is stopping me now.

When I pull up in front of the hospital, I park my bike in a spot and jump off before running through the door. I spot a nurse and I sprint to the desk she’s working at.

“I need to find my fiancée. She was brought in here a little while ago.”

She nods. “Name?”

“Tatum Carter.”

She types something before glancing up at me with a sympathetic expression and my heart stalls.

Please tell me she’s okay.

She has to be okay.

“Second floor. Room 208.”

I nod. “Thank you.”

Turning away from the desk, I decide to take the stairs instead of waiting on the elevator and people shoot me looks as I race past them but I don’t give a fuck. No one in this hospital is as important as my girl. Once I get to the second floor, I find a sign and race down the hallway until I skid to a stop in front of room 208.

Sucking in a breath, I step forward and my pulse spikes when I see her lying in the middle of the bed with wires and tubes all over her. Her arm is covered in bandages and a tear slips down my cheek as I walk forward and grab her hand.

“I’m so sorry, baby,” I whisper, kissing her hand and willing her to open her eyes. Apart of the bandages covering her left arm, she doesn’t look too worse for wear but from all the work I’ve done with the club, I know all the hard work is still in front of us. I will stand by her through it all, though. “Eyes on me, gorgeous. You don’t get to leave me anytime soon.”



Chapter Twenty-Seven




“Where are you at, baby?” a familiar voice says, pulling me toward the light as darkness clings to me, trying to pull me back under its warm embrace. My entire body aches and I try to remember why. An image of Devlin slicing me open with the scalpel fills my mind and I cry out. Or, at least, I think I do but no one seems to notice. “I’m missing you something crazy and I need you to come back to me, Darlin’.”

I try to reach for him but my arm doesn’t budge. More memories flood my mind – I was fading in and out of consciousness as the door to the room burst open and then I was in someone’s arms. There were people calling my name and pain, so much pain that I couldn’t stand it anymore. I whimper. Someone grabs my hand and a sense of peace settles over me.

Oh, I’d know that touch anywhere.

“Tate? Can you hear me, baby?” he whispers, one hand cradling the side of my head as he brushes his thumb over my forehead. I try to squeeze his hand but my fingers won’t work and I let out another whimper. “Eyes on me, gorgeous.”

Fighting against the darkness, my eyes flutter open and I wince at the bright fluorescent light filling the room. Where am I?

“Hey,” the voice whispers and I turn my head to the side, my heart pounding when Lincoln comes into view.

“Lincoln.” My voice is weak and it cracks as I force the word through my lips but his face lights up as he brings my hand to his lips and kisses it.

“There she is.”

I try to sit up but pain floods my body and I squeeze my eyes shut again as I realize just how dry and uncomfortable my throat is. “Ow.”

“What do you need?” he asks, gently setting my arm back on the bed as he stands and I glance at the cup on my bedside table.


He nods, grabbing a pitcher and filling the cup with water before setting it back down and helping me sit up a little bit. I hiss as pain swamps me again and he murmurs apologies as he raises the head of the bed. When I’m finally comfortable, he grabs the cup again and helps me take a sip of water.

“Thank you,” I whisper, my throat still feeling dry but it’s better than before. He nods, setting the cup down and sitting in the chair again as he grabs my hand and presses it to his forehead.

“Thought I almost lost you.”

I shake my head, smiling through the constant pain now throbbing through my arm. “Lincoln Paul Archer, I’m never leaving you.”

“Damn right you’re not,” he forces out as he looks up and brushes away a tear. My heart breaks for him as he stands and presses a kiss to my lips. When he pulls away, he flashes me a smile that melts my insides and I let the peace I feel with him radiate over me before memories start rushing back to me.

“Oh, Lincoln,” I gasp, fighting back tears. I know I have to tell him what happened to me and I have no idea how he’ll react.

“Hey,” he whispers, running his hand over my hair. “What is it, sweetheart?”

“I have to tell you… He did things…”

He shakes his head, giving my hand a squeeze. “You don’t have to tell me anything, Tate. I already know.”


Gritting his teeth, he looks away from me for a second before his gaze drifts back to mine and he sighs. “Your father showed up at the clubhouse and showed us the video Devlin made.”

“You saw?” I ask in horror as tears burn my eyes. He nods.

“Yeah, baby, I saw and I don’t care, if that’s what you’re thinking.”

I shake my head. “I don’t really know what I’m thinking yet.”

“That’s okay, too,” he says with a nod and I stare at the wall for a moment, trying to play catch up. Turning to look at him, I suck in a breath.

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