Home > The Perfect Marriage(56)

The Perfect Marriage(56)
Author: Jeneva Rose

“Hello again, sir. Returning to the dungeons? Would you like me to buzz you through?” she says with a smile. She is clearly amused by her own choice of wording and pleased to have the opportunity to aid the good sheriff in any way.

“No, Marge. It’s fine. I can scan myself through. And how many times have I asked you, please, not to call it that, especially in front of visitors?” he says with an imitation stern tone that suggests a mere show of reprimand as opposed to actual anger.

“I’m sorry, sir. I’ll try and remember better in the future.” There’s a wry smirk across her face.

Sheriff Stevens winks at her so slightly I wonder if I’m only imagining it.

He scans us through with his badge and leads us back to the interrogation rooms. Past the same eye-accosting walls, we move in lock-step across the cheap flooring. This time at the next intersection though, we take a left, instead of a right.

Bob is sitting behind the one-way glass, clearly agitated by the wait. He’s looking around as if searching for someone or something to vent his frustration at. His legs bounce as he fidgets wildly and perspiration has built up near his hairline. He isn’t used to being on the other side of the table.

Sheriff Stevens stops before leaving us. “Are you ready for me to do this? If not, we can wait a little longer and make him sweat some more.” His smile is meant to be disarming, I’m sure.

“No. I’m fine. I just want this over with,” I respond. I am both drained and anxious to just leave. My confident lawyer persona has all but vanished for the night, and I need to go home and recharge it. I’m in a vulnerable spot without my armor, and Sheriff Stevens is not the person I need around. I’m just glad Matthew is here. We sit down in front of the glass.

“All right then.” The sheriff nods and heads into the interview room.

Bob’s head immediately snaps toward the door, his eyes narrow, and the fidgeting legs come to an immediate halt. Bob might be a blow-hard and a bit of a cock ninety-nine percent of the time, but he is a good lawyer and a ruthless cross-examiner. He looks like he doesn’t want to leave this station without the gratification of a fight.

“Good evening, Mr. Miller. I’m sorry to keep you waiting so long. Can I get you anything to drink? Water? Coffee?” Sheriff Stevens knows the tough guy act that immediately caved Anne won’t work on Bob. He starts with the nice guy routine to perhaps keep things civil.

“Save your apologies and your pleasantries. I don’t need refreshments. This isn’t my first rodeo, so let’s just skip the bullshit.”

So much for the civility play.

“Very well then.” Sheriff Stevens chuckles to himself as he takes a seat, amused by Bob’s bravado. “Let’s start with what you know about Kelly Summers.”

“What about her specifically, Sheriff Stevens?” Bob knows what the police can and cannot use in court. He knows what looks like fishing or speculation versus actual evidence. Sheriff Steven’s questions will need to be tight as a drum or this will go on all night.

“I apologize. For a second, I forgot I was dealing with an attorney. No fluff questions then. Did you know the victim Kelly Summers in any way prior to the start of this case?”

“Yes, I did.”

No extrapolating will be found in any of Bob’s answers. Part of me is disappointed knowing that Sheriff Stevens likely won’t get any new information about my case out of Bob. But on the other hand, I am relieved to know that I don’t have another surprise coming my way.

The door of our room opens and in walks Deputy Marcus Hudson, smug as ever. His shoulders are held high and there’s a shit-eating grin on his face.

“What are you doing here?” I ask.

“Observing this interrogation as I have every right to do.” He stands behind, towering over Matthew and me.

“Every right to, but no reason to…” Matthew scoffs at him. “You fucking reek of suspicion.”

Deputy Hudson laughs. “Be that as it may, I’m the law around here.”

“Just keep your mouth shut and let me do my job—and you better be ready to be the law when I call you to the stand,” I say without even looking back at him.

Deputy Hudson groans and I hear his feet shuffle, and the air around me becomes less stuffy. I glance over my shoulder. He is leaning against the wall with his arms crossed in front of his chest. His shit-eating grin is now a scowl.

I redirect my attention to the interrogation room.

“Would you care to explain how you knew Kelly Summers or, better yet, Jenna Way?” Sheriff Stevens asks.

“She was married to my brother,” Bob replies.

“Your brother from Wisconsin?”


“Whom she murdered?”

“I didn’t say that. She was never found guilty of such a crime so any statement coming to that conclusion would be pure speculation,” Bob says with a tinge of contempt in his voice. It would appear Sheriff Stevens has found the right button to press.

“I’m sorry. Let me rephrase. Your brother whom she was married to, who then wound up murdered and then she fled the state, nowhere to be found.” Sheriff Stevens depresses his finger slightly further onto the big red button marked “Dead Brother” that lies just under Bob’s skin.

“Yes, she was married to him. Yes, he was murdered. Whether or not she quote fled the state as opposed to just leaving under standard circumstances is, again, speculation.” His frustration builds further.

“Gotcha, gotcha, gotcha. Did anyone ever end up being charged as it pertains to your brother being…” Sheriff Stevens runs a finger across his throat to signal Bob’s brother’s death.

“No. No one was charged in my brother’s…” Bob pantomimes the action back to Sheriff Stevens, spit coming through his clenched teeth as he answers.

“Man… Fuck. That’s gotta suck, huh? I mean your brother’s life just gets extinguished. Poof. And whoever did it to him is just walking around. I mean that’s really gotta chap your ass. Especially, someone as familiar with the justice system as you. But hey, then again on your side of the aisle, it’s your job to defend those very types. I mean, hell, for all you know, you’ve helped that same person out of a pickle right under your nose. I mean, it could be anybody, right? That’s statistically possible, isn’t it, counselor?” Sheriff Stevens ends his line of questioning with an up-pitch in his voice and his head cocked, waiting for an answer.

Bob is now a shade of red, typically reserved only for fire trucks or perhaps the inside of a volcano. He sits silently for a long time while his legs slowly start to bounce again. The room becomes thick and dense—like the night air right before it is about to snow. Finally, Bob lets out a long breath and a single tear begins to well up in his left eye, mere centimeters from the vein in his forehead that seems poised to blow.

“Sheriff… I am here for questioning under your supervision voluntarily. I am not under arrest and have not been charged with any crime. As such it is my constitutional right to both refrain from answering any questions as well as leave under my own power and not to be restrained or kept against my will. I am, of course, happy to comply and cooperate with law enforcement in any manner where I could be of assistance in the pursuit of lawful justice, and as such, am more than willing to answer any further questions, in writing, submitted to my office. As a civil servant, I thank you for your time, and I will be leaving now.” Bob then stands and leaves without looking at Sheriff Stevens.

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