Home > One Take Only(50)

One Take Only(50)
Author: Lynsey M. Stewart









“I love this section,” Margot said, leaning into the screen on the wall of Religion, where I’d started this journey a few weeks ago. “The dialogue and the way they look at each other tells such a beautiful story.”

“That was all unscripted,” I said, glancing to Robson the owner who was sitting quietly behind us. “Because they’re lovers, they already have this great connection. They were constantly checking in with each other.”

“I think you got the perfect actors for this,” Margot said. She had helped me with the editing, often meeting late at night after she’d finished a shoot. She’d given me great advice, accepted my ideas and trusted my intuition. I could tell it was a project she was becoming passionate about and when Mickey got Robson to agree to view what we’d put together so far, she asked if she could come.

“Doctor Chris, what do you think?” She was sitting on one of the pews dressed in a dark green velvet trouser suit with a peacock feather brooch down the lapel, Cher balancing on her lap…the dog not her idol.

“Darling,” she said, taking her glasses off and shaking her head. I feared the worst until she started smiling. “I think you’ve done a beautiful job. Stunning. Visually it’s appealing, but the message it puts across, too? Fantastic.”

“We can use it at the clinic?” I asked hopefully.

She nodded, putting the arm of her glasses in her mouth as she thought. “I think we can do a lot with this, Skye. I want an education programme linked to the film. Group work for young adults where we can offer support if they’re struggling with their sexuality, linked with safe sex and of course, consent.”

I pulled out the papers I’d been working on and handed them to her.

“What do you think?” I asked as she flicked through them. “They’re leaflets and posters to go alongside the film. It gives details of the clinic, all the helpline numbers and the support we provide.” I turned one over. “The support groups and when they’re on, one-to-one support, the safe-sex programme.”

She balanced her glasses on the end of her nose. “You’ve been working hard, darling.”

Robson and Mickey gathered around Dr Chris. “These are great,” Robson said. “You’ve really gone all out with this.”

“Had to,” I replied.

“She’s a woman on a mission,” Margot said behind me. “Her ideas and dedication to this have been inspiring.”

“Listen, I’ve been thinking,” Robson said. “Skye emailed me bits and pieces and I was really impressed with what she’s put together. After talking to the team, we want to offer you something that we think will help with publicity, but hopefully get more young people who need support coming to the clinic.”

“I’m all ears, darling.” Dr Chris said.

“I’d be more than happy to put the leaflets and posters in our shops and at the cinema. I’m sure a few other places in Brighton would too.”

“That would be fantastic,” I replied as Mickey put his arm around me.

“There’s something else,” Mickey said, smiling.

“We want to offer to premiere the film at our cinema,” Robson said. “It would be a way to launch it and promote the shit out of it. Of course, we’d want Margot there as a leader in the industry.”

“Count me in,” she said, as I covered my mouth in shock.

“Are you kidding?”

“Not at all,” Robson replied. “I wouldn’t offer if I didn’t think it hadn’t been done well.”

“I’m speechless, really.”

Dr Chris laughed. “There’s a first time for everything!”

“So, are we all in agreement?” Robson asked. “Chris?”

“I’m all for it and exceptionally grateful to you, Margot, and Skye. I had this small idea in my head, and it’s turned it into something I couldn’t have even fantasised about. I’m shocked and stunned, truly I am.”

“We’ll organise it all, invite some of the big players. I’ll try to get it in the industry publications, invite the press.” Robson pulled out his phone. “Do you think it will be ready to go in the next few weeks?”

I turned to Margot who nodded. I mouthed thank you and we pencilled in a date for the frigging premiere.



I pulled my phone out of my pocket and opened the email Will had sent me. There was a video attachment and a he’d written Another Reminder in the subject line. I stood back from the counter as I played it. Brighton beach filled the screen, Elliott wearing a wetsuit as he approached the water. I could hear my voice in the background, shouts of be careful and don’t go too far. Will’s laughter mingled with Elliott’s and his face got closer, a blurry focus but his words were clear. “She’s the best mum ever.” He rolled his eyes like I’m often accused of, but as he backed away from the camera into the sea, he pointed, smiled and shouted, “Best mum I could ask for.”

“You know, a few years ago I’d be up for a few cocktails and a dance, but I’m happy with a coffee and a chat nowadays.” Dr Chris settled into a comfy chair as I put my phone back into my pocket and thanked the barista who brought over our coffees as I sat opposite her.

“Nothing wrong with that,” I said as she perched Cher on his own chair.

“I’m glad you had time to join an old girl for a drink.”

“Of course,” I replied, squeezing her hand. “Anything for you.”

“I’m still stunned, darling.” She popped two sugar lumps into her cup and stirred it slowly. “I couldn’t have wished for anything better.”

“I had a lot of help,” I replied as I caught her staring at me. She brought the cup to her mouth and took a sip.

“I cannot tell you how proud I am,” she said. “What you’ve done is going to transform the services at the clinic. Update everything, bring some fresh life to the place. Skye, I’m seen as an old fuddy-duddy now, many of the youngsters don’t want to accept advice from me.”

“That’s not true,” I replied. “You’re well respected.”

“I’ll take your word for it,” she said. “But there’s no getting away from the fact I’m getting older, darling, and at some point, I’ll be retiring and letting a younger, more spirited and enthusiastic person take over. The fact that we have this kind of video as part of our education services before I go, fills me with the greatest joy.” I smiled as she handed Cher a treat from her bag. “Now, let’s get to the important stuff. Tell me what’s wrong?”

I shouldn’t have been taken aback by her question, we’d gotten to know each other well over the last few years and she’d been a great source of support after Elliott died. I decided honesty was the best policy. “How did you know?”

“There’s a little something missing, a smaller sparkle than normal.”

“I don’t know,” I shrugged, unsure where to start. “I think I’m broken.”

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