Home > Beautifully Backed(2)

Beautifully Backed(2)
Author: Charity Parkerson

Another blush exploded across Tobin’s face. He dropped his gaze again.

Sergio shook his head. “Damn.” Even Sergio heard the humor in his curse. “The shy ones get me every time.”

To Sergio’s surprise, Tobin’s gaze lifted and met his with a bravery Sergio had never seen in his life. “I’m not shy.”

A wicked smirk touched Sergio’s lips. He couldn’t stop it from happening. Tobin tempted him on every level. “Prove it.”

Tobin stood. A surge of disappointment shot through Sergio. It seemed he had gone too far. When Sergio didn’t move, Tobin held his hand out. “Are we going, or not?”

Sergio shot to his feet and linked fingers with Tobin. No way in hell would he turn down Tobin’s offer.

Tobin didn’t immediately head for the door. His gaze swept the room. “Reid picked me up, so you’ll have to drive.”

“Sounds good.” Especially since Sergio had no intention of leaving his Porsche here. He couldn’t tear his eyes away from Tobin. Sergio couldn’t believe Tobin truly meant to take him home.

Tobin still seemed a bit absent. “I thought to tell Reid bye, but I don’t see him.”

Sergio nudged Tobin toward the door. “I saw Valor and Reid sneaking away a few minutes ago. I get the feeling they’re not worrying about their guests right now.” He forced his stare from Tobin and searched the room with his gaze. He spotted Dawson nearby. Dawson was like a son to Valor. Sergio knew he could trust Dawson to let Valor know they had gone. He caught Dawson’s eye and signaled they were leaving. Dawson nodded, and Sergio steered Tobin toward the door. “Dawson will let Reid know I’m taking you home.”


Tobin didn’t sound like he had any doubts, but Sergio held tightly to his hand anyhow as they headed out. He had Tobin now. Sergio wouldn’t lose his chance if he had anything to say about it. He knew a good thing when he saw one.



All of these thoughts about how he couldn’t believe he was doing this kept trying to shove their way inside Tobin’s head. Tobin kept pushing them away. Sergio’s gorgeous car said a lot about how far out of Tobin’s league he was, but Tobin didn’t care. This was for one night only. Sergio had been on his bucket list since they met at Valor’s place months earlier. Tobin wouldn’t let any amount of good sense get in the way this one time. He only had this one life. Tobin intended to live it his way.

As they pulled into the parking lot of Road Clan bar, Tobin worried Sergio might take one look at where he lived and realize how far beneath him Tobin was. But if he ran, then Tobin would know Sergio wasn’t worth his time anyhow. So he squared his shoulders and directed Sergio to the back-parking lot of the biker bar.

“Circle the building. There are a couple of reserved parking spots back there.”

“Okay.” Sergio dragged out the word, as if confused by the directions Tobin gave. He still followed Tobin’s instructions without argument.

Tobin pointed at an empty space next to his delivery van. “You can park there.”

Without a word, Sergio swung wide and backed into the spot. As they slid from the car, Sergio’s alarm chirped.

Tobin flashed him a smile. “Don’t worry. You’re my guest. Your car is safer here than anywhere in the world. No one would mess with the guys in this place.”

Sergio shrugged. “I’m not worried.”

Tobin waited for Sergio so he could take his hand. When their fingers linked, he headed for a metal staircase next to the building. He spotted Damon through the bar’s window as they headed up. He gave the burly bar owner a small wave. Damon returned to gesture.

“You live above a biker bar? Isn’t that noisy as hell?”

Like the move had been choreographed to coincide with Sergio’s question, the loud music blaring from inside lowered. Tobin chuckled. “No. The guys know I live upstairs and Damon, the owner, he makes sure they keep it down when I’m home. Everyone who comes here are regulars and it’s like a big family.” Tobin didn’t add that he didn’t know what he would do without these guys. Some days were much harder than others, and these burly bikers with hearts of gold kept him going.

As they came through the door, Sergio looked around. Tobin knew what he saw. His apartment was pretty small but cozy. The brown overstuffed couch had been chosen for comfort rather than style. He owned a smallish TV and had more books than most. His kitchen was nicer than the rest of the apartment, but that was because he worked from home. Thankfully, Damon let him use his storeroom for most of his supplies. Otherwise, Tobin wouldn’t have anywhere to sit. From nowhere, Tobin’s nerves frayed. He had invited a stranger to his place. Sergio was obviously rich and incredibly sexy. He could have anyone. Tobin’s apartment had to be the worst place Sergio had ever stepped foot in since he left the streets. What had he been thinking bringing Sergio home? Then Sergio’s gaze moved his way and didn’t budge. The dark scruff on his jaw made Tobin’s palms itch to touch it. His dark green eyes sparkled with intelligence. Tobin wanted to hear his every thought. This was only for one night. Tobin had to keep reminding himself of that fact.

A sweet-looking smile touched Sergio’s lips. “It’s okay if you’ve changed your mind. I’m cool to just hang out and talk or whatever.”

Something about Sergio always seeing his shyness and discomfort too clearly made Tobin want to be the opposite. Sergio was completely out of Tobin’s league. Tobin wanted to be on his level. There was only one way Tobin could achieve that. He had to be braver than he felt.

“You should strip.” Honest to god, no one was more surprised than him by the demand. He wasn’t this person, but Tobin didn’t take it back. It was too late now. He had already been way too bold, and now he wanted to see where this insanity took him.

Sergio shrugged off the open button-down shirt he wore over a skintight slick-looking t-shirt. Tobin held his breath as Sergio tossed the shirt aside and untucked the shirt from his black pants. With the shirt untucked, Sergio reached over his head and pulled the material over his head and off his body in one smooth motion. Tobin moved a step closer. He couldn’t stop himself. Sergio was every bit as sleek beneath his shirt as Tobin expected. Sergio had a runner’s body. Each muscle was well defined. Not like a guy who spent too much time at the gym, but like a man who used his body like a tool. Sergio looked as if he had been carved from marble. Tobin’s hand reached out with no permission from his brain. His skin looked pale against the dark skin of Sergio’s torso as he traced the lines of Sergio’s sculpted abs.

“Jesus. What’s it like to be flawless?” Tobin couldn’t stop the question. He had always wondered what it felt like to be beautiful like Sergio.

“I wouldn’t know since I have a thousand imperfections.”

Tobin wanted to roll his eyes at that obvious lie, but he was too busy enjoying the sensation of Sergio’s soft skin beneath his fingertips. Hunger rose inside Tobin, stamping out all hints of discomfort. Tobin went to work on Sergio’s belt. The leather felt expensive as Tobin pulled it loose. “I want to see the rest.” Tobin no longer recognized himself. He wasn’t the type of guy who stripped men bare and demanded to see their bodies. Sergio made him feel a level of desire he had never experienced before. It was like Tobin starved for him.

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