Home > Beautifully Backed(7)

Beautifully Backed(7)
Author: Charity Parkerson






Sergio had fantastic lips. Tobin spent much longer than necessary staring at them. When Sergio had climbed into bed with him, Tobin had been so out of his head with exhaustion that he hadn’t known if Sergio was real. Now, here he was, sleeping peacefully at Tobin’s side.

Tobin wanted to kiss him and bite a path down his body until Sergio cried his name. Sergio looked too peaceful to be disturbed. To save himself from temptation and to keep from overthinking things, Tobin slipped from the bed. He eyed the gorgeous roses on the nightstand. Why did Sergio have to be so nice? Damn it. Tobin wanted to kick him out, but not really. He was confused as hell. His good sense warred with his heart. The type of man who brought roses after what anyone else would have accepted as a one-night stand wasn’t someone Tobin could just kick out. Fuck. He needed to make them even.

After a trip to the bathroom, Tobin slipped from the room, trying to be as quiet as possible. It was close to seven and the small market next door closed at eight. Tobin didn’t have time to make himself presentable. He grabbed his shoes and headed out. Tobin needed to be quick. He didn’t want Sergio to wake up alone and think he had been abandoned. That wasn’t the path to making them even so he could shut Sergio from his life guilt free. Tobin would grab a few steaks and cook the guy a nice dinner. Then it would be adios with no hard feelings. Shit. Why did Sergio have to be fucking perfect?

Inside the small family-owned market next door, Tobin smiled at the older woman who worked most nights. He grabbed a hand basket and started making an internal list. Since Sergio could be vegan for all Tobin knew, he would grab some veggies too. Potatoes, for sure. Everyone liked those, right? He cut through the cereal aisle to get to the meat section faster. An orange box caught his eye as he passed. Tobin barely focused on it as he walked by. Then his feet froze to the floor. No. Tobin took two steps back. His gaze locked on to the box and didn’t budge. It couldn’t be. He grabbed the package from the shelf and stared harder at the image. In a red and black uniform, Sergio held a soccer ball between his hands, looking fierce. Tobin gaze slid to the signature in the corner. Sergio Costa. The room went hazy, making Tobin realize he had been holding his breath. He sucked air. Holy fucking shit. There was a guy, so famous that he was on a goddamn cereal box, in Tobin’s bed. Tobin put the box back on the shelf. There was no way. Seriously, there was no goddamn way. There had to be two Sergios with the same last name and who looked exactly alike.

Tobin shopped while trapped in a haze. He fought the urge to go back down the cereal aisle and check again. Surely he hadn’t seen correctly. Tobin tried to reason with himself. After all, he knew other famous people. Reid was a movie star. There was that one model who came into the bar sometimes. He was pretty sure there were a couple of guys who worked in porn that frequented that one coffee shop he went to occasionally. Tobin hadn’t fucked any of those people. Jesus Christ. What was happening? No famous soccer player could possibly want him. Tobin was as average as could be. He wasn’t buff or even cut. Tobin was just... Tobin. He was a regular guy. He was short as hell, for fuck’s sake. Tobin had to use a step stool to reach his salt in the upper cabinets. His hair was always a mess and he had a fairly nice ass, but that was it. This couldn’t be happening.

After making the barest minimum of small talk with the cashier, Tobin carried his groceries home in a fog of confusion. Sergio’s car still sat parked in the lot. The apartment was still silent as he came through the door. Tobin set everything he had bought for dinner on the counter while trapped in his thoughts. It was possible he deserved this shock. Tobin purposely hadn’t asked any actual questions about Sergio’s life. He hadn’t wanted to know. If Tobin asked about Sergio’s life, then that would make them more than a good time. More than a good time meant strings. Strings meant Sergio was part of Tobin’s fucked-up life. Goddamn it. It was too late. He had seen that stupid box. Tobin bent at the waist and set his forehead on his crossed arms on top of the counter. He stared at the kitchen floor as he sucked air and tried clearing his mind.

A second shadow stretched across the floor. Sergio’s hands settled on Tobin’s waist. He urged Tobin up and back until Tobin found himself wrapped in Sergio’s embrace. Tobin’s back fit perfectly against Sergio’s chest—like they snapped together to make one piece. Sergio’s lips brushed the shell of Tobin’s ear. Goosebumps rose on Tobin’s skin. Sergio moved from Tobin’s ear to his neck, kissing a path to his shoulder. Tobin’s body stirred to life.

“I just saw you on a cereal box.”

Sergio froze with his lips pressed to Tobin’s shoulder. He set his chin on Tobin’s shoulder. “Is that why you were bent over in here, looking like you were having a panic attack? Are you freaking out about me, or are you still tired from starting your cancer treatment?”

Touché. “A little of both, I suppose.”

“Okay. Come on, gorgeous. You’re going back to bed and I’m cooking.”

Tobin didn’t budge. “You don’t want this.”

Sergio snorted. “What? I love steak. I’m an awesome cook too. You’ll see.”

“You know that’s not what I meant.” Tobin refused to back down. This was too important. “You’re young, and—no doubt—active as hell. I’m sure you have a ton of friends and like to do a fuck ton of things I can’t do right now. You don’t want to be trapped with this. Please take the free pass I’m giving you and go live your life. I’m okay with knowing I had you for one night. Please don’t do this to yourself.”

To his surprise, Sergio held him tighter. Tobin’s eyes filled with tears as Sergio pressed his face against Tobin’s neck and kissed him. “I’m not okay with being a one-night stand.”

“You’re an idiot.” The words came out in a choked whisper. He didn’t understand why Sergio would choose to stay.

“So I’ve been told, but I’m also your friend. What would you do if the shoe was on the other foot?”

Tobin wanted to say he would run as fast as could in the opposite direction just so Sergio would leave, but he couldn’t. Tobin had fought this beast once before. He would never abandon anyone suffering from the same thing.

“That’s what I thought.”

Tobin’s shoulders fell in defeat at Sergio’s boast. He couldn’t live with Sergio not having an out, though. “When you get tired, I won’t hate you when you stop coming around. I’m your friend too. That means wanting you to be happy. No matter what. Even if I’m not in the picture.”

Sergio held Tobin’s waist and penguin-walked him toward the bedroom. “Don’t get me wrong. Like, we’ll be good pals and all, but I still plan to touch your dick. I hope you’re not thinking I’m gonna be just some guy. We’re still more than all that. You can count on me for other things than kicking it together—like I’ll touch your naughty places and whatever.”

Despite everything, a laugh burst from Tobin. He had no idea where this guy had come from. They barely knew each other and here Sergio was, talking about hanging in there through the worst time of Tobin’s life and still wanting to be more. The guy really was an idiot. Tobin didn’t even want to be with Tobin right now. Damn. He didn’t know how to say no to Sergio. Tobin also didn’t know if he wanted to.

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