Home > The Jane Austen Dating Agency(31)

The Jane Austen Dating Agency(31)
Author: Fiona Woodifield

‘Poor you.’ She looks at me speculatively. ‘You’re not only far too young for him, you’re far too nice!’

‘He was very pleasant, I’m sure,’ I answer politely, not liking to be rude about someone’s father whatever I personally think about him.

‘Really? He’s usually pompous, tactless, and judges everyone on either their ancestry or their bank balance.’

‘Yes, that did rather disqualify me as I have no lineage worth speaking of or much money either.’

‘You’re lucky he spoke to you at all then. If you’re not listed in Burke’s Peerage, you don’t exist in my father’s world. That’s what happened with Charles, you see.’

‘So, where did you know Charles from? Was he the guy you were sitting with for the first course?’

Maria nods. ‘I haven’t seen him for fifteen years. He was my first boyfriend. We met when I was seventeen.’

‘Gosh, how romantic!’ I’m struck by this as I don’t think I’d even had a boyfriend at seventeen.

‘Oh yes, it was,’ she replies dreamily. ‘He was so chivalrous, mature, kind, understanding. I’ll never forget the day he proposed.’

‘He proposed? What happened?’

‘I refused him.’

‘You did what?’ I’m flabbergasted. (I’ve always wanted to write that word.)

‘I know… it was ridiculous… I loved him, have never loved anyone but him in fact, but he can’t forgive me.’ Tears fall down Maria’s face once more.

‘Why on earth did you say no if you really loved him?’ I don’t want to hurt Maria’s feelings as she’s so upset, but the truth is, I’m incredulous. This woman had met her ideal man, unlike me, and goodness only knows I know how long it takes to find a man you can put up with for a couple of dates even, let alone marriage.

‘My father was totally against it.’

Ah, this makes more sense. ‘Did you have to listen to him? You must have been over eighteen by then, surely you could have married anyway.’

‘Yes, I could have done, but he persuaded me it would ruin Charles’s life marrying a young girl, that he would resent me. I believed him and I loved Charles so much, I felt I should let him go, have a chance of a career and live his life without being held back.’

I’m silent for a moment as I can’t imagine being so selfless about someone. ‘But what could your father have had against him?’ I ask, realising as the words come out of my mouth that it would be quite a lot, knowing Sir Henry.

‘For a start, Charles is not from a well-known family and at that time he was studying. He had no money, just student debts. My father felt I could do better and has a bad habit of overspending so looks to us children to marry well. Look how wrong he was. Charles now has a great career, he is a captain, soon to be promoted to commander. Ironically, he’s good enough for my father now but he wouldn’t even look at me, not after what I have done to him. Now I’m totally past it, and no man has ever caught my eye since.’

‘Nonsense. You’re only a bit older than me, which is not old at all. We’re not living in the Regency period. And you’re so pretty.’

Maria blushes and looks embarrassed; she obviously doesn’t have a very high opinion of herself.

‘It’s an awkward situation,’ I continue, ‘but surely Charles didn’t have to take your first answer. He could have tried again?’

‘I expect his pride was hurt. He never did get along with my father and Charles felt as though my family criticised him for not being good enough for me. You can’t blame him. Charles carried on at uni, got his degree and was away at sea for many years. Can you imagine the shock meeting him again here as my first date?’

‘How did he react? Was he pleased to see you?’

‘He was cold, very cold and formal,’ Maria answers sadly. ‘I could have put up with anything but that. He was always so much fun and we would laugh together, discuss the same interests. He obviously hates me now.’

‘I’m sure he doesn’t. I expect he doesn’t know how to react and, don’t forget, it would have been as great a shock for him as for you.’

‘I know, I’ve tried to tell myself that but he’s so different with me from everyone else. With Louisa, he’s laughing and joking; he hasn’t given me another thought. I’ll have to move on and try to forget. I’ll leave the agency, then I can avoid him.’

‘No, you can’t do that. It would be such a shame. This is your chance to meet someone new and I’d like you to stay. Goodness only knows I need all the help I can get with all the dodgy dates I’ve had.’

‘I must say, I don’t seem to be having much luck at the moment either. Not that I have a great deal of experience with men. I could never find anyone to compare with Charles, and my father puts most of them off.’

‘I haven’t even found a Charles, although I do like Daniel, the new recruit.’

‘Oh, the good-looking chap you were with for the first course? Yes, I think you and everyone else likes him.’

I laugh wryly. ‘I know, I guess I’ll have to join the queue. Anyway, we must have a girly get together. You’d like my friend Mel, and Izzy is nice too.’

Maria seems to cheer up a little. ‘Yes, I’ve met Izzy, she’s really sweet. That would be so lovely as most of my friends are married so I always feel like a spare part and the others my father doesn’t approve of.’

‘I can’t promise he accepts me!’ I joke. ‘But he has begun to speak to me, which is an improvement. Who knows, by our next meeting we may even be acquaintances. Come on, I have some emergency cover-up in my bag and we’ll go back out together. Your next date might be someone nice.’


By the time I’ve returned to my table, Rob has obviously become bored and to while away the time, is chipping into the conversation of the couple at the table behind. They look quite fed up with him but I must admit I’ve enjoyed the break.

Fortunately the evening is drawing to a close. Maria goes home early with her father but at least she looks a little more cheerful and we’ve swapped numbers. As I go to grab my coat, I bump into Izzy, standing by the door. She doesn’t look at all her usual bubbly self.

‘Are you waiting for Josh?’ I ask, assuming this is the case.

‘No, I’m not,’ she says with feeling. ‘He’s still chatting to his last date even though they finished their desserts ages ago.’

‘He’s probably just being polite. It’s difficult to rush off after dinner without appearing rude.’ Although of course in my case with Rob, I didn’t care what he thought. The weird thing with him is that the more I snub him, the keener he seems to get. He’d given me another kiss as he left, much to my disgust, and has even threatened to invite me to one of his chess evenings.

Izzy looks a little tearful. ‘No, you obviously haven’t seen who he’s sitting with.’ She points to where Josh is seated in the far corner of the restaurant.

I must admit he doesn’t look too worried about finishing his conversation. His partner is simply stunning, super elegant, probably in her late twenties. She has long straight hair, beautifully cut, and a flowing dress which clings in all the right places, if you know what I mean. Everything about her screams wealth, confidence and luxurious elegance.

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