Home > The Jane Austen Dating Agency(34)

The Jane Austen Dating Agency(34)
Author: Fiona Woodifield

I feel disbelieving at this, but remembering his boyish smile with Christie at the awards, I guess perhaps he could be.

Daniel and I talk of other topics including Rob Bright, when Daniel suddenly asks, ‘Do you know Lady Constance Parker?’

‘No. The rather snobby lady complaining about the quality of her pheasant at the First Dates evening?’

‘Yes, that’s the one.’ Daniel smiles. ‘I had the pleasure of her company for the main course. She’s related to Darcy, you know.’

‘Is she?’ I reply, momentarily surprised, but then not really as her arrogance and oblivious disregard for the feelings of anyone around her makes this seem probable.

‘Yes, she’s his great aunt.’

‘Of course she would be.’


‘Oh, nothing. Just something from a book.’ For God’s sake, I’ve got to stop this whole novel comparing thing going on, Daniel will think I’m really strange. Unless of course this really is a set-up for a TV programme and Daniel is an actor. I peer at him surreptitiously but he seems sincere.

He continues, oblivious. ‘She has a large estate and a very high opinion of herself. It was rumoured Darcy might marry her daughter. Keep the money in the family sort of thing.’

‘What’s her daughter like?’

‘Don’t know. I’ve never met her. I don’t mix in those sort of circles anymore.’ Daniel looks so sad and I long to give him a hug to comfort him, but am too embarrassed. He’s got such puppy dog eyes, sort of mournful and cute at the same time.

‘Isn’t Lady Constance something to do with Rob Bright?’ I ask to divert him from his story.

‘Yes, I believe she might be.’

‘Rob’s been telling all and sundry that he knows her. I think she’s something to do with his munificent benefactor, Richard Simms.’

‘He certainly seemed keen to introduce himself to her the other evening! But I don’t think she was the only one he’s interested in.’

I’m embarrassed at this, blushing bright red, and Daniel’s teasing blue eyes crinkle at the corners as he meets my glance with a smile.

‘Shall we walk?’ he asks, as if sensing my discomfort, and gallantly reaches out his hand to help me up.

We wander along the pathway, drinking in the view. Upon finding a sunny spot by a bench, we pause a moment and, noticing Daniel still looking serious, I feel as though I should say something to cheer him up.

‘I’m sure things will get better, you know.’

‘Of course. They are already.’

It seems natural to reach out and hug him, and we stand like statues clinging to each other at the top of the hill. He smells so nice and brushes his stubbly cheek against mine as he finds my mouth and we share a gentle kiss.

I’d like to say that birds sang, stars shone from the sky and choirs of angels appeared from nowhere, but that wouldn’t be strictly true. I had a bit of a stomach ache actually – I’m not sure strawberries and fizzy champagne are a great mixture in reality.

‘Are you okay?’ Daniel asks.

‘Just a bit cold,’ I fib, and we walk back to our picnic spot, gather the things, and return to the car.

It’s been a day of surprises but the beautiful Box Hill has more than lived up to my expectations. All in all, I feel pretty darn happy, if a little confused.



Chapter 15



Of course I discuss the whole Darcy/Daniel feud with Mel the next day. She’s surprised but, in her usual style, tries to defend both Daniel and Darcy without really succeeding in managing either. Mel never likes to say or believe a bad word about anyone. Sometimes it makes it really hard when I want a good gossip as she always has to give a reason why someone’s behaving badly, which I don’t really want to hear.

In this case, she thinks there must be some mistake somewhere along the line. Having met both men only briefly, she says it’s impossible someone as friendly and nice as Daniel can be lying, but she can’t believe anyone as respected and well known as Darcy Drummond could have behaved in such a way over his father’s will.

‘Think about it, Sophie. No-one in Darcy’s position could get away with ignoring his father’s final wishes, even if he wanted to,’ Mel insists. ‘And I can’t believe his close friend, Nick, would want to go along with this sort of deception either. It’s against the law, apart from anything else.’

‘I know, you’re right. It’s just I’d rather believe Daniel. I don’t want to even try to imagine he might be lying.’

‘I think you like Daniel a lot.’ Mel smiles.

‘Well, yes.’ I laugh. ‘He’s a big improvement on all the other guys I’ve ever dated!’

‘That’s not exactly saying much!’

‘Thanks. Either way, I’m a bit freaked out. My life seems to be turning into a Jane Austen novel. It’s quite uncanny.’

‘I think you’ve simply been reading too many romantic novels, full stop.’

Suddenly the phone goes. It’s Emma. ‘Hi, Sophie. How did your date go yesterday?’

‘It was lovely. Beautiful weather, good company and a yummy picnic, thank you.’

‘And how did you get along with Daniel? He’s a bit of a dish, isn’t he?’

I blush. ‘Oh yes, really nice, good company.’

‘I think he likes you a lot too. I can tell these things.’

‘Erm, have you known him long?’

‘Not really, no. Why? Nothing wrong is there?’

‘Oh no, not at all, I was just interested,’ I reply awkwardly.

‘Anyway, I’ve had a bit of a brainwave, sweetie. Did you know it’s our Regency Ball in a couple of weeks?’

‘No. I didn’t know it’s so soon.’

‘It is, and I’m sure Daniel’s going to be there. He’s a Gold member.’

‘Oh,’ I reply wistfully.

There’s an awkward pause before Emma continues.

‘I do have a suggestion to make. I’m allowed to invite a couple of close friends or family members along as a bit of a perk and I’d like to invite you and you could bring your lovely sister and friend along too if you like?’

‘Really? You mean we could all come to the ball? But surely you have other friends and family you would like to invite?’

Emma laughs at my amazement. ‘Of course I mean it. It would be my pleasure. Quite honestly, I don’t see much of my family, they all live miles away, and as for friends, I can’t think of any of those I would like to invite as much as you. Please say you’ll come.’

‘Oh my gosh, I’d love to, but surely I have to be a Gold member?’

‘Not if you’re invited by one of the organisers.’ Emma takes my stunned silence for acceptance. ‘So that’s settled then. I’ll post out your invitations, which should arrive in the next couple of days. Dress code is Regency attire, empire line dresses for the girls, and good old breeches and top boots for the boys.’

After a little more chitchat and repetition of my stammered thanks, Emma rings off. This phone call’s put me into a complete dither of excitement. I’ve always wanted to go to a real Regency Ball and this one is going to include Daniel, which is almost too much excitement to bear.

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