Home > The Jane Austen Dating Agency(37)

The Jane Austen Dating Agency(37)
Author: Fiona Woodifield

It’s no good, I can’t lie to you, Sophie. It’s not that I have to work, I just can’t face meeting Darcy Drummond tonight, it would bring back too many memories and I don’t want to spoil your evening. Hope you understand. Daniel x

‘Ooh he’s put a kiss.’ Chloe’s peering over my shoulder. ‘He certainly can’t stand Darcy.’

‘I’m not surprised. How would you feel if someone had promised you a chance out of nowhere, offered you a lifeline, having come from a difficult background with no money, and you were relying on that opportunity, maybe your only hope. Then this insufferably arrogant rich bastard comes along–’

‘Soph…’ Chloe tries to stop my tirade as we are approached by none other than Darcy Drummond. I don’t know what’s wrong with this guy, he always pops up without warning at the worst bloody moments.

‘Miss Johnson? Would you do me the honour of accepting the next dance?’ he asks diffidently.

‘I… erm… well… I don’t… erm… okay.’ I’m floored by his request. I can’t think how to refuse him at all.

A million thoughts flood my mind as Darcy takes my hand and leads me to the dance floor. Why has he asked me? Maybe he makes it a point to dance with everyone so there is no favouritism. This seems unlikely though as, glancing round the room, there are so many women at the ball. If that were the case he’d be dancing all night. I have a comic mental image of Darcy needing a lie down at the end of the evening, after being whirled round by hordes of women. I can’t imagine him dancing at all; he’s so serious and uptight.

We take our places opposite each other in the line and for the first part of the dance, my mind is focused on the steps as it involves weaving in and out of the other dancers and I don’t want a collision. Fortunately, it’s one we had practised at the Regency Dance evening, formal and slow, and I miraculously find I can remember the steps, which is an added bonus.

Annoyingly my body is letting me down again. Every time Darcy approaches, I feel shaky and my legs are unsteady. I put it down to my simmering anger over his treatment of Daniel. He returns to my side for the next bit of the dance – I have to concentrate on not meeting his glance, his eyes are so intense and I’m struggling to battle against some strange instinct which wants to rejoice in his touch and attention. No, I must remember I hate him, especially after his rudeness about me.

‘Er, are you enjoying the dating agency so far?’ he asks as we descend through the line together hand in hand.

‘Yes, really good,’ I reply carefully, not wanting to give him any ammunition. ‘I’ve met lots of lovely people anyway, some true friends.’

‘Oh,’ Darcy replies noncommittally. ‘What did you think of the First Dates evening? It seems to be quite popular.’

‘It was lovely, though I probably wouldn’t have chosen all the partners I was placed with. Some bits of it were better than others.’

Darcy looks dangerously close to a smile at this point. It makes him even more attractive. ‘Oh?’

‘When you came into the restaurant, I had just met a mutual acquaintance,’ I can’t resist mentioning. Darcy goes quiet and as we are naturally parted by the movement of the dance, I assume he’ll ignore the topic and move on.

As we meet again, however, he continues with, ‘Daniel Becks is the sort of guy who finds it easy to make friends. Whether or not he manages to keep them is another thing.’ Darcy states this as a fact, his tone low and aggressive.

‘He’s been unlucky enough to lose your friendship in a way that will affect his whole life.’ I stop in the middle of my steps and glare at Darcy momentarily. His impassive face makes me feel furious.

‘Oh yes, he’s been so unlucky,’ Darcy retorts sarcastically.

He makes me so mad, I don’t know how to carry on the dance. ‘Guys like you just don’t realise the effect you can have on another person’s life.’

‘Really?’ Darcy’s curling his lip. God, I’ve really rattled him. ‘What do you mean guys like me?’

I feel uncomfortable at this. ‘I mean your wealth and influence place you in a position of power, with the ability to change the lives of others. It’s a really big responsibility that I hope you take seriously.’

‘Extremely seriously. Can I ask why the inquisition?’

‘I’m just trying to understand you.’

‘I wouldn’t bother at the moment.’

The dance ends, which is probably a good thing, but I want it to continue. Just as your tongue won’t leave a sore spot in your mouth alone, I want to carry on probing Darcy Drummond. I want to shout at his self-satisfied drop-dead gorgeous face. Anything to get a reaction.

Instead I meander casually across the room to where Mel, Chloe and Maria have been apparently trying to attract my attention, leaving Darcy to his own devices. He’s better off staying with his business associates and friends anyway – why can’t he just leave me alone?

‘Sophie – we need you,’ Chloe hisses.

‘What? What’s going on?’

‘You’re good friends with Izzy, aren’t you?’ Maria asks. ‘You need to stop her.’

‘Stop her what?’

Mel, succinct as ever, quickly fills me in. ‘She’s fallen out with Josh who’s been dancing all night with Lady Cara Lyttleton, and Izzy’s distraught – she’s just stormed off to confront him.’

‘Oh my god, I must go and find her.’ I dash off towards the smaller refreshment room to the side of the ballroom, but I’m too late. I walk in on an extremely embarrassing scene.

Josh is standing amongst a crowd of people near the drinks, his handsome face shaken and guilty. He is rather like a cornered rat. With her arm linked in his is Lady Cara, resplendent and sparkling in a vivid scarlet dress. She has a self-satisfied smirk all over her face. Poor little Izzy is in the middle of a full tirade at Josh… she has obviously lost it completely.

‘You wrote me poetry,’ she sobs. ‘You said we were soulmates and I believed you. What a load of total and utter crap!’

I galvanise myself into action as the scene is drawing many spectators, not least Mrs Drummond who’s been making small talk with the horsey girl in the corner and is now glaring in our direction. Someone mutters something about calling security. I mean, security at a ball at Pemberley. Jane Austen would be horrified. Something has to be done and quickly. Out of desperation, I breeze towards the assembly in a casual manner I certainly don’t feel.

‘Izzy, how nice to see you here. You must come and tell me what you’ve been up to.’

Grabbing her arm, I propel her gently across the floor, surrounded by the protective circle of Mel, Chloe and Maria, leaving Josh in the company of Lady Cara and her posse of snobbish and glowering acquaintances.



Chapter 16



‘What are you doing?’ Izzy demands breathlessly as we plonk her down in an elegant chaise longue out on the veranda.

‘Trying to get you out of the room with some shred of dignity still intact,’ Chloe says.

‘Look, hun,’ I say gently, ‘I know Josh has won first prize for jerk of the night…’

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