Home > My Roman (Boys on the Hill #1)(50)

My Roman (Boys on the Hill #1)(50)
Author: Rose Croft

Clutching the car handle, I paused. If I knocked on her door in the middle of the night, she would never open the door. And if she did open the door, then I’d be pissed because why the hell would you open your door in this neighborhood after midnight?

I rubbed my eyes deciding I’d keep my ass perched right here. In my Jeep. In a shitty parking lot. For hours, until daylight. This was a lot different than the sleeping arrangements less than twenty-four hours ago. However, I felt more at ease knowing I was keeping an eye on the place. I saw her silhouette as she passed by walking into the kitchen. I wondered if she couldn’t sleep. I wanted to take her nightmares away. I wanted to be done with this. How did everything get so fucked up?

She passed by again and soon the light went out. Sleep well, Corazón. I will make sure the nightmares never hurt you again.



“Wake up, sleepy head. I love you.”

“Am I dreaming because if I am, I never want to wake up.”

“Open your eyes and see for yourself.” I cracked open one eye staring into an endless forest through her sultry greens. I traced the sprinkle of light freckles over her cheekbones as her full lips curled in content. Her blond hair was mussed and spilled over her bare shoulders. She looked like a wood nymph. My wood nymph. My girl who said she loved me. Mine…

The early sun pierced my eyes, and I winced as soreness set in from sitting cramped in my jeep too long. Not to mention the hits I took during the game last night. I didn’t remember falling asleep. Last time I checked, it was five thirty in the morning.

I shifted my head from side to side hearing the pop in my neck. My guess, it wasn’t too long ago since the sun rose telling from the deep blue sky and the angle of the sun. A few cars passed by as I sat, but other than that not much had changed since I parked here hours ago. I picked up my phone to see it was after eight in the morning. I scanned the lot searching her old car, but the spot was empty.

“No.” I shot out the door, loping across the fractured and uneven pavement to her apartment. Knocking relentlessly on the worn door, I finally gave up knowing she had already left. I kicked the door in frustration. “Where did you go?” I whispered out loud as I walked back to my vehicle.

Again, I pulled out my phone and called her, waiting as the voice mail beeped. “Look, Theodora, I don’t give a shit if you hate me right now, but I’m trying to help you. Call me.”

I waited a few minutes, knowing damn well she saw my calls and my anger and fears were rising with every minute that passed.

Five minutes later, “You have reached the voice mail of…” I clenched the cell in frustration. “Theodora! Where the fuck are you? You don’t understand the trouble you’re in. I’m not the enemy. Call me now!”

No response.

No response.

No fucking response.

“Goddammit!” I punched my side door putting a dent in the chrome, ignoring the sharp pain in my fist. The physical pain made me feel alive. This pain was easier to handle than the emotional shit going on in my head and heart. I stared down at my knuckles that were now cracked with blood seeping over the skin. What the fuck did you expect? You broke her trust.





“Taylor. It’s so good to see you, sweetheart.” My father wrapped his arm around her petite shoulders and kissed her cheek. He held out his hand to me dripping with a smarmy grin. “Son.” I knew this was all an act since in public we always portrayed the epitome of a loving family. I shook his hand firmly while he patted my shoulder with his other.

“Come join us for drinks outside. Taylor, your parents are already here.”

As if we didn’t know it since there was a group of men dressed in black suits scattered around the house. Mr. Shields’ security. Ever since he started his campaign for Lieutenant Governor, he’d had his own crew of bodyguards who scoped out every venue and event he attended. Including my father’s home, apparently.

I nudged Taylor along about to make a beeline to my mom’s room. “She’s not in there, Roman.” I drew up hearing my father’s voice and spun around as uneasiness settled in. He flashed a fake sigh of relief. “She decided to join us. Virginia’s out back talking to our guests.”

It’d been some time since my mother had joined Robert when he entertained which hadn’t been often as of late. I knew she’d battled bouts of depression over the years although she always tried to see a silver lining. “So she’s doing better?” I asked casually although my soul soared with hope while I carefully kept my excitement in check. An old habit I’d learned at a young age.

“Yes. Whatever adjustment the doctor did to her medication is working. She still has bad days, but she’s starting to get out more. Anna takes her on walks every morning. Sometimes in the late afternoon as well when it’s not too hot.” It’d been awhile since we’d had civil words and spoke like a semi-normal family. Perhaps because we had people positioned all around the premises as though we were protecting the president. The men in black had probably heard more secrets than anyone on the planet. Pop motioned his head in the direction of the glass doors that led out back. “Come on.”

I ran my palms over my black tailored jacket and straightened my tie following him out. There was a small crowd of people peppered around decorated tables strategically placed around the lit pool, while other’s mingled by the industrial-sized fire pit and decked-out outdoor kitchen. Servers walked around with trays of appetizers and champagne in a constant flurry. Always keep the guests regaled, huh, Dad? I thought wryly remembering how many caterers in the past he’d fired or expressed disappointment in whom he thought did subpar work. It was amazing he could find anyone to host his parties anymore. Much less he was probably lucky no one had poisoned him yet. Maybe he needed his own security team to fend off people he’d pissed off in the past.

I saw my mother among the small circle including Taylor’s parents, Antoni, and Taylor. Mom looked better than she had in months. Her dark hair was pulled up elegantly, and she wore a rose-colored dress. Her brown eyes sparkled as she spoke to Mrs. Shields. She glanced at me, and her polite smile turned into a toothy grin as she held out her arms. “Roman,” she breathed.

I closed the distance between us harboring a sense of joy I hadn’t felt in a long time whenever I was home. “Mamá.” I carefully bent down and embraced her feeling that familiarity of security and inhaling the scent of lavender. This was what home felt like to me.

“Mi hijo.” She kissed my cheek, and I knew I’d have the remnants of her red lipstick on my skin, but I didn’t care. She was up and about and smiling. How I loved to see her happy. She deserved to always find eternal joy. She was the light that flickered amidst the indifferent darkness cultivated a la Pops. She leaned back as she studied my face. “I’ve missed you and am so proud of you. You’re having a great season.”

I nodded as my lips curled up. Mom had always followed my career and called me before games wishing me good luck. She knew my dream long before anybody else and had encouraged me despite my father saying it was just a distraction because the family business was my and Antoni’s destiny. Virginia Martinez told me long ago to pursue my dreams and not let anyone stop me. My father included. “You look beautiful, Ma.”

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