Home > Luring Light(24)

Luring Light(24)
Author: K.E. Osborn

I huff. “Wouldn’t have to if you just gave me your di—”

Reaching down, he grabs my arm and hoists me up, effectively cutting me off. “Okay, c’mon, time to go.”

Pepper gives me two thumbs up as Void drags me with him through the clubhouse toward the hall, and all the while, my stomach flutters in excitement.

Is he taking me to his bedroom?

“Where are we going?” I whisper, my voice coming out all breathy.

Void’s lips turn up at the corner. “Jesus, you sound sexy when you’re worked up like this. We have some place we need to be.”

My brows scrunch as we walk past the entry to the hall, then keep heading for the exit of the clubhouse. “We’re not going to your room?”

“Keep up, sweet thing. C’mon, let’s go.”

Disappointment flows through me, but the massive grin on Void’s face, causing the left dimple on his cheek to pop in, soon makes my frustration disappear. We rush outside to where Ominous is waiting for us in a cage, and I smile. “We going somewhere?”

“Now you’re catching on.” Void helps me into the rear of the cage, then walks to the front passenger side next to Ominous.

Void awkwardly jumps in as I close my door. He’s still sore, the poor guy.

Ominous starts the car, and we’re off to where, I have no idea.

“Ominous, where are we going?”

He side-eyes Void.

Void nods, obviously giving the okay to tell me.

“To get my VP a new ride.”

My eyes widen. “We’re going bike shopping?”

Void turns back to me, winces with the pain in his ribs, but gives me the brightest grin I’ve ever seen from him. “Yeah, and you’re helping me choose it.”

I let out an audible gasp. “I am?”

“You are!”

Ho… ly… shit!

“I thought this is a sacred thing, a man choosing his bike?”

“It is, but you’re part of my life, Ivy, and I want you to be for a long time. So, you’re going to help me choose my next bike seeing as you’ll be spending time on the back of it.”

Okay, so wow! Here’s me complaining about not getting any, then he tells me something like that.

I lean forward, my hand stretches out to caress the side of his face. “It would be my honor.” I move forward planting a firm kiss on his lips. A tingle shoots through my soul.

“Ivy, you’re gonna need to sit back, I can’t see out the side of the cage,” Ominous grunts like we’re annoying the shit of out him.

I giggle, regrettably pulling my lips from Void’s, and sit back in my seat while assessing Ominous. His short, light blond back and sides make him look like he’s just come out of the military. The trimmed beard on his face gives him a masculine appearance. Ominous is hot, there’s no denying it, but there’s something mysterious about him as well. “Hey, Ominous, why aren’t you on the gate anymore?” I question while throwing my legs up on the seat and getting comfortable.

“We’re talking? I thought you said all I had to do was drop you off?” Ominous grunts to Void.

“I can’t stop her from asking questions,” Void replies.

I sit forward placing my arms on each of their seats, my head popping through into the middle section. “That’s right, so you may as well talk to me, or I can get reaaally annoying.”

Ominous mumbles something under his breath. “Fine… fuck! Since Spark took off for Australia, I’m needed more inside, so West is manning the gate. We rotate it out between the other brothers.”

“Mmm… and you’re happy with not being on the gate?”

Ominous turns to look at me for the briefest of seconds before his eyes go back to the road. “Why are you so interested in my life all of a sudden?”

Void snorts. “C’mon, man, she’s not some conspiracy trying to take you out.”

“That’s what everyone thinks before they get hit with the motherload of all payloads wiping them the fuck out,” Ominous grunts.

“Wow! You’re really tense. I get why they call you Ominous now, ‘cause you’re so freaking foreboding.”

“I’ll take that as a compliment.” He keeps his eyes focused firmly on the road.

“It wasn’t one.”

“I’ll take it anyway.”

“You’re my kinda guy, Ominous. A no-holds-barred, take-no-shit...” I smirk. “Why haven’t we talked before now?”

“Because we haven’t been locked in a car together.”

“See, you’re just like me… a twisted sense of humor. I like you, Ominous. We’re gonna get along just fine.”

He grunts. “Yeah, you’re okay… I suppose.”

Void huffs. “While this is very enlightening, seeing a brother and my girl getting along…” Oh, holy hell, Void just called me his girl. “… I need you to drive, and Ivy? You have to come up with a name.”

“A name?” I jerk my head back in confusion.

“For my ride.”

“Oh, no way! I can’t name your bike till I see it. That shit has to come naturally. It can’t be premeditated, or it won’t fit properly.”

“Shit, you are club material.” Ominous scoffs.

I smile. “I am, aren’t I?”

Void groans. “Jesus Christ! You two having any sort of friendship is gonna cause me all kinds of fucking drama.”

Ominous and I both smirk.

“Sooo much drama,” I reply.

“Fuck’s sake!” Void groans as Ominous and I both laugh.

A short while later, Ominous arrives at the Harley Davidson dealership. Excitement bubbles up inside of me as we pull into the parking lot. Ominous turns off the engine and faces Void. “Need me to come in and wait?”

“Nah, brother, I’ll be riding home.”

My smile is as wide as it can be while my insides clench in desire. The last time I rode with Void, I felt such an adrenaline rush I nearly passed out. This time I’ll be riding, knowing I helped him choose his bike.

I reach for the door handle but turn back. “Thanks for the ride, Ominous.”

He dips his chin but says nothing. I don’t expect anything less.

Jumping out of the car, Void is by my side in an instant. He reaches out for my hand, taking it in his. Gnawing on my lip, I peek through the giant front window at all the shiny bikes on display. “Honestly, I don’t know how I will contain myself.”

Void tilts his head toward the door. “Then let’s go in and see how you do.”

I bounce on my toes in excitement. Walking inside the giant showroom, my eyes don’t know where to look. I want to learn how to ride a bike, so I can come pick my own one day.

I wonder if Void will teach me?

“Will you show me… how to ride? So, I can get my own bike one day?”

“Ivy… you’re tiny. I’m not sure you’ll be okay with a Harley.”

I fold my arms over my chest. “You’re constantly underestimating me. I might be small, but I can handle a lot more than you think.”

Void narrows his eyes in on me. “Are we still talking about the bikes here?”

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