Home > Another Moment in Time : A Collection of Short Stories(2)

Another Moment in Time : A Collection of Short Stories(2)
Author: Susan Stoker

He kissed the top of her head. “I think that’s my line.”

The doors opened, and Matthew exited slightly in front of Caroline. It was one of the small ways he was always protecting her. Always on the lookout for people walking too fast who could run into her, or ruffians who might think they were an easy mark because of their ages. Matthew had surprised more than one person with his strength and determination to keep her safe.

They walked through the lobby, and Matthew nodded at the concierge as he passed. Then they were on the street walking toward the boardwalk nearby. It wasn’t much of a boardwalk, really, more like an old wooden walkway along a stretch of sand. It wasn’t very long, but Caroline liked the benches the city had placed along the route, and the fact there were people out and about, from young to old, enjoying the fresh ocean air.

She and Matthew walked hand in hand, and Caroline had to admit that this was a great idea. Her husband held her shoes in his left hand and held on to her tightly with his right. “I can’t decide which beach is my favorite,” she said easily. “I mean, I love Southern California, and we’ve spent most of our time here, but there was something so magical about the beach in Alaska.”

“Magical?” Matthew asked. “It was damn cold if you asked me.”

Caroline laughed. “Well, at least you didn’t have to swim in it.”

“Not that time, I didn’t,” he retorted.

Caroline didn’t know all the details about the missions her husband had gone on as a SEAL, but she knew that’s what he was referring to. She squeezed his hand, trying to let him know how proud she was of him, then went on with her thought. “The boardwalk in New Jersey was fun. All the stalls with food and arcade games. I liked that beach too.”

Matthew grunted. She knew that hadn’t been his favorite vacation, but he’d gone because she’d wanted to experience it.

“I think Hawaii was my second favorite,” she went on. “Not Waikiki, there were too many people there to truly enjoy the beaches, but the North Shore was amazing. I can’t believe how big those waves were. The surfers were insane! But there’s one beach I keep hearing about that I’d love to visit.”

“Where’s that? I’ll get a ticket tomorrow,” Matthew said.

And Caroline knew he wasn’t kidding. He would totally go online and buy them tickets to wherever she wanted to go. Leaning against him, she wrapped her arm around his waist, enjoying the feel of his own around her shoulders. They kept walking down the boardwalk at a slow and steady pace. People easily passed them, walking, running, biking, and riding scooters, but neither seemed to notice.

“Australia. I’ve never been there, but everyone I’ve talked to who’s visited has said the people are lovely. I even went and looked up famous beaches over there.”

“You want to go to the Great Barrier Reef?” Wolf asked.

Caroline shook her head. “No. I mean, yes, I’d love to see it, but I think I’d like to visit Bondi Beach. It’s only about thirty minutes from downtown Sydney, and there are a ton of great restaurants in the area. The history of it is fascinating. Bondi was originally Boondi, which is an aboriginal word meaning ‘surf’ in English. It’s iconic, and I’d love to see it someday.”

Matthew stopped abruptly in the middle of the boardwalk, and Caroline looked up at him. “What’s wrong?”

“Nothing’s wrong. If you want to go to Australia, I’ll take you to Australia. I’ll make sure you see kangaroos, koalas, and echidnas. We’ll go to a show at the famous opera house and have dinner with the Sydney bridge in the background. And yes, we’ll go to Bondi Beach. I’ll even swallow my pride and take you to Manly Beach.”

Caroline giggled. “Is that really what it’s called?”

“Yup. But don’t get your hopes up, the only man I want you ogling at Manly Beach is me.”

“That’s a given,” Caroline said, snuggling up to her husband. “And thank you for indulging me.”

“I’d do anything for you,” Matthew said. “Come on, the thing I wanted to show you is just ahead.”

Caroline had already forgotten that Matthew wanted to show her something. She assumed it was maybe a sandcastle building contest or something. She’d always been fascinated with the detailed sand creations people could make.

They walked farther down the beach until Caroline saw a large group of people gathered on the sand ahead of them. She couldn’t see what was going on, but figured that was where Matthew was taking her.

Caroline wasn’t paying attention to where they were going, too busy daydreaming about Australia and holding a cute koala bear, when Matthew stopped and turned toward the beach.

She finally focused—and gasped in surprise.

She knew the people on the beach. They were their friends.

All of Matthew’s SEAL teammates were there with their wives. Abe and Alabama, Cookie and Fiona, Mozart and Summer, Dude and Cheyenne, Benny and Jessyka, and his old commander with his wife, Julie, too. Even Tex and Melody were there.

Not only that, but many of the other SEAL men they’d gotten to know over the years were also there with their wives. Children were everywhere, the older ones looking after the younger ones.

And every single person was wearing white. White shirts, dresses, pants. It was as if a cloud of white had descended on the beach…and it was beyond beautiful.

There were also rows of chairs set up in the sand facing what looked like an altar.

“What? What’s happening?” Caroline asked, looking up at Matthew.

“I’d go down on one knee, but we both know I’d probably make an ass out of myself trying to get up since my knees are shot. I’m sorry you missed out on your beautiful church wedding twenty-five years ago, Ice. I thought you might like a do-over of sorts, and we could renew our vows right here.”

“Now?” she asked stupidly.

Matthew grinned. “Yeah. Right now. All our friends are here. I’m sorry, but I lied about dinner at that fancy steak place. I promise to take you there later. The hotel here”—he gestured to a large hotel behind them—“is catering a reception right on the beach after our ceremony.”

Caroline wanted to cry. Matthew wasn’t the most traditionally romantic man. The roses and chocolates back in their honeymoon suite were the most traditional things he’d done in a very long time. But he showed her every day how much he loved and cared about her. Filled up her car with gas, made dinner most nights for them, took the garbage out, held her hand everywhere they went. She’d always take Wolf exactly the way he was, without the over-the-top romantic gestures.

But this…this was the most amazing thing that had ever happened to her. She knew how much work went into planning something like this. From talking to the hotel to getting all their friends to coordinate their schedules. “Was this what you were doing all those times I caught you being all secret-like?”

He looked a bit sheepish. “Yes. I prayed you wouldn’t think I was cheating on you or something. All those late-night phone calls and the extra time I was spending on the computer. I just wanted this night to be perfect for you. I’d give you the moon if I could swing it.”

“I love you, Matthew. So much.”

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